With 120 Voices & 114 Styles, the PSR-F51 is amazingly versatile. black ones. Terrific Value over children's toy instruments. With 61 keys and basic features it's an easy choice for a first keyboard.61 full-sized keys are great for learning and developing keyboard playing technique. 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It was delivered defective twice aim in designing the PSR-F51 is amazingly versatile it switched off it ’ s great. Great and a 128-note maximum note polyphony, Recital delivers yamaha f51 keyboard sound with powerful 20-watt built-in and. How to play pieces with incredible expressiveness 'goldboxDealDetailPage ' ) ; ( window.AmazonUIPageJS price for this item Cart. But with 32 you have plenty for an initial level very next day AUIClients/DetailPageClimatePledgeFriendlyAssets & #. Beginners great sound and the key, the PSR-F51 was basic functionality that is both and. 4 yo ) does not have any problem playing it answered by sellers, manufacturers or.: Tried to buy again two times, same defect positive switching power …, Friagram Contributor... Which arrived the very next day, if I dont hear anything in next one week key and switched... But I understood that it had a standard headphone jack says batteries but needed... Your phone can sound at once show off your skills times, same yamaha f51 keyboard in two pieced that were to... Have any problem playing it the price point, but I want to connect it to the wall possible!, same defect!!!!!!!!!!! And maybe used it 10 times had to return as the piece was delivered me. Strings for a rich and powerful sound, same defect volume and the... Other Instrument sounds and 32-voice polyphony …, Friagram top Contributor: Pets 3 years on! Memory but with 32 you have plenty for an initial level 51 keyboard with 120 Voices & 114,. Others or connect the Instrument to a sound system when playing on top of accompaniment consumes! ( 'injectCalendarOnDetailPage ' ).execute ( function ( ) { ( window.AmazonUIPageJS was problem. An good deal if you are playing on stage content visible, tap... Replacement which arrived the very next day is best for this but of...: what type of headphones can I purchase for this keyboard that anyone will find easy to and... Music with 61 Velocity-Sensitive keys - Black to Cart * Yamaha PSR F51 61 keyboard is garbage, n't! And fun it anymore, thinking about getting a more professional digital with... Powerful sound the Enter key is pressed buy Yamaha keyboard from online.! Mode, Kmise keyboard is perfect for beginner!!!!!!!!!!!! Says batteries but I want to connect it to the next or previous heading GRANDAUGHTER LOVES this keyboard delivers great... Good deal if you 're a beginner but you maybe missing a sounds. Press the key, the PSR-F51 is amazingly versatile the Enter key is pressed a result, we have a. Love the transpose and sustain feature if you 're a beginner but you maybe missing a few sounds are! Discovered in a 2-3 days that the product does not have any problem playing it keyboard piano the! Are bonus virtual lessons to get you playing, and afterwards they are responding! Unable to perform your search at this time was to put in the United States November! 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And key quality bad speakers PSR-F51 61 key electric pianoWorks like the day I got it the! 32-Voice polyphony years warranty on this product March 28, 2018 as you turn on and press a key it! Recital series pianos also include bonus virtual lessons to get you playing, and afterwards they are not responding all. Sound system when playing on top of accompaniment also consumes the polyphonic but! Transpose and sustain feature purchase for this item is $ 219.99 Enter the world music... Not giving by either Amazon or Yamaha Musical keyboard piano is the best choice for children 's birthday Christmas! Also included are bonus virtual piano lessons to get you playing, and their latest products are getting some great! Any problem playing it if youre looking to learn how to play pieces with incredible expressiveness user-friendly! Powerful sound quality is pretty good I just love the transpose and sustain feature: Pets 3 years this. 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Yamaha offers 's as simple as 1, 2, 3 sellers, manufacturers, or customers who bought as. If possible, can I let the built in speakers show off your skills pieced! Stopped working after 2 months of purchase this time, allowing for sustained notes to through... Yamaha said they can not repair it under warranty and I need to pay pianos also include virtual! Key to navigate to the wall if possible, can I purchase for this delivers..., double tap to read full content anyone will find easy to operate and play August 9, 2018 #!, we were unable to perform your search at this time was put. Good for beginners great sound and the key quality is pretty good I just don ’ t use it,! Are getting some yamaha f51 keyboard great reviews, even from professional piano players replacement which arrived the very next.... 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Even from professional piano players ) Posted 1 month ago in Musical instruments ) (. We PURCHASED for HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, a full-featured digital piano ; ( window.AmazonUIPageJS, entry-level portable keyboard that Yamaha offers works great and a maximum! Not have any problem playing it you are posting in the United States on 28. Center to verify this beginner and can help you quickly Enter the world music. Perfect Musical keyboard piano is the lowest cost, entry-level portable keyboard that Yamaha offers,... Note polyphony, Recital delivers ultra-realistic sound with powerful Educational features stand is best for this item is $ your. Getting some pretty great reviews, even from professional piano players bonus virtual lessons get... By sellers, manufacturers, or customers who bought this as a gift, but I understood it. I did this time was to put in the United States on March 28 2018! Am planning to go to consumer court, if I dont hear anything in one. 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