Remember what you put in your portfolio may not be as important as what you say about it. Examples of student ePortfolios on the CTE ePortfolio page; CTE's Integrative Learning resources; CTE teaching tips. Yet, it looks cozy and inviting, like the opening phrase “Let’s Tell Your Story”. They help teachers reflect on their practice and identify areas for improvement. As Paulson and Paulson (1991) said, “portfolio is a laboratory where students construct meaning from t… Guidelines to Developing a Teaching Portfolio; Scholarly Articles & Books; Examples of Teaching Portfolios; Frequently Asked Questions; HELTASA National Excellence in Teaching and Learning Awards; T&L Conferences; T&L Seminars; Form A and B; T&L Guides; T&L Awards and Grants. Y. Here you will find a variety of ePortfolios that include thoughtful reflections and relevant artifacts that showcase student learning to … What Does a Great ePortfolio Look Like? A teacher can get it for free, then use it with up to 100 students. A student's teacher, peers, parents, and whānau … Final semester PST at Flinders University, South Australia. This year I have advised 33 certified majors in my department and, for the advisory program in the SALC, about 12 students who are not yet certified. Edufolios uses cookies to give you the best possible experience. For each course, I identify the concepts and procedures that I want each student to master. For each course, I identify the concepts and procedures that I want each student to master. I have also included a link with background information regarding my internship placement. TEACHING PORTFOLIO FOR X. Don't forget to take a look at our videos and ePortfolios from previous ePortfolio scholarship recipients! Portfolio 1. Are you looking for some example teacher portfolios? Are you looking for some example teacher portfolios? Some academic examples include: Natalie Milman. Teacher Dashboard. Student evaluations of my teaching for one or two different courses ; Handouts I've developed to help students learn "Completing" your portfolio. Passionate about rural education. or However, the information is still easy to consume and find. To consent for cookies to be used, click accept. The appendix contains a random selection of written comments from students. Another example with a different look and feel is Megan Easter's ePortfolio. the process for implementing e-portfolios with students and parents; selecting an e-portfolio tool. Parent Communication. Kathryne Bevilacqua, Professor This professor’s portfolio is another example of balancing creativity with clarity. Watch the video below for a walk-through of an excellent ePortfolio and explanation of what makes it great. Be sure to select a range of materials that provide a holistic picture of your teaching. A teaching portfolio is a coherent set of materials that represents your teaching practice as related to student learning.. For example, including only syllabi will not provide your audience with an idea of how you typically structure class time. Rubric. If you're not comfortable having your teaching materials and contact information online, build your portfolio off-line using any program that supports hyperlinking, such as Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Examples of award-winning national teaching portfolios are available on the HELTASA (Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa) website. The technology or device used does not replace the learning. Published June 12, 2017. Who was your favorite teacher? Teacher Samples. Platform: iOS. Then I develop a sequence of instructional activities intended to lead to that mastery. Don't wait for the interviewer to ask to see your portfolio. In this portfolio, the teacher showcases his ideas by posting a photograph that makes you think. Provisionally registered is the term used by the New Zealand Teachers Council, the professional and regulatory body for teachers in New Zealand, and refers to the teacher's registration status. ePortfolios in action at other universities University of Michigan MPortfolio University of Michigan’s guide for students setting up an ePortfolio Davis, C. Sinicrope, & Y. Watanabe (eds. My department does not make systematic use of peer evaluations, but my colleagues think highly of my contributions in team-taught courses and my occasional guest lectures. physical education portfolio examples provides a comprehensive and comprehensive pathway for students to see progress after the end of each module. Gather and analyze materials. It works as both an app and a website, where you … Taha Khan portfolio example Teaching portfolios should include a teaching philosophy and a set of artifacts that provide evidence for your claims. The Academic Services staff of The Teaching Center is available to consult with Washington University graduate students as they prepare and refine their teaching portfolios for use on the academic job market. Student ePortfolio Examples. Don't forget to take a look at our videos and ePortfolios from previous ePortfolio scholarship recipients! Please note: I have tried to ensure that no names or sensitive details are used in this work, and have included a list of references for resources used, however if you wish to make a comment on my work or have something removed please contact me by email . I have also published, or am awaiting an editorial decision on, the following papers specifically concerned with teaching: Signed: X**************** Y***************. The legal sized documents and oversized student work needed to be folded, shrunk or even dismissed to allow me to carry the mammoth binder. GET YOUR EDUFOLIO. ePortfolio Levels (K-12 Schools) ePortfolio Step-by-Step Process. It’s like a puzzle that draws you in. A good teacher can make all the difference to a student's success later on in life. Create Archive. Olivia Lima. Browse through the literacy, math, science, and social studies links to view sample units and lesson plans I … This includes the Standard number, the portfolio year and page where I have presented Primary and Secondary evidence for each of the Standard descriptors, and a short annotated description of the evidence. 7. ©2020 Edufolios | Press Kit | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Image Attribution |. Technology enables the use of a range of media – video, audio, and images – as well as text to show both the learning process and final products. An e-portfolio can reflect the students' learning process and progress. Example ePortfolios Organized by Role Collection of ePortfolios created by faculty at various universities, organized by field of study. Portfolio 2. In the fall of 1993, my two classes rated higher than any others in the department; but they were also the smallest classes. They are all living, breathing examples of reflective practice. Apr 26, 2017 - Explore Roachpatty's board "E-Portfolio" on Pinterest. Personal Branding Website Examples I’ve already touched on personal branding a bit in this post, but next up I want to look at some websites that are killing it with how they showcase the site owner’s personality and style. See good examples below of SU winners’ portfolios. Y. TEACHING PORTFOLIO FOR X. Particularly learning about the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. In J. M. Norris, J. McE. Mahara is an open source ePortfolio and social networking web application. They all have the student subscription and have been working hard to get their graduate teacher portfolio sorted. Pre-service Teacher at Flinders University, South Australia with a passion for ICT, high impact, cooperative learning and evidence-based teaching. Did he or she make the class more interesting? For each course, I identify the concepts and procedures that I want each student to master. Above you can find links to my resume (letters of recommendation included), personal teaching philosophy, and classroom management techniques. Designed to help you move from confused to inspired, we’re sure that these example teacher portfolios will kick start you into action! As one of our aims is to have each student’s learning e-Portfolio for at least four years, it is highly important to organize all materials in it and make them long-lasting, easy to find and to take it from storage anytime a student finishes studying in a school. Those students who have done graduate work under my supervision have done very well indeed, as the following information about those who have received advanced degrees in the past three years indicates: I have published about 45 research papers and reports in my field. A teaching portfolio is a collection of documents, prepared for the purpose of applying for academic jobs and documenting professional developing in teaching. A teaching portfolio is a collection of documents, prepared These are analyzed and graded in the Comm 4990 Senior Seminar class. Model - Higher Ed. Initially created for teachers, educators and students, PortfolioGen allows anyone to create their own online portfolio. Workshop Tutorial. Welcome to my online teaching portfolio. This portfolio is not in a format you might expect. This is when I decided to put my passion for technology and education to good use and created my digital portfolio using OneNote. The term 'ePortfolio' (or digital portfolio) is used to describe a collection of digital resources that are presented in a connected and meaningful way for a particular audience. As you will notice, this template was designed for use by music students, but you can customize it for a wide range of purposes. Price: Free for Teachers. G Docs/Drive. Faculty ePortfolios - Humber College. The National Professional Standards for Teachers are a public statement of what constitutes teacher quality. "A teaching (philosophy) statement is a purposeful and reflective essay about the author’s teaching beliefs and practices. These are Edufolios users that are student teachers. So, with kind permission of some of our awesome members, we’re excited to share these examples with you. During teaching rounds, I have witnessed some bullying and immediately intervened and put a stop to it, enforcing my zero tolerance approach. The Pre-service Teacher ePortfolio What is an ePortfolio? Create an account. SOE Master of Education graduate Bud Clark has created a beautiful ePortfolio template that you can download in a variety of color schemes. Newly qualified teachers in New Zealand are known as Beginning Teachers (BTs) or Provisionally Registered Teachers (PRTs). Begin your portfolio with a brief description of your teaching roles and responsibilities and other non-classroom teaching activities. In the past three years I have chaired x doctoral dissertation committees and y master’s thesis committees, and have guided z honors theses. She obtained both Proficiency and Highly Accomplished Teacher status using Edufolios. How-to (Documents) How-to (Presentation) Workshop Tutorial. SAMPLES Sample Portfolio 1 Critical Reflection; Showcase Pieces: SA … Here are 9+ useful online portfolio examples for students, teachers, and professionals. We’ve split these examples up by Students (Pre-Service Teachers Graduate) and Professionals (In-Service Teachers from Prof – Lead) so you can see how Edufolios is being used at the different career stages of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Many teachers have turned to digital portfolios -- or "e-portfolios" -- for their students. In general, they do very well, whether or not they go on for graduate work. G Sites. Teaching appraisal and student evaluations. We conducted elections in class using each of these voting systems. With a teachers’ leadership group, we have tried various scenarios of teaching, which were shared with 35 schools in Lithuania. Definitely include any special skills gained during your tenure teaching. Or, possibly … These artifacts can include a variety of resources such as documents and files from successful projects; proof of competencies and skill advancement in the form of certificates and badges; and relevant experiences and achievements. Nonlinear Thinking: The web facilitates nonlinear relationships between the components of your teaching portfolio. 4. Goals. In this portfolio, I hope you will find everything you want to know about my philosophy and views of education, my teaching style, and many aspects of the learning I have completed so far. * A. Below are examples of student-teacher portfolios. For example, you may have become an expert in a piece of classroom technology, or completed a development workshop on instructing students with attention differences. Then I develop a sequence of instructional activities intended to lead to that mastery. How-to (GoogleSites) Manage Attachments. I know! The object is to find ways to teach more effectively with available resources. Here is one of the best student portfolio examples showcasing the power of simplicity. He provides examples that show how interesting his methods are for students, because he wants learning to originate from the student, not the teacher. Emily Sharpe's Teaching ePortfolio Kelly Tam's Teaching Portfolio. ePortfolio Examples Welcome to the Auburn University ePortfolio Examples page. Teaching requires patience, understanding, compassion, and enthusiasm - all things that I am more than willing to provide on a daily basis. * A. Kathryne Bevilacqua uses an interactive menu to jump you down her website and adds a fun design component with her teaching timeline. Typically, each semester I teach two courses and an undergraduate seminar. How I express my interest in teaching and concern for students For example, student advising, attending workshops for improving teaching skills; 6. Professional Teaching Portfolio This Professional Portfolio will demonstrate my level of teaching competence as articulated in the: National Professional Standards For Teachers - Graduate. Follow us on Twitter @Edufolios. A digital teaching portfolio in the form of a blog provides a more dynamic representation of you as an educator. However, with so many options for collecting and sharing student work, it's hard to know which method or tool to use. Many of the findings in my discipline have direct application in undergraduate instruction, and I have done my best to make use of them in my teaching. 6 Best Educator ePortfolio Examples. For example, you can include video footage of yourself teaching, an audio voiceover providing context and reflection on the portfolio, or instructional computer programs or code you have written. By having students reflect on what they learned, how they learned it, and how much they learned, they start to take control of their own learning. I try to learn the name of each student and something more about him or her…. Open School ePortfolio. In general, student evaluations of my courses have been positive, and the written comments have been laudatory. I scan every issue of the Journal of Higher Education and, as an individual member of the American Association for Higher Education, I regularly receive and examine its Bulletin and the magazine Change which it publishes. Below are links to ePortfolios from Auburn students and alumni. With over 138,000 users from over 110 countries, PortfolioGen has become the preferred online digital portfolio resource for teachers, students, educators and professionals. Watch the video below for a walk-through of an excellent ePortfolio and explanation of what makes it great. In this portfolio, I hope you will find everything you want to know about my philosophy and views of education, my teaching style, and many aspects of the learning I have completed so far. Particularly learning about the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Teaching requires patience, understanding, compassion, and enthusiasm - all things that I am more than willing to provide on a daily basis. We love the way these teachers reflect proactively and keep growing their impact everyday! These guys and gals are our bannermen (or banner people!) Examples of current Lamar Digital Learning and Leading student’s eportfolio coursework can be found on the DLL Program Map page. This is an interesting newer app available for creating digital portfolios with students. Made up of “snapshots” of each course she has taught, her portfolio provides a record of her “teaching challenges and innovations.” View Portfolio. Graduate Students Eportfolios: Roselynn Verwoord’s Electronic Portfolio highlights and shares the work that she is doing with a diverse community of educators, community-based practitioners and researchers, and policymakers, at both the local and international level. Student ePortfolio Examples. Selena is a university lecturer reflecting on her teaching practice as she train the next generation. Secondary Education. Katherine is a dedicated, compassionate and intuitive educator at DFE SA. Ad While there are many great platforms you can use to create blogs or websites, such as WordPress , Blogger , or Edublogs , it's better to create an account with a hosting service such as Namecheap or Bluehost first. You can click here for the HELTASA website. JISC Toolkit: ePortfolios ePortfolio Examples. For example, a student may build a high school ePortfolio to assist in the college application process. The first one is a technically elaborate example (created with Flash). An Informal Teaching Portfolio in the Social Sciences . Kyle Matthews. I often follow up on publications cited in these journals. Studying a Master of Teaching (Secondary), specialising in Chemistry and Biology. It is a careful record of specific accomplishments attained over an extended period of time. ePortfolios Australia is a professional network which aims to support the use of e-portfolios in Australia and beyond through professional development activities and the sharing of resources, ideas and practice. Tricia Hermes. ePortfolio Samples. Wolf suggests that portfolios It provides users with tools to create and maintain a digital portfolio of their learning and social networking features to allow users to interact with each other. Recent constraints on travel have prevented me from attending as many conferences on teaching in my field as I would have liked, but I have in fact attended the following since I came to WSU: I have received special funding with WSU for several of the projects mentioned above, namely: I have also received the following grants from the Lilly Endowment, the Exxon Foundation, and FIPSE: A program officer at FIPSE has encouraged me to submit a proposal for a sequel to the FIPSE grant just mentioned, and I plan to do so in the next round. Congratulations! The teaching portfolio should include a full resume, highlighting years of experience, leadership positions, and professional accolades. May 20, 2014 - Explore Kindergarten Educator's board "Teacher portfolio ideas", followed by 345 people on Pinterest. While I do not believe in innovation for its own sake, I do treat each of my courses as an experience from which I, too, can learn something. Cheryl Ball. Using ePortfolios to Facilitate Engagement and Foster Creativity Elisabeth Todd’s ePortfolio assignment for French 671 Paysages contemporains : communauté, environnement et esthétique During the Spring 2020 term, students in Elise LePage’s Fr 671 created portfolios consisting of 4 separately evaluated elements, that aimed to ensure that each student developed skills in Examples of Teaching Portfolios. For example, while teaching about electoral systems, I created sample ballots for a variety of electoral systems, including first-past-the-post, proportional representation, mixed member system, and alternative vote (rank-order) using real political candidates. It is an individual narrative that includes not only one’s beliefs about the teaching and learning process but also concrete examples of the ways in which he or she enacts these beliefs in the classroom." The Pre-service Teacher ePortfolio What is an ePortfolio? About a third of the students in the seminar mentioned above are from ethnic minorities, and are active in programs serving other students belonging to those groups. ePortfolio Assist. Features – How We Flip Teacher Accreditation on its Head, Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Catalyst for Learning: ePortfolio Resources and Research; LaGuardia Community College’s ePortfolio initiative; Cambridge, D., B. Cambridge and K. Yancey (2009). Edufolios is ALL about making your life easier when it comes to teacher portfolios. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe so you don’t miss future videos! Wolf suggests that portfolios include the following: Background Information. Examples of Teaching Portfolios. Here you will find a variety of ePortfolios that include thoughtful reflections and relevant artifacts that showcase student learning to … I try to follow the highlights of the literature on those aspects of university education that especially interest me. Critical Reflection; Teaching Metacognitive Skills; Other resources. Teaching portfolios aren't just for getting jobs. Initially created for teachers, educators and students, PortfolioGen allows anyone to create their own online portfolio. Further, I have met this standard by ensuring that all students’ needs are met and, in the unfortunate case that they are not, I have shown that I am willing to stand up for that particular individual. Please read both portfolios carefully, and use the rubric posted below to assign each a tentative grade. Below are links to ePortfolios from Auburn students and alumni. Examples of Teaching Portfolios. ePortfolio Samples & Exemplars | Teacher Education . What Educators say about Edufolios. Google … Nonlinear Thinking: The web facilitates nonlinear relationships between the components of your teaching portfolio. I regularly review my teaching practices and experiment with new ideas. However, it is possible to create one that is not so flashy but will still highlight your achievements and experience: Student Learning: E-portfolio has been used to facilitate, document, and archive student learning. I have no way of measuring how much I contribute to the professional welfare of the students who earn a baccalaureate in our department. We all know the importance of a good model to guide us as we tackle new learning. Improving educational effectiveness and promoting internal and external information-sharing through student learning outcomes assessment. A professional teaching portfolio is more than a hodge-podge of lesson plans and lists of professional activities. Specifically, in the last six semesters I have taught the following courses (numbers of students in parentheses): The participants in the seminar obtain valuable experience as discussion group leaders in certain sections of the freshman course X. Spanish BA portfolio example that was used for program-level outcomes assessment: Grau Sempere, A., Mohn, M. C., & Pieroni, R. (2009). Teachers must ensure the underlying pedagogy of establishing students as life-long learners with the skills to self-monitor and evaluate drives how e-portfolios are used. Google Apps. Go check that out! See more ideas about eportfolio, portfolio, educational technology. It is a careful record of specific accomplishments attained over an extended period of time. These digital portfolios have caused a huge shift in how teachers assign, collect and assess student classwork and projects. Sample ePortfolios. I am a learner, teacher and leader with a commitment to empowering the voice of the student in the learning process. Recent Graduate teacher of science and mathematics, eager to inspire students with my passion for the natural world. It can be really hard to get your teacher portfolio started. Supporters of Edufolios. What is a teaching portfolio? Then I develop a sequence of instructional activities intended to lead to that mastery. Cheryl Ball, of West Virginia University, uses her digital teaching portfolio to track her development as a teaching professional over time. I have worked extensively in the field of ICT and in Inquiry learning in Library spaces. Here are the links to the two portfolios we will norm together at the January 19th workshop. We all know the importance of a good model to guide us as we tackle new learning. In the pages below, I have mapped the evidence contained within my Proficient Teacher portfolio to the seven AITSL Standards. Students are expected to demonstrate conceptual mastery, not just to recognize or recall…. Depending on the purpose of the e-portfolio, the creator often … Hi all! I have been a leader in the programs A, B, and C, which are concerned especially with the academic welfare of minority students, and they have received national attention, based in part on papers I have published about them. Apprenticeship in College Teaching Certificate (Completed Spring 2013), Boston College. Last year I got tired of this constant battle of "updating" my teaching portfolio only to find it bulging at the seams. It’s a great example of how to create a site that showcases the essentials without overwhelming visitors. For example, you can include video footage of yourself teaching, an audio voiceover providing context and reflection on the portfolio, or instructional computer programs or code you have written. Rebecca Clarke. It is a learning tool for students to clarify their educational goals, integrate and solidify learning through reflection, and showcase achivement to potential employers. She’s included in our example teacher portfolios list. ePortfolios and GoogleApps . And it's possible to create effective teaching portfolios using simple word-processing or online technologies. It can be really hard to get your teacher portfolio started. An e-portfolio refers to an “electronic portfolio”: a digital collection of evidence and artifacts that represents the knowledge, skills, and accomplishments of an individual or group (Lorenzo & Ittelson, 2005). What Does a Great ePortfolio Look Like? and have helped us to get to where we are today! Model - K-12. Examples include: At WSU I have been a member (chair if an asterisk is attached) of the following university, college, and department committees concerned directly with teaching. Be very familiar with your teacher portfolio so that you can access any relevant documents quickly and easily. Appendices. With over 138,000 users from over 110 countries, PortfolioGen has become the preferred online digital portfolio resource for teachers, students, educators and professionals. The term 'ePortfolio' (or digital portfolio) is used to describe a collection of digital resources that are presented in a connected and meaningful way for a particular audience. ePortfolio Examples Welcome to the Auburn University ePortfolio Examples page. Includes portfolio work for EDU292: Professional Internship, and portfolio work to demonstrate my growth to full teaching registration. An Informal Teaching Portfolio in the Social Sciences. (See below.). Bonnie Stewart. I know! developed by ePortfolios in Creative and Performing Arts OLT funded project, 2014. Met the requirements for certification including (1) attending a teaching orientation, (2) attending at least seven teaching workshops, (3) submit an original syllabus for review, (4) conduct a teaching observation of a faculty member, (5) undergo an teaching observation, and (6) complete a teaching portfolio. Goals. Be ready to show examples of your work whenever something in your portfolio is relevant to what you are discussing. Elizabeth cuts it down to the information any prospect might need, like contacts. When it comes to having an online portfolio of work — whether for designs, papers, case studies, or your work history — a well-designed portfolio goes a long way in leaving a lasting impression. These are Edufolios users that are In-Service Teachers on our Professional subscription. Communication students are required to create and compile materials from their classes, co-curricular activities and internships to include in ePortfolios necessary for landing that great first job. Transfer GoogleSites. A professional teaching portfolio is more than a hodge-podge of lesson plans and lists of professional activities. See more ideas about teacher portfolio, teaching portfolio, teaching jobs. This document contains a great overview in "Steps to Creating an ePortfolio". Resources for Creating an ePortfolioePortfolio at MSUUsing Google Sites to create your portfolioMaking a portfolio with Wordpress.orgMaking a portfolio with Wix.comSample PortfoliosHere are some recent portfolios of students who achieved Certification:College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Isis Arsnoe (Fisheries and Wildlife)College of Arts & Letters The end of each student to master Australia with a commitment to empowering the voice of students... Provide your audience with an idea of how to create effective teaching portfolios using simple word-processing or technologies... About teacher portfolio so that you can download in a format you might expect of my courses been... 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