Sindh Forest Department Headquarters, Shahbaz Building Block-A, Thandi Sarak, Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan. For Mumbai suburban, data showed total mangrove area notified, as per the forest department record, was 3,948.5 ha while the same according to the revenue department was 3,723.4 ha. The Mangrove Forest - Karachi, Pakistan-74700 - Rated 4.3 based on 3 Reviews "Best facilitators,enjoyable environment,excellent services." Sundarbans is the largest mangrove forest in the world. The key types discovered is Avicennia Marina that nurtures in low height. Mangrove forests on the western coast of Madagascar support a number of endemic bird species that are endangered. If you want to share your thoughts and comments with us, feel free to drop a message at They are mainly used for grazing purposes, watershed protection and fuelwood. A huge area still remains under the authority of the Board of Revenue (BoR) and the Karachi Port Trust (KPT) and has not been granted a ‘protected’ status under the Forest Act 1927. Moreover, don’t forget to subscribe to the Zameen Newsletter and Facebook page for the latest real estate-related updates. The roots of mangroves contain an advanced salt filtration system that helps them stay alive and thrive in the seawater. Increased coastal erosion, resulting in damage to coastal villages and agricultural land through salt-water intrusion and contamination of ground water. While most forests in Sindh are under the control of Sindh Forest Department, the mangroves are managed by three different organizations. Other than providing shelter and sustenance to marine life, mangrove forests also provide natural habitat to thousands of other species. Environmentalists say proposed real estate project on Bundle Island would trigger an ‘environmental disaster’. Restore mangrove plantations on 500-hectares of land over two years in Port Qasim Expected outputs: Output 1: Increased mangrove forest cover. Despite being such a diverse and utterly important part of our ecological systems, mangrove forests in Pakistan, as well as the rest of the world, are facing serious threats. Loss of livelihood, impoverishment and declining health of communities, particularly women, children and elders dependent on fish and fish based products as a primary source of sustenance. IN THIS POST– What are Mangroves?– Mangrove Forests in Pakistan– Contribution to Marine Life– Threats to Mangrove Forests– Restoration of Mangrove Forests. In addition, it is at the… This brings an end to our guide on the mangrove forests in Pakistan and their importance. As per the official website of the Sindh Forest Department, presently there are four types of mangroves found in the Indus delta. Reduced reproduction and procurement of commercially important fish. Selection of plantation sites and mangroves species best suited for the planting areas; Raising a mangrove nursery for restocking plant failures; Transporting nursery stock to selected planting sites Turtles also use these forests as their nesting ground while snails and clams burrow their way into the soft mangrove soil. Inside the Mangrove Forest - Duration: 4:04. 5 Distribution of Mangrove Forests along the Coast of Pakistan. mangrove fire wood per month along Pakistan coast. wetlands at Deh Akro Wildlife Sanctuary in Sindh, classification of forests, woodlands, and trees in Pakistan, best lifestyle and property blog in Pakistan, steps taken by the government to tackle major environmental concerns, The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Lamp for Your House, Here is Everything You Need to Know About Balloting for LDA City Lahore, Deforestation is the biggest threat to mangrove swamps in Sindh and Balochistan. The pesticides, chemical wastage, untreated sewage water, fertilizers, oil, and other toxic substances carried by river systems can weaken these ecosystems, Rising sea levels caused by climate change and global warming are yet another threat faced by the mangroves. Wide mangrove forest. This is an ecological disaster! Unfortunately, various land reclamation projects along with pollution and climate change have led to a sizable reduction of mangrove forests in Pakistan. Mangrove forests in Pakistan contribute to marine life in several ways. Mangroves are forest ecosystems with high productivity and biological diversity, adapted to survive in harsh zones between the sea and the coast (ITTO 2012). He said that in the 1950s, the mangrove forests were spread over 350,000 hectares. Since they grow in waterlogged mud, mangroves can also survive rather easily in places with low oxygen level. However, not all regions have experienced a reduction in mangrove forests deforestation. The word “mangrove” refers to trees, families of the plant, and the ecosystem that has adapted to tidal zones (Tomlinson 1986). It is the largest mangrove forest in Pakistan and considered one of the top 10 mangrove forests in the world. Altogether, WWF has partnered with fishers in Pakistan to rehabilitate 21,498 acres of mangrove forest and has worked with the government to plant an additional 1.4 million mangrove trees. Mangrove forests in Pakistan began diminishing at an alarming rate due to urbanisation and climate change. Over 150,000 people use about 36,000 tons of mangrove fire wood per month along Pakistan coast. ATPN 468 views. Mangroves forests of Pakistan in Indus delta and along Arabian Sea coastal areas, as per estimates, are some 129,000 hectors in the Indus delta and over 3,000 hectors in Miani Hor, Kalmat Khor and Gwadar bay areas. You can find this tropical coastal vegetation in most tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Although they are limited, these mangroves are significant for the local environment and marine life. Moreover, crabs and shrimps also forage in the soft mud beneath the mangrove roots. They also protect both the seawater and freshwater ecosystems. Once dismissed as wastelands, mangrove forests are among the most important ecosystems that contribute to marine life and protect the coastal zones, keeping them healthy. These forests, however, are under existential threat for a number of reasons, particularly along the city coastline. However, the Sindh Forest Department along with other governmental and non-government organisations is now taking steps to rehabilitate these forests. However, various public and private-sector organizations are now working to restore these forests in order to stabilize the shorelines, protect the natural habitat for thousands of species, prevent erosion and keep the area safe from storms and high tides. The FRA found that in Asia, there has been a huge increase in mangrove loss: from 1,030 ha (2,550 acres) per year to 38,200 ha (94,400 acres) over the same 30-year period. ‘The ocean has fallen ill’ Mangrove forests or coastal forests are located in the shallow waters along the coast near the mouth of the Indus River. RS spends most of her free time browsing through Netflix, reading a comic book or planning her next travel adventure. There are more than 80 types of mangroves found all across the world. In April 2020, the Pakistan Navy also launched its widely-hailed ‘2020 Mangroves Plantation Campaign’ to restore the ‘green coastal belt.’. Mangroves plants play a vital role in stabilizing shorelines by preventing erosion and keeping saltwater from contaminating the inland water bodies. The mangroves in Pakistan are distributed among the coastlines of Sindh and Balochistan. Mangrove Categories Year Area in Hectares ; Dense, normal and sparse ; mangroves vegetation 1932 604,870 ; Dense, normal and sparse The mangroves are usually cut to make room for urban development and infrastructure, Cutting down mangroves to obtain wood and animal fodder is yet another problem that needs to be fixed, The changes in the salinity level of the water due to freshwater diversions can damage the roots of mangroves, The global overfishing crisis has also led to the destruction of mangroves, The destruction of coral reefs also have an adverse effect on these mangrove forests in Balochistan and Sindh, Pollution is one of the main reasons why mangroves are reducing around the world. Mangrove forest sand can be found in the Indus channel and coastline areas of Arabian Sea across the beach of Karachi and Pasni in Balochistan. Reduced availability of wood for use by local communities. "By the year 1990, the area was reduced to 86,000 hectares … The total area is nearly 10,000 km2. Khaled bin … According to estimations, these forests cover an area of 207,000 ha. In Sindh, you can find these forests along the delta of the Indus River. These are very important forests and Pakistan is very lucky to have mangrove forests." The mangrove forests in Karachi saw an alarming decline during the early 2000s due to various land reclamation projects. Pakistan keti Bandar Mangrove Forest Documentary - Duration: 4:54. Stay connected to Zameen Blog, the best lifestyle and property blog in Pakistan, to learn more about the biggest environmental issues in Pakistan and the steps taken by the government to tackle major environmental concerns. The plantation drive was completed within a period of 12 hours with the help of around 300 local volunteers. She loves Doctor Who, abhors cats and has a weakness for ramen. The forests are poorly stocked and the species are few. You can also find out more about the wetlands at Deh Akro Wildlife Sanctuary in Sindh and learn about the classification of forests, woodlands, and trees in Pakistan by checking out our comprehensive guides on the topic. However, efforts are being made to restore these ecosystems along the coastlines in Sindh and Balochistan. Until a decade ago Karachi used to have mangrove forests on either side of Mai Kolachi. These forests are one of the primary features of coastal ecosystems and are widely spread across the coast of Pakistan. 17. The most visible and delicate ecosystem of Karachi, a city with a profound coastal environment, is that of the mangrove forests that thrive in the mingled salt and freshwater where the Indus River meets the Arabian Sea. 4:54. Moreover, mangroves get their nutrition from the silt and sediment accumulated from slow-flowing water. Another measure that can be taken is the declaration of the entire mangrove forest as a ‘protected’ forest under the Pakistan Forest Act 1927. The mangroves around the Indus Delta cover an area of about 600,000 hectares and are considered the largest dry-climate mangroves in the world. In Sindh, you can find these forests along the delta of the Indus River. Mangrove forests of Indus delta, covering an area of about 600,000 hectares, constitute an important ecosystem in the coastal deltaic region formed by the River Indus. Since 2010, around 55,000 hectares of mangrove forests have been planted and restored. They often form what appear to be small islands along the coastline filled with vegetation. In June 2013, the Sindh Forest Department set the Guinness World Record for the ‘Maximum Number of Trees Planted in a Day’ after planting more than 840,00 mangrove saplings in Thatta and Kharo Chan regions. The mangrove forests under the management of Sindh Forest Department and Port Qasim Authority are classified as the ‘Protected Forests.’ On the other hand, the mangrove swamps in Sindh that fall under the control of the Board of Revenue are declared as the ‘Government wasteland.’. Here are some of the major factors posing a threat to these mangroves forests in Pakistan as well as the rest of the world. Last year, the Pakistan Navy launched an effort to plant a million more. Indus delta mangroves are perhaps unique in being the largest arid climate mangroves in the world. Several fish species even live under the mangroves for most of their juvenile lives and swim into the open oceans once they are adults. The mangrove swamps of the Sindh coastal zone are extensive, covering 243,000 hectares (ha) compared with 7,400 ha along the Balochistan coast. Mangrove forests only grow at tropical and subtropical latitudes near the equator because they cannot withstand freezing temperatures. Year. They are considered the prime nesting sites for hundreds of migratory and shorebirds. Mangrove ecosystems are most diverse in South Asian seas and least diverse in the Caribbean. Forests of Sindh are rather unique because of low rainfall and subtropical location. These marine animals are largely dependent on the food webs provided by these coastal swamps. They are tolerant of the salt in seawater and can easily grow in harsh weather conditions. The International Union for Conservation of Nature and World Wide Fund for Nature have also played an important role in supporting these initiatives to restore mangrove forests in Pakistan. They are almost entirely dependent upon freshwater discharges from the River Indus and a small quantity of freshwater from domestic and industrial effluents of Karachi. Firstly, they provide ideal breeding grounds for the most species of fish, jellyfish, sponges, shrimps, crabs and other shellfish. Wondering about the ecological importance of mangrove forests in Pakistan? Let’s take a look at the mangrove forests in Pakistan, their contribution to marine life, the threats they are facing and the steps taken by the government to restore them. The provincial coastline comprises 17 large creeks and swamp areas and numerous small ones where mangrove forests thrive. 1. Mangroves forests of Pakistan in Indus delta and along Arabian Sea coastal areas of Sindh and Balochistan. Mangrove forests also referred to as mangrove swamps comprise of both tall trees and shrubs. These include the Sindh Forest Department along with Port Qasim Authority and Board of Revenue. To put it simply, mangrove forests are just as important to the underwater ecological system as the coral reefs. About 16,000 camels, 4,000-6,000 cows and water buffaloes and 2,500 3,000 cattle graze in mangroves. $50bn housing project threatens mangroves on Pakistani island. The Sindh Forest Department along with the Government of Sindh and the federal government has also created a mangrove resource base spread over an area of more than 150,000 hectares in Sindh. The rigorous conservation policy and local coastal communities both aided in the restoration of mangrove forests in the regions. In some tropical countries, such as India, the Philippines, and Vietnam, over 50% of mangrove ecosystems have been lost in this century. Primarily known as one of the branches of dry forests, tropical thorn forests – also known as thorny forests – are… They are mainly composed of Avicennia officinalis. Mangroves are the small trees and shrubs that grow in coastal areas. KARACHI: The Pakistan Navy on Monday launched its ‘Mangroves Plantation Campaign 2019’ by planting saplings at the Bin Qasim port. Silting up the navigational channels and ports and harbours and. Meanwhile, the mangrove forests in Balochistan are located along Milani Hor, Kalmat Hor and Gwadar Bay. Common species are vann ( Salvadora oleoides ), khejri ( Prosopis cineraria ), kair ( Capparis aphylla ), etc. You can also find giant lizards and other animals in these forests. The leaves serve as a valuable fodder for camels. Many mangrove forests can be recognized by their dense tangle of prop roots that make the trees appear to be standing on stilts above the water. Some of the other natural characteristics of mangrove forests include the ability to hold their place firmly in the soil. The largest contiguous mangrove forest in the world, Sundarbans, is located in the border of Bangladesh and India. Mangrove forests are teeming with life. A mangrove is a shrub or small tree that grows in coastal saline or brackish water.The term is also used for tropical coastal vegetation consisting of such species. Increase mangrove forest cover by plantation, conservation, rehabilitation and regeneration of degraded mangrove forest in the Port Qasim Area on land owned by SSGC; Improve livelihoods for local communities by restoring degraded areas, which will further expand ecosystem benefits to the communities in terms of fish catch. International Union for Conservation of Nature Distribution of Mangrove Forests along the Coast of Pakistan Mangrove Categories. Mangrove forests are teeming with life. The irrigated plantations were first developed in 1866 at Changa Manga in … Mangrove forests in South Asia occur on the tidal sea edge of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka and represent approximately 7% of the global total (Giri et al., 2011b). About 16,000 camels, 4,000-6,000 cows and water buffaloes and 2,500 3,000 cattle graze in mangroves. The mangroves in Pakistan are distributed among the coastlines of Sindh and Balochistan. At times, over 600,000 hectares of Pakistan’s coastline was under mangrove forestation. Mangroves forests of Pakistan in Indus delta and along Arabian Sea coastal areas, as per estimates, are some 129,000 hectors in the Indus delta and over 3,000 hectors in Miani Hor, Kalmat Khor and Gwadar bay areas. Where accessible they are cut for fuelwood and are mostly shrubby. It is the largest mangrove forest in Pakistan and considered one of the top 10 mangrove forests in the world. Deprivation of local communities of the traditional use. Mangroves in Sindh Pakistan’s coastline is approximately 1,000 kilometres long of which Sindh’s share is around 350km. 16. Last year, the Sindh Forest Department along with other governmental and non-government organisations is now steps., reading a comic book or planning her mangrove forest in pakistan travel adventure and marine life, forests... Western coast of Madagascar support a number of endemic bird species that are endangered firstly, they ideal! 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