They should be able to apply knowledge and skills at secondary and tertiary level of medical care. examination after pursuing a study in a medical college recognised by the Medical Council of India, from a recognised Medical College affiliated to any other University recognised as equivalent thereto, and has completed one year compulsory rotating internship in a teaching Institution or other Institution recognised by the Medical Council of India, and has obtained permanent registration of any State Medical Council shall be eligible for admission. Each candidate should examine at least one long case and two short cases. 9.9 Guide: The academic qualification and teaching experience required for recognition by this University as a guide for dissertation work is as per Medical Council of India Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998. Inter Departmental Meetings: Strongly recommended particularly with departments of Surgery, Orthopedics and Medicine at least once a month. Didactic Lectures: Recommended for selected common topics for postgraduate students of all specialties. 11.1.7 Declaration of distinction: A successful candidate passing the University examination in first attempt will be declared to have passed the examination with distinction, if the grand total aggregate marks is 75 percent and above. l aö f4ŠT $If $ of Health & Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi, 1983 Srinivasa D K etal, Medical Education Principles and Practice, 1995. Each year shall be taken as a unit for the purpose of calculating attendance. (Master of Surgery) General Surgery Obstetrics and Gynecology Ophthalmology Orthopedics Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and such other subjects as might have been introduced by the Universities in Karnataka prior to commencement of Health University i.e., 1.6.1996, or recognised by Medical Council of India. Disease and disorders of Cardiovascular system including Congenital conditions and the role of imaging by conventional, Ultrasound, Echo, Doppler, CT, MRI, Angio, DSA and Radio Nuclide studies. Checklists are given in Chapter IV. Approval of dissertation work is an essential precondition for a candidate to appear in the University examination. Function as an effective leader of a health team engaged in health care, research or training. Organise and supervise the chosen/assigned health care services demonstrating adequate managerial skills in the clinic/hospital or the field situation. Method of training The training of postgraduate for degree/diploma shall be residency pattern with graded responsibilities in the management and treatment of patients entrusted to his/her care. This may not be included in assessment. Radiological Anatomy, Physiology and pathology of different system of the body and Radiographic Techniques concerned to each system. Points to be considered divine Poor 0Below Average 1Average 2Good 3Very Good 4 Interest shown in selecting a topic Appropriate review of literature Discussion with guide & other faculty Quality of protocol Preparation of proforma Checklist-VII CONTINUOUS EVALUATION OF DISSERTATION WORK BY GUIDE / CO-GUIDE Name of the Student: Name of the Faculty/Observer: Date: Sl. National Health Policy, Min. Training in research methodology. No candidate is permitted to run a clinic/laboratory/nursing home while studying postgraduate course. The monitoring be done by the staff of the department based on participation of students in various teaching / learning activities. The examination for D.M and M.Ch courses shall be held at the end of three years. Demonstrate empty and humane approach towards patients and their families and exhibit interpersonal behaviour in accordance with the societal norms and expectations. 9.10 Change of guide: In the event of a registered guide leaving the college for any reason or in the event of death of guide, guide may be changed with prior permission from the university. P - 335. Further, every candidate must present on selected topics at least four times a year and a total of 12 seminar presentations in three years. The defaulting candidate is counselled by the guide and head of the department. 8 Summary ix References x. ), Microbiology (D. Micro), Public Health (D.P.H), Forensic Medicine (D.F.M. FINAL YEAR BAMS PANCHAKARMA QUESTION PAPER [LK 1383] MAY 2017 Sub.Code :1383 FINAL PROFESSIONAL B.A.M.S. 11. BED MC 06 07 (06)- Click here to download Question paper pdf. Integrated Lectures: These are recommended to be taken by multidisciplinary teams for selected topics, e.g. CLICK HERE 5. 3. Aims or Objectives of study iii. UA/ORD-6/99-2000 dated 01.01.2000) Contents Notification Notification Chapter I :RegulationsChapter II :Goals and ObjectivesChapter III :Course Description M. D. Radio-Diagnosis Chapter IV : Monitoring Learning ProgressChapter V :Medical Ethics Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka 4th T Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560 041 No. here we uploaded a book of 328 pages in pdf format. Special mention may be made of the presentations by the candidate as well as details of clinical or laboratory procedures, if any conducted by the candidate. 4 SDA Exam- General Awareness- Paper III -Subject Code 369- Page No. No.Points to be considered Poor 0Below Average 1Average 2Above Average 3Very Good 4Completeness of history Whether all relevant points elicited Clarity of Presentation Logical order Mentioned all positive and negative points of importance Accuracy of general physical examination Whether all physical signs elicited correctly Whether any major signs missed or misinterpreted Diagnosis: Whether it follows follows logically from history and findings10Investigations required Complete listRelevant orderInterpretation of investigationsAbility to react to questioning Whether it follows logically from history and findingsAbility to defend diagnosisAbility to justify differential diagnosisOthersGrand Total Check List - V MODEL CHECK LIST FOR EVALUATION OF TEACHING SKILL PRACTICE Sl. Out of the four papers, the 1st paper in clinical subjects will be on applied aspects of basic medical sciences. Details of distribution of topics for each paper will be as follows: Paper – I Basic Sciences as applied to Radio-Diagnosis – Radiological Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Radiography, Radiation Physics and Biology. Lectures: Lectures are to be kept to a minimum. The tests may include written papers, practicals / clinicals and viva voce. (please see Chapter IV for model checklists and logbook specimen copy). Professional honesty and integrity are to be fostered. The ability to do literature search, in depth study, presentation skills and use of audio- visual aids are to be assessed using a checklist (see Model Checklist-II, Chapter IV) Clinico-pathological conferences : This should be a multidisciplinary case study of an interesting case to train the candidate to solve diagnostic and therapeutic problems by using an analytical approach. Tables xi. (Table No.3, Chapter IV) iv) Teaching skills : Candidates should be encouraged to teach undergraduate medical students and paramedical students, if any. pharm d 1st year previous question papers mgr . (Doctor of Medicine) Cardiology and such subjects recognised by Medical Council of India. In extreme cases of default the departmental committee may recommend that defaulting candidate be withheld from appearing the examination, if she/he fails to fulfill the requirements in spite of being given adequate chances to set himself or herself right. The assessment is made by faculty members and peers attending the meeting using a checklist ( see Model Checklist – I, Chapter IV) Seminars / Symposia: The topics should be assigned to the student well in advance to facilitate in depth study. O In extreme cases of default the departmental committee may recommend that defaulting candidate be withheld from appearing the examination, if she/he fails to fulfill the requirements in spite of being given adequate chances to set himself or herself right. Out of them, two shall be external examiners and two shall be internal examiners. 2017 - Biochemistry Subject Important Questions for Supplementary, B.SC., FIRST YEAR NURSING, RGUHS (March, 2017) 2017 - Microbiology Subject Important Questions for Supplementary, B.SC., FIRST YEAR NURSING, RGUHS (March, 2017) 2017 - Medical Surgical Nursing - I Subject Important Questions, B.SC., SECOND YEAR NURSING RGUHS (MARCH 2017) Intake of Students The intake of students to each course shall be in accordance with the ordinance in this behalf. II TV and cline flurography, Tomography Radiative Isotopes and uses, instrumentation in Nuclear Medicine, MMR, Radiation production and other aspects of production. Medical University Question Papers, BSC. Physics of Ultrasound CT, MRI. Introduction to basic principles of Ayurveda and their significance. Review of Literature iv Material and Methods v. Results vi. Provided further, leave of any kind shall not be counted as part of academic term without prejudice to minimum 80% attendance of training period every year. 11.1.1 Dissertation: Every candidate shall carryout work and submit a dissertation as indicated in Sl.NO.9. Special mention may be made of the presentations by the candidate as well as details of clinical or laboratory procedures, if any conducted by the candidate. Medical Audit: Periodic morbidity and mortality meeting be held. Lakshana of Ayu, composition of Ayu. The dissertation shall be certified by the guide, head of the department and head of the Institution. Failed candidate may appear in any subsequent examination upon payment of fresh fee to the Registrar (Evaluation). It not only also helps teachers to evaluate students, but also students to evaluate themselves. Marks cards of all the university examinations passed MBBS course. KUVEMPU UNIVERSITY - DIRECTORATE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION MA QUESTION PAPERS- PREVIOUS Click the following links to download MA Previous Year Examination Question Papers of Kuvempu Open University Previous Year Economics 2008 2009 2010 Education 2008 2009 2010 English 2008 2009 2010 Hindi 2008 2009 2010 History and Archaeology 2008 2009 2010 Kannada 2008 2009 2010 Political Science 2008 2009 2010 Sanskrit 2008 2009 2010 Sociology 2008 2009 2010 Urdu 2008 2009 2010 Click here to download question papers of MA Previous Year Examination held in the year 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 2014 and 2015, KUVEMPU UNIVERSITY QUESTION PAPERS Uploaded by FIRST YEAR BA HISTORY QUESTION PAPERS OF 2008, 2009, 2010 EXAMINATION Click here to download BA History Question Papers of Examination held in 2008 Click here to download BA History Question Papers of Examination held in 2009 Click here to download BA History Question Papers of Examination held in 2010 CLICK HERE FOR BA HISTORY QUESTION PAPERS OF EXAMINATION HELD IN THE YEAR 2011, 2012, 2013, AND 2014 For more details click here or visit, Click the following links to download August 2010 Examination 2nd year GNM question Papers. COMPONENTS OF THE PG CURRICULUM The major components of the PG curriculum shall be: Theoretical knowledge Practical/clinical Skills Training in Thesis. Basic medical sciences students should be posted to allied and relevant clinical departments or institutions. viii) Records: Records, log books and marks obtained in tests will be maintained by the Head of the Department and will be made available to the University or MCI. A list of teaching and learning activities designed to facilitate students acquire essential knowledge and skills outlined is given below. Details of distribution of topics for each paper will be as follows: µ I Ø ö ö ö Ö ÿ ÿÖ ÿ ÿÖ ÿ ÿÖ ÿ ÿ4Ö Clinical skills Day to Day work : Skills in outpatient and ward work should be assessed periodically. Transformers, Ractifiers, Rectification, Timers, x-ray Production and other aspects of x-rays. Exercise empathy and a caring attitude and maintain high ethical standards. | UA/ORD-6/1999-2000 dated 9.4.2001 7.4 Every candidate is required to attend a minimum of 80% of the training during each academic year of the post graduate course. Communication Skills etc. Scheme of Examination Theory There shall be four question papers, each of three hours duration. Questions on recent advances may be asked in any or all the papers. Teaching and Learning Activities A candidate pursuing the course should work in the institution as a full time student. 2. Indian National Science Academy, Guidelines for care and use of animals in Scientific Research, New Delhi, 1994. In basic medical subjects and para clinical subjects, questions on applied clinical aspects should also be asked. Ñ! 10. The synopsis shall be sent through the proper channel. Basics of Radiotherapy and equipments of Radiotherapy. 9.7 Four copies of dissertation thus prepared shall be submitted to the Registrar (Evaluation), six months before final examination on or before the dates notified by the University. Biochemistry PharmD Question … Demonstrate competence in basic concepts of research methodology and epidemiology, and be able to critically analyse relevant published research literature. The number of activities attended and the number in which presentations are made are to be recorded. Here, we attached the past ten years (2008, … No.Items for observation during presentation Poor 0Below Average 1Average 2Good 3Very Good 4Periodic consultation with guide/co-guideRegular collection of case materialDepth of analysis / discussionDepartmental presentation of findings Quality of final outputOthersTotal Score LOG BOOK Table 1 : Academic activities attended Name: Admission Year: College: DateType of Activity Specify Seminar, Journal Club, Presentation, UG teachingParticulars LOG BOOK Table 2 : Academic presentations made by the student Name: Admission Year: College: DateTopicType of Presentation Specify Seminar, Journal Club, Presentation, UG teaching etc. Genito Urinary system Imaging – conventional, Ultrasound, CT, MRI of various disease and disorders including congenital conditions of genito Urinary system. and such other subjects as might have been introduced by the Universities in Karnataka prior to commencement of Health University i.e., 1-6-1996, and recognised by Medical Council of India. Such synopsis will be reviewed and the dissertation topic will be registered by the University. Æ é é ö ö ö Ö ÿ ÿÖ ÿ ÿÖ ÿ ÿÖ ÿ ÿ4Ö Francis C M, Medical Ethics, J P Publications, Bangalore, 1993. 11.3.1 Theory: There shall be three written question papers each carrying 100 marks. « � ˜ ˜ D ; $$If a$ S kd $$If T –l 4”_Ö0 ”ÿİ 4. 2.2 D.M and M.Ch Courses: D.M. Assessment is made using a checklist by faculty. 1.2 Postgraduate Diploma Courses Post graduate diploma course may be pursued in the following subjects: Child Health (D.C.H. d 1st Year Question Papers of Kuvempu Open University Examinations Botany Paper-I 2008 2009 2010 Chemistry Paper-I 2008 2009 2010 Mathematics Paper-I 2008 2009 2010 Physics Paper-I 2008 2009 2010 Zoology Paper-I 2008 2009 2010 CLICK HERE FOR 2011, 2012,2013,2014 AND 2015 YEAR B.SC FIRST YEAR QUESTION PAPERS, KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY- KSOU U.G. ~ 8. CLICK HERE 7. Develop communication skills, in particular the skill to explain various options available in management and to obtain a true informed consent from the patient. These topics may preferably taken up in the first few weeks of the 1st year. | ±! The defaulting candidate is counseled by the guide and head of the department. Attendance and participation in these must be insisted upon. i) For pre anaesthetic evaluation of the patients posted for operation. By Pharma Dost. The essential items are: Caring attitudes Initiative Organisational ability Potential to cope with stressful situations and undertake responsibility Trust worthiness and reliability To understand and communicate intelligibly with patients and others To behave in a manner which establishes professional relationships with patients and colleagues Ability to work in team A critical enquiring approach to the acquisition of knowledge The methods used mainly consist of observation. MODEL CHECK-LIST FOR EVALUATION OF SEMINAR PRESENTATIONS Name of the Student: Name of the Faculty/Observer: Date: Sl. Log book The logbook is a record of the important activities of the candidates during his training, Internal assessment should be based on the evaluation of the logbook. Collections of Dissertations, Question Papers etc., of Previous Years. RGUHS Update Blog - All The Latest News, Examination Results, Previous Exam Question Papers, Syllabus And Other Resources For Rajiv Gandhi University … Each paper shall carry 100 marks. To know the examination pattern, go through the RGUHS exam question papers. } – e BEd MC 06 07 (02)- Click here to download Question paper pdf. l aö ŠT The number of activities attended and the number in which presentations are made are to be recorded. OrthoPediatricsM.D.DCHPsychiatryM.D.DPMRadio-DiagnosisM.D.DMRDRadiotherapyM.D.DMRTTuberculosis & Respiratory Medicine M.D.DTCD The Syllabus as above shall be applicable from the Academic Year 2000-01. 7 SDA Exam- General Awareness- Paper III -Subject Code 369- Page No. 11. For some more details regarding Guide etc., please see Chapter I and for books on research methodology, ethics, etc., see Chapter IV. Monitoring Learning Progress It is essential to monitor the learning progress of each candidate through continuous appraisal and regular assessment. In case of clinical examination, it should aim at examining clinical skills and competence of candidates for undertaking independent work as a specialist. Each candidate should examine at least one long case and two short cases. The performance is assessed by the guide by direct observation. Copies may be made and used by the institutions. 9 Initially the topic selected is to be presented before submission to the University for registration, again before finalisation for critical evaluation and another before final submission of the completed work (See Model Checklist VI & VII, Chapter IV) vi) Periodic tests: The departments may conduct three tests, two of them be annual tests, one at the end of first year and the other in the second year. The results of such a work shall be submitted in the form of a dissertation. e Eligibility for Admission 2.1 MD / MS Degree and Diploma Courses: A candidate affiliated to this university and who has passed final year M.B.B.S. Viva-Voce 100 marks Viva-voice Examination: (80 marks) All examiners will conduct viva-voce conjointly on candidate’s comprehension, analytical approach, expression and interpretation of data. 9.8 The dissertation shall be valued by examiners appointed by the University. 2. Approval of dissertation work is an essential precondition for a candidate to appear in the University examination. Copies may be made and used by the institutions. Attendance and participation in these must be insisted upon. In exercise of the powers conferred under Sec. # The tests may include written papers, practicals / clinicals and viva voce. DGHS, 1985 Central Bureau of Health Intelligence, Directorate General of Health Services, min. We will keep on updating this post with latest papers. Doctors and health professionals are confronted with many ethical problems. We uploaded all the MD question papers … Soft Tissue Radiology Includes various soft tissue disorders and diseases and role of imaging. FIRST YEAR QUESTION PAPERS Click the following links to download Bsc. The log book should periodically be validated by the supervisors. Degree M.D. Maximum marks for Theory Practical Viva Grand Total MD Radio-Diagnosis 400 200 100 700 Recommended Text Books: 1) Text Book of Radiology and Imaging -By Sutton 2) Text book of Diagnostic Radiology -Grainger 3) Text books of x-ray Diagnosis -Shanks & Kerley 4) Positioning in Radiography -Clark 5) Diagnostic Radiology & Imaging -K Subba Rao 6) Fundamental Physics of Radiology -Meredith 7) Radiographic Anatomy -Meschan 8) Diagnostic Ultrasound -Sarthi 9) Basic Nuclear Medicine -Sheldon Baur 10) Alimentary Tract and Imaging -Margullis 11) Essentials of Radiological imaging -Paul & Juhls Reference Books 1) Diagnostic Radiology CT & MRI of whole body -By Haaga 2) Pediatric x-ray diagnostic -Caffey’s 3) Roentgen’s Science in Diagnostic imaging -Meschan 4) Seminar in Ultrasound 5) Felsons chest Radiology -Felson 6) Aids to differential diagnostic -Chapman 7) Text book of Neuro imaging -Osborn 8) Uro Radiology -Elkin 9) Diagnostic Ultrasound -Cannon 10) Diagnostic Ultrasound -Cosgroove 11) Diagnostic Ultrasound -Rheumac 12) Echo -Phegonbom H.R.C.T. Each paper shall carry 100 marks. Duration of Study M.D /M.S Degree Courses The course of study shall be for a period of 3 years consisting of 6 terms. á} ã} ã} ã} ã} ã} ã} $ ê R Â ~ È �/ � “! Pharm.D Zone PharmD Question Bank. c The Revised Ordinances as above shall come into force immediately and is applicable for University examination of March 2000 and onwards. No.Items for observation during presentation Poor 0Below Average 1Average 2Good 3Very Good 4Article chosen was Extent of understanding of scope & objectives of the paper by the candidate Whether cross references have been consulted Whether other relevant publications consulted Ability to respond to questions on the paper / subject Audio-Visual aids used Ability to defend the paper Clarity of presentation Any other observation Total Score Check List - II. 11.3.6 Examiners: There shall be at least four examiners in each subject. Undertake audit, use information technology tools and carry out research, both basic and clinical, with the aim of publishing his work and presenting his work at various scientific fora. The monitoring be done by the staff of the department based on participation of students in various teaching / learning activities. Next Post. Completion of internship certificate. Continuing Medical Education Programmes (CME): At least 2 state / national level CME programmes should be attended by each student in 3 years. 1 SDA Exam- General Awareness- Paper III -Subject Code 369- Page No. Total marks for each paper will be 100. In case of diploma courses of two years duration, the concerned departments may conduct two tests, one of them be at the end of first year and the other in the second year three months before the final examination. SDA Exam- General Awareness- Paper III -Subject Code 369- Page No. Lakshana and classification of Siddhanta. STATEMENT OF THE COMPETENCIES Keeping in view the general objectives of postgraduate training, each disciplines shall aim at development of specific competencies, which shall be defined and spelt out in clear terms. 60/- PAGE PAGE 1 PAGE PAGE 2 EMBED Package EMBED PBrush ] ^ c k ‰ Š ¡ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ © ® å æ è g ² ´ ½ ¿ The evaluation may be similar to that described for subject seminar. Question Paper - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (rguhs) M.D Panchakarma 3rd Sem - 2014 Select State Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bagmati Bihar Chandigarh Chhattisgarh Delhi Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal-Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharastra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Pondicherry Punjab Rajsthan … 11.2.5 Criteria for declaring as pass in University Examination: A candidate shall secure not less than 50% marks in each head of passing which shall include (1) Theory, (2) Practical including clinical and viva voce examination. Code : 641383 Time: Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks Answer all Questions I. ADDITIONAL READING Indian Council of Medical Research, "Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research on Human Subjects", I.C.M.R, New Delhi, 2000. Musculo Skeletal system Role of conventional, Ultrasound, Radio Nuclide studies, CT, MRI of disease, disorders and congenital conditions of muscles, soft tissue, bones and joints. The results of such a work shall be submitted in the form of a dissertation. Personal Attitudes. In exercise of the powers conferred under Sec. Candidates should obtain the Eligibility Certificate before the last date for admission as notified by the University. Demonstrate skills in documentation of individual case details as well as morbidity and mortality data relevant to the assigned situation. Provide basic and advanced life saving support services (BLS & ALS) in emergency situations Undertake complete patient monitoring including the care of the patient. Recent advances may be asked in any or all the papers. hÖu� CJ2 Collectively, logbooks are a tool for the evaluation of the training programme of the institution by external agencies. Attitudes, including communication. Further, every candidate must make a presentation from the allotted journal(s) of selected articles at least four times a year and a total of 12 presentations in three years. i) Personal Attitudes. b Previous Post. Similarly, clinical subjects' students should be posted to basic medical sciences and allied speciality departments or institutions. Describe indications and methods for fluid and electrolyte replacement therapy including blood transfusion Describe common malignancies in the country and their management including prevention Demonstrate understanding of basic sciences relevant to this specialty Identify social, economic, environmental and emotional determinants in a given case, and take them into account for planning therapeutic measures. Pharmaceutics PharmD Question bank. Anatomy. M.D. This performance should be based on assessment by the faculty members of the department and from feedback from the undergraduate students (See Model checklist V, Chapter IV) vi) Periodic tests: In case of degree courses of three years duration, the concerned departments may conduct three tests, two of them be annual tests, one at the end of first year and the other in the second year. Journal Review Meeting ( Journal Club): The ability to do literature search, in depth study, presentation skills, and use of audio- visual aids are to be assessed. BEd MC 06 07 (04)- Click here to download Question paper pdf. Demonstrate sufficient understanding of the basic sciences relevant to the concerned speciality. Degree examinations in any subject shall consist of dissertation, written paper (Theory), Practical/Clinical and Viva voce. RGUHS Time Table 2020 Released Check RGUHS Exam Time. Clinical skills Day to Day work : Skills in outpatient and ward work should be assessed periodically. Published by The Question Paper of SDA Examination Conducted on 16/06/2019 with Answers published on 16/06/2019. CLICK HERE 4. Essay Questions: (2 x 15 = 30) 1. hÖu� CJ Advise regarding the operative or non-operative management of the case and to carry out this management effectively. Team RGUHS MD Question Papers April-May 2015(RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES) M.D; Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences; Team May 12, 2017 6 2015, Anesthesiology, april, Biochemistry, Dermatology, May, Pediatrics, Pharmacology, Physiology, RGUHS, RGUHS MD, RGUHS MD Question Papers, RGUHS MD Question Papers April-May 2015. A candidate securing less than 50% of marks as described above shall be declared to have failed in the examination. format. 9.2 The dissertation is aimed to train a post graduate student in research methods and techniques. Lakshana of Ayurveda. PANCHAKARMA. UA/ORD-06/1999-2000 26.12.2000 NOTIFICATION Sub: Revised Ordinance pertaining to PG Degree, Diploma and Super Specialty Courses in Medicine Read: The Revised Ordinance along with Syllabus and Scheme of Examination of Pre-clinical and Para-clinical subjects pertaining to Postgraduate Degree, Diploma and Super Sociality courses in Medicine as approved by the Syndicate at its meeting held on 16.11.1999 and notified in the University notification No. Respiratory system Includes the following methods of investigations and interpretation of Chest films, Chest wall, Diaphragm, Pleural disease and air way disease, Pulmonary vasculature, pulmonary infections, pulmonary neoplasms, diffuse lung disease, Mediastinal disease, Chest Trauma, Post operative lung and intensive care. CLICK HERE 2.Physiology. Model Checklists are given in this Chapter which may be copied and used. 12. Notification - Constitution of committee to redress the grievances of the Women at work place, SC/ST Candidates and to remedy the Human Rights Violations reg. Theory- Two papers 200 marks (100 e ach paper) Total teaching hours: 100 hours 1.Ayurveda Nirupana 1. Log book The log book is a record of the important activities of the candidates during his training, Internal assessment should be based on the evaluation of the log book. 641383 Time: three hours maximum: 100 marks ( 50 x 2 ) III through the panchakarma question papers rguhs Exam papers! And allied speciality departments or institutions Health Intelligence, DIRECTORATE General of Health services, min Theory ), (... B.Ed Question papers Click panchakarma question papers rguhs following headings: I research studies norms and expectations and... To evaluate themselves carrying 100 marks short cases – panchakarma question papers rguhs – 100 short... 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