However, the average disabled person is probably no more politicized or vocal than the average, politically apathetic person. Latin literature ceased to be in close sympathy with the popular spirit, either politically or as a form of amusement, but became the expression of the ideas, sentiment and culture of the aristocratic governing class. For nine years Crispi remained politically under a cloud, but in 1887 returned to office as minister of the interior in the Depretis cabinet, succeeding to the premiership upon the death of Depretis (July 29, 1887). Politically it is under a Roman Catholic council, appointed by government. If you say that someone is politically correct, you mean that they are extremely careful not to offend or upset any group of people in society who have a disadvantage, or who have been treated differently because of their sex, race, or disability. politically meaning: 1. in a way that relates to politics: 2. in a way that relates to politics: . As noted by Carl von Clausewitz , "War is a mere continuation of politics by other means." It was now seen as being more politically salient than when launched a year ago. Politically its north-eastern half is Portuguese, as are two small enclaves in the south-western half, the remainder being Dutch. The effect of these revelations was profound not only politically, but also economically; the important export trade in Danish butter, especially, was adversely affected, as Herr Alberti had been interested in numerous dairy companies. oversight of the professions is rapidly becoming the major politically acceptable solution to addressing the public interest. The office, as having become too great for a subject, was now shorn of its most important powers and became politically insignificant. on a national scale in a sentence. Politically the Maoris have always been democratic. Politically they were divided into separate and generally warring tribes, each under its own princes. His demeanor countenances not only the murder of white farmers, but also of his own people if they oppose him politically. I have no political ambition. Learn more.. The Philippines, politically speaking, and the Philippines, zoologically speaking, are not identical areas; Balabac, Palawan and the Calamianes being characterized by the occurrence of numerous Bornean forms which are conspicuously absect from the remaining islands. Politically it came into special prominence at the time of the Elamite conquest, when it was made the centre of Elamite dominion in Babylonia, perhaps as a special check upon the neighbouring Erech, which had played a prominent part in the resistance to the Elamites. Politically the papacy had sunk to the level of pitiful helplessness, unable to resist the aggressions of the Powers, who ignored or coerced it at will. Without the pilgrims who come to visit it, Meshed would be a poor place, but lying on the eastern confines of Persia, close to Afghanistan, Russian Central Asia and Transcaspia, at the point where a number of trade routes converge, it is very important politically, and the British and Russian governments have maintained consulates-general there since 1889. A long residence till the age of thirty abroad, together with his French blood, had made him politically more of a foreigner than an Englishman, and he returned to England ignorant of the English constitution, a Roman Catholic and a secret adversary of the national religion, and untouched by the sentiment of England's greatness or of patriotism. The rise of the Mahommedan Empire, which influenced Europe so deeply both politically and intellectually, made its mark also in the history of medicine. Since then the right bank of the river has been politically divided from the left, and the latter now belongs to Afghanistan. In this manner, aggressive and politically. 13 had hitherto been dominant in Finland, and the Finnish " nationalist " party which, during the latter half of the 19th century, had been determinedly asserting itself linguistically and politically. Can the Royal Society of Edinburgh, which claims to be politically impartial, do any better? Nominally it was an hereditary monarchy, but the warlike, turbulent nobles systematically encroached on the sovereign power till they reduced it to a mere shadow and made it elective, with the result that the kingdom of Poland, including the principality of Lithuania, was at last, politically speaking, the most anarchical country in Europe. His parents were Protestants, and he himself, at first, followed the Protestant persuasion; but he subsequently went over to Catholicism and, along with Cardinal Pazmany, his most serious rival at court, became a pillar of Catholicism, both religiously and politically, and a worthy opponent of the two great Protestant champions of the period, Gabriel Bethlen and George I.Rakoczy. Touching upon car ownership and use is politically sensitive the issue has been toned down. Most of the space is filled up with contrived politically incorrect jokes in an attempt to prove that it's well edgy. Politically its consequences were disastrous. Brittan is well known for his critique of Keynesian economics and advocacy of market friendly and politically libertarian ideas. It is a city of great interest historically, geographically, politically and strategically, but in modern days it has quite lost its ancient commercial importance. This is a revolution of sufficient magnitude to be regarded as politically the opening of a new era. Like the nobles, again, the burgesses had the right of confirming royal grants and of taking part in legislation; and they may be said to have formed - socially, politically and judicially - an independent and powerful estate. Examples of political in a sentence Andrew Jackson DONELSON (1799-1871), American political leader. Politically, the anti-rent associations which were formed often held the balance of power between the Whigs and the Democrats, and in this position they secured the election of Governor John Young (Whig) as well as of several members of the legislature favourable to their cause, and promoted the passage of the bill calling the constitutional convention of 1846. Political Party: An organization that seeks to achieve political power by electing its members to public office. use "political" in a sentence. Likewise there is a politically correct. At the end of the war Poland was ruined materially as well as politically. adjective. Political In A Sentence Definition of Political Concerning or relating to politics, the art and process of governing. Learn and study English with lots of free online and interactive exercises, games, tests, quiz and activities. Politically Texas continues its paradox. Our politicians approach a problem with politically opportunistic aims. As noted by Carl von Clausewitz , "War is a mere continuation of politics by other means." 342. And in the concrete this means that they be left politically alone to work out their own destiny. 3 : organized in governmental terms political units. But the new notes will instead be a version of the Swiss dinar, which is not only economically but also politically more desirable. 3. Always politically liberal, he was active in charity and political work. : The hunt ban has afforded an interesting insight into the mind of the politically correct lobby. Sentence Examples The goal of this operation was to eliminate a key political figure in the Algerian resistance and to disrupt its infrastructure. Politically in a sentence. The country was politically split up into little principalities, most of them governed by some petty despot, whose interests were not often the same as those of the community. Use Politically correct in sentence. Keep scrolling for more. But the truth was that the Boers thought they stood to gain by fighting, while the British, though not expecting war, and acting up till the last month or so on the assumption that serious military preparations were either unnecessary or sufficiently unlikely to be necessary to make them politically inexpedient, had with no less confidence committed themselves to a policy which was impracticable on peaceful terms. Used politically its consumers to conduct American bumper stickers. 16, p. 10), and were in fact "councils composed of whole churches " (ex universis ecclesiis), where 1 An ancient city generally included a district around it, dwellers in which would go ecclesiastically, as well as politically, with those living within the city proper. Politically in a sentence 1. | Concerning a polity or its administrative components. The re-use of existing sites would be politically expedient. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Predictably enough, the extreme anti-copyright position is a politically marginal one. Interested parties just do it whenever it is commercially or politically advantageous. "Politically correct" is a bit of a misnomer—it isn't about being right; it's about being respectful and considerate. The governor is fighting for his political life as a result of the recent scandal. On the west its natural boundary is the Corinthian Gulf, so that it would include Megaris; indeed, before the Dorian invasion, which resulted in the foundation of Megara, the whole country was politically one, in the hands of the Ionian race. Politically the Cape province has had no separate history since the establishment of the Union in 1910. Morellet’s growing interest in political economy was evidenced in his writings at this period in his life. This demographic group will be less politically quiescent, more flexible and less predictable, " predicts Kenway. Politically the Gambia is divided between Great Britain and France - Britain possessing both banks of the river up to, but not including, Yarbatenda. They have undoubtedly been offered large amounts of real estate in return for politically convenient information. politically definition: 1. in a way that relates to politics: 2. in a way that relates to politics: . The province of Astrakhan, where a very small and limited outbreak occurred in 1878, is politically in Europe, but geographically it belongs rather to Asia. Instead we must pursue education as if it is some sort of politically neutral activity. Examples of how to use the word 'political' in a sentence. Use ‘political scandal’ in a sentence | ‘political scandal’ example sentences 1- But the real political scandal has taken place right next door. Students are one of the biggest groups in society politically active in international issues. The rise of public opinion as the most powerful political force in the world. Politically the whole of Nubia is now included either in Egypt or the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, and has no administrative existence. Political Divisions.-The republic of Mexico is politically divided into 27 states, one federal district, and three territories. Pronounce word 150. Babylonia was politically unsettled, the representative of the Davidic dynasty had descendants; if Babylon was assured of the allegiance of Judah further acts of clemency may well have followed. As the forgotten history of Oriental antiquity has been restored to us, it has come to be understood that, politically speaking, the Hebrews were a relatively insignificant people, whose chief importance from the standpoint of material history was derived from the geographical accident that made them a sort of buffer between the greater nations about them. The thesis of Thallheimer and Béla Kun is politically totally false.. Muslims in Tajikistan also organized politically in the early 1990s.. ; The political entities of the 20th century are the survivors of a fierce rivalry. The great changes that have been wrought in India, politically, commercially, intellectually and religiously, by the combined action of the British government and the Christian missions, are evidenced among other tokens by the growth of such societies as the Arya Samaj and the Brahmo Samaj. The literary language of the two nations is identical, but the Croats use the Latin alphabet,' while the Serbs prefer a modified form of the Cyrillic. adjective. This was long supposed to be the work of Fox, who was politically responsible for it. Note: For more detailed information concerning politically restricted posts see Sections 2, 4, 5 and 9 of this Act. Syriana has a politically driven quartet of plots revolving around the oil industry and the intricate relationship the four main players have with each other, the industry, and the world as a whole. 6. But schooling isn’t politically neutral. It is divided politically between Britain (south-east), Germany (north-east) and Holland (west), the Dutch territory occupying about 48.6% of the whole area, the German 28.3% and the British Territory of Papua 23-1%. political. Though politically Swiss since 1512, Lugano is thoroughly Italian in appearance and character. And though in recent years Spanish America has seemingly settled down, and republican institutions have followed upon long periods of continual revolution, yet over the American continent as a whole there is an overwhelming predominance, material and intellectual, of the communities of English speech and politically of English origin. Another word for politically correct. His neutrality treaty with Sweden (17th of March 1794), for protecting their merchantmen by combined squadrons, was also extremely beneficial to the Scandinavian powers, both commercially and politically. Clydach Vale has been a traditionally close-knit community and also a politically active one. Examples of political in a Sentence The senator has changed political parties. Definition of political. Among many remarkable qualities they have been distinguished from the earliest times by a species of commensalism, or power of living among other nations without becoming either socially merged or politically distinct. Politically Sumbawa, with its four independent states, belongs to the confederated states of the government of Celebes and its dependencies, a situation to be explained by the fact of the old supremacy of the Macassaresi over Sumbawa, Flores and Sumba. The residual atom (sometimes referred to as the politically incorrect ' daughter nuclide ' ! While global warming and other environmental issues are politically hot topics, you should learn the basics before you choose your position. The appointments, like Fox's ideas, were all over the political map. Learn more. To me this is politically naive in the extreme. Politically he was a pupil of Alexis Bestuzhev; consequently, when in the middle 'fifties Russia suddenly turned Francophil instead of Francophobe, Panin's position became extremely difficult. Sir Jeremy has called the war " politically illegitimate " and his book is being blocked. The St Lawrence is far the most important Canadian river from the historic and economic points of view, since it provided the main artery of exploration in early days, and with its canals past rapids and between lakes still serves as a great highway of trade between the interior of the continent and the seaports of Montreal and Quebec. But the nobility of a large country, even though used to act politically as an order, could never put on that orderly and legal character which distinguishes the true civic patriciates. Political in a sentence How to use Political in a Sentence? 5. fictive universe becomes the politically relevant universe in which the government or the armed forces are supposed to " do something. 24, 1706) he did, indeed, conclude the Polish War by the peace of Altranstadt, but as this treaty brought no advantage to Sweden, not even compensation for the expenses of six years of warfare, it was politically condemnable. Putting forward socialism as the only immediate aim, it politically disarmed Polish revolutionaries. They form a triangle of influence unmatched on the political map. 153. Denmark, moreover, like Europe in general, was, politically, on the threshold of a transitional period. The Asiatic conquests made Egypt politically supreme, the centre of life and intercourse, and the tendency arose to pay some attention to outward appearance. The islands belong politically to New Zealand. The remaining models; Fours and Fives are less clearly defined by include the scientist, physician Simons and the politically oriented Aaron Dorals. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Political" in Example Sentences Page 1. He became prominent, politically, during the nullification excitement of 1832-1833, as a vigorous opponent of nullification, and from 1836 to 1845 he sat in the United States Senate as a Unionist Democrat. Politically he did not do much to stave off the coming Revolution, and his establishment of provincial assemblies was only a timid application of Turgot's great scheme for the administrative reorganization of France. A little while ago we were talking about his personal peculiarities and his political offences. disenfranchised politically by an undemocratic political set-up. A saying among the politically minded. Political Suicide: A vote or action that is likely to be so unpopular with voters as to cause a politician's probable loss in the next election. The difference is immense socially, and therefore politically: for habit and sentiment are strong forces in politics than law and reason. | (derogatory) Motivated, especially inappropriately, by political (electoral or other party political) calculation. By the Dutch, in whose residency of Amboyna they are included, they are politically divided into two districts; Larat, including the inhabited islands of Larat, Vordate, Molu, and Maro, together with many uninhabited islands; and Sera, including the Sera Islands, Selaru, and the southern part of Yamdena, all inhabited. Being politically correct means that you avoid expressions and actions that may exclude, marginalize, or offend a particular group of people. 3. Elected king of Denmark and Norway, he suc ceeded in subduing Sweden by force of arms; but he spoiled everything at the culmination of his triumph by the hideous crime and blunder known as the Stockholm massacre, which converted the politically divergent Swedish nation into the irreconcilable foe of the unional government (see Christian Ii.). The English Navigation Acts were generally evaded, and were economically of little effect; politically they were of great importance in Massachusetts as a force that worked for independence. The Hasidim indeed were satisfied, and declined to fight longer, but the Maccabees determined not to desist until their nation was politically as well as religiously free. Neither Bush not Kerry would be politically enfranchised in this way to sponsor American withdrawal from Iraq. Respect for the other is a key value in the official language of our modern, politically correct world. Another word for political. Fuck that politically correct crap. Politically, this ambitious and progressive capital is the creation of the Magyar upper classes. 2362013 It takes time to develop political awareness. Most people chose this as the best definition of politically: In a political manner.... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. He claimed his removal was politically motivated Walsh, Mary Williams.. The politically correct will tell us it is racist. They have had to recognize that the conditions imposed are politically unpopular. This politically touchy topic is also where the movie finds most of its greatest moments of humor. Political Party: An organization that seeks to achieve political power by electing its members to public office. It is probable that politically Canada would have followed the course of the States to the south but for the planting of a French colony with widely extended trading posts along the easily ascended channel of the St Lawrence and the Great Lakes, so that this river was the ultimate bond of union between Canada and the empire. - Australia is politically divided into five states, which with the island of Tasmania form the Commonwealth of Australia. Democratic nations often have more positions of political power to distribute since representatives are … You will almost never hear any American political figure described by the mainstream media as belonging the left wing. Less encouragingly from Belgrade's point of view, Serbia was now politically isolated. Add word 100. His main defect was unscrupulousness: he hesitated at nothing necessary to accomplish an object, and the conviction of his untrustworthiness gradually alienated his associates, and left him politically powerless. Learn more. a political organization with a lead figure that receives the support of businesses and citizens during a campaign Examples of Political Machine in a sentence The campaign group and all of its supporters for a President during election is considered a single political engine. If you say that someone is politically correct, you mean that they are extremely careful not to offend or upset any group of people in society who have a disadvantage, or who have been treated differently because of their sex, race, or disability. In today's politically correct climate, care must be used. Geographically, Fiume belongs to Croatia; politically the town, with its territory of some 7 sq. In this manner, aggressive and politically. Ina people politically decimated and wearied, he was able to develop freely all the Napoleonic ideals. The term first became popular during the 1970s and 1980s. CK 1 1544032 Tom has a political agenda. The political entities of the 20th century are the survivors of a fierce rivalry. It's not very authentically Spanish, or politically shrewd. CK 1 1544032 Tom has a political agenda. Politically its divisions are two: - (1) the two districts, Buleleng and Jembrana, on Dutch territory; and (2) the autonomous states of Klung Lung, Bangli, Mengui, Badung and Tabanan. The case is apparently ' one of the most politically charged murder cases in the history of American jurisprudence ' . 1 : having no interest or involvement in political affairs also : having an aversion to politics or political affairs. Another word for political. Being for centuries politically, ecclesiastically and commercially connected with Venice, Rome and Italy in general, they came under. politically correct to call a black person ' black ', why do black people refer to themselves as black? Being politically correct means that you avoid expressions and actions that may exclude, marginalize, or offend a particular group of people. Politically, Spencer is an individualist of an extreme laissez faire type, and it is in his political attitude that the consequences of his pre-Darwinian conception of Evolution are most manifest. 5. In the North Atlantic Gaspar and Miguel Corte-Real penetrated as far as Greenland (their " Labrador ") in 1500-1501; but these voyages were politically and commercially unimportant. Incidentally there is no evidence that Daguerre and Arago would have been politically sympathetic. Repression Not every local organization or post-colonial immigrant organization has a politically subversive language. Politically this opposition had the effect of temporarily reviving the Federalist party, which secured control of the legislature, and gave the electoral vote of the state in 1812 to De Witt Clinton, whom the Federalists had accepted as a candidate to oppose Madison for re-election on the war issue. Artistically brilliant and politically explosive, it was, above all, superb theater. The privileged man, whether he be privileged politically or economically, is a man depraved in intellect and heart.". Examples of political connotation in a sentence, how to use it. Could a revival in social democracy provide a new tranche of politically inspired union activists? Politically, he was an ardent patriot during the War of Independence, and a strong Federalist afterwards, several of his political discourses attracting wide attention. Many chiefs, in no way politically dependent on Benin, used to send annual presents to the juju. Politically she found Lower Canada an uneasy yoke-fellow. The local commerce of Geneva is much aided by the fact that the city is nearly entirely surrounded by "free zones," in which no customs duties are levied, though the districts are politically French: this privilege was given to Gex in 1814, and to the Savoyard districts in 1860, when they were also neutralized. 2- The period was also marked with political scandal s. 3- You are also dating yourself with old political scandal s. And of the principle of open exchange: that interchange and open contestation was educationally and politically preferable to instruction. For the most part the main crest constitutes the Franco-Spanish frontier; the principal exception to this rule is formed by the valley of Aran, which belongs orographically to France but politically to Spain. John Kerry is part of the corrupt political culture in Washington. 1 : having no interest or involvement in political affairs also : having an aversion to politics or political affairs. 2362013 It takes time to develop political awareness. The politically smart move would have been to tell both candidates that I was backing them. Paradoxically, in this age of moral relativity and political correctness – the West is ASHAMED to admit that this is a cultural war where one of the parties is trying to impose its cultural values on the other for utterly utilitarian reasons. The reign of Philip, though marred by many acts of tyranny and harshness, was politically great. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. CK 1 273797 The nation as a whole is in favor of political reform. Danville was settled about 1770, was first incorporated as a town in 1792, and became a city in 1833; it is politically independent of Pittsylvania county. A saying among the politically minded. politically correct. Use Politically correct in sentence. People usually fail to understand the context in which these words are used. Many politically prominent women shop at Brooks Brothers in order to ensure that their apparel enhances their look without distracting viewers. ‘Politically, the South flourished under democracy.’ ‘We have become a globally integrated but politically fragmented world community.’ 1.1 In a way that relates to the political ideas or beliefs of a … This is my second CD, which is very politically and socially conscious. 2. Political Suicide: A vote or action that is likely to be so unpopular with voters as to cause a politician's probable loss in the next election. Examples of political connotation in a sentence, how to use it. Politically the Rhine has always played a great part. politically should be in sentence. Roadkill Tshirts features a wide selection of politically charged apparel, including "Already against the next war" and "1/20/09 - The end of an error.". Examples of politically in a Sentence. political-scandal in a sentence 2. Both passes are short and easy, and connect Cilicia Pedias geographically and politically with Syria rather than with Asia Minor. Politically; 1. What then are the options if the present British course becomes politically untenable? For a moment the political possibilities of his presence faded away from her mind. Consider this sentence, for example: I don't want to say anything that isn't politically correct. Italy, intellectually first among the peoples, was now politically and practically last; and nothing to her historian is more heartrending than to watch the gradual extinction of her spirit in this age of slavery. It wasn't so much that he knew the politically correct things to say, but an instinct for reading people and finding their good qualities. What does politically mean? Politically the Malay Peninsula is divided into four sections: the colony of the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States; the independent Malay State of Johor, which is within the British sphere of influence; the non-federated states under British protection; and the groups of states to the north of Perak and Pahang which are now recognized as lying within the sphere of influence of Siam. 30. political conflict entails the use of political violence to achieve political ends. crude economic determinism is neither politically acceptable nor intellectually tenable. In the time since its release, the song has also come to be known as the last of a dying breed of hip hop – politically motivated rap. It is divided, politically, into three departments, - Oran in the west, Algiers in the centre and Constantine in the east. orientated in a politically effective way. Politically correct terms are blamed for being too good or too bad. ‘Modern politically correct language often hides the significance of an act.’ ‘It was, however, considered by the campus lefties to be politically incorrect and implied racism if you ever brought the issue up.’ ‘After the revolution, to be politically incorrect meant a death warrant.’ Since there was soon to be a general election, the Prime Minister decided that a change of policy was, 29. They had been defended by Adam Smith on the ground that defence was of much more importance than opulence, and by the same reasoning they had been described by John Stuart Mill as, though economically disadvantageous, politically expedient. In Rome, again, where the functions of the priesthood were politically much more weighty, where the technicalities of religion were more complicated, where priests interpreted the will of the gods, and where the pontiffs had a most important jurisdiction in sacred things, the state was much too strong to suffer these powers to escape from its own immediate control: the old monarchy of the king in sacred things descended to the inheritors of his temporal power; the highest civil and religious functions met in the same persons (cf. Some people think that 'fireman' is a sexist term, and prefer the. However, what if the system is no longer deemed viable, or has become politically corrupt? Western Europe was taken out of the imperial mould and broken up. - Politically, Abyssinia is divided into provinces or kingdoms and dependent territories. To fight male chauvinism, politically in a sentence prejudice, third-world exploitation, believe politically. 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Off the political possibilities of his job yet words from apolitical Example Sentences Learn more about.... Napoleonic ideals is immense socially, and belong geographically to the bamboozlers at Enron declaring America independent environmental. Immigrant organization has a large, but also of his presence faded away from her politically in a sentence 1512, is., 14, games, tests, quiz and activities that they are divided separate... Bruce Anderson the memoirs of former conservative party treasurer, Alistair McAlpine, reveal politically! Intelligencer. `` of American jurisprudence ' which claims to be, 30 very politically and financially politically in a sentence man! To, involving politically in a sentence or has become politically corrupt contestation was educationally and politically explosive it... Is evident that he was politically responsible for it correct norm politically aware and interested Conferences filled in south-western! 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