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Transplant Lettuce seedlings that were started indoors under grow lights or purchased from a local garden center. Lettuce is a hardy, cool-weather crop and can be planted with your earliest worked soil. Whether you are planting seeds directly into the field, or transplanting vegetable seedlings, your goal is to create optimum conditions for each plant's first few days in the field. While the plant grows smaller than other types of lettuce, it has a tender but delicious flavor. Lettuce is one of the easiest vegetables to grow outside, … If you don’t have an area that will stay consistently around 50-65 degrees, I would recommend investing in a Plant Heating Mat. Harvest your Lettuce 3 to 10 weeks after planting. And if you don’t have the time or ability to create compost then I recommend buying. Pick your lettuce from the outside to the inside. And I recommend scrolling to the bottom of this page to find answers to the 5 most frequently asked questions most gardeners have when growing lettuce. Seeds can germinate well in soils as low as 40°F (4°C) but often poorly above 75°F (24°C). You will know when to harvest Iceberg lettuce when it forms a head like the picture above. Butterhead lettuce is another incredibly popular type of lettuce in North America and is named this because it forms soft, loose heads. Vegetables That Easily Survive Transplanting. Similarly, if you bought the seedling lettuce instead of seeds, this will be a necessary step. Using soil-free starting mix is another option. Because of how small lettuce seeds are it is sometimes to grab the1 or 2 seeds and plant them. Some of the most popular varieties of Butternut Lettuce is Boston, Bibb, and Buttercrunch. Where to Plant Lettuce Growing your own iceberg lettuce is simple, especially when you keep the seedlings indoors for the first couple of months. If you want to know your last frost date then I recommend Clicking HERE. Again, you will want to fill these pots about 80% full with your potting mix. Cover lightly to 1/8" and firm gently. Healthy romaine lettuce seedlings will survive the transplant process better than those that are stressed, so giving them a good start is vital. Transplants can be more resistant to insect and other pest pressure because they are more mature and stronger when you first put them into your garden. Please turn it on so that you can experience the full capabilities of this site. Start harvesting heads when they're about the size of … Wait to thin until they are at least an inch tall … Tip #6: Effectively Harvest Lettuce THIS Way! The lettuce grows up and you should harvest the leaves from the outside to the inside and start with the lowest leaves first. Lettuce seeds will germinate best at temperatures between 50-65 degrees Fahrenheit. Transplant the young lettuce seedlings to the garden when the danger of real hard frost is past. It takes approximately 45 days for this type of lettuce to mature, but you should begin thinning and harvest in as little as 3 weeks in order to promote future plant growth. For about two weeks, you will want to slowly introduce your Lettuce to outside. Lightly cover your seeds and spray 8-10 times until the soil turns a dark brown color. Sow every 2–3 weeks for a continuous supply of either full heads or salad mix. Tip #5: Effectively Care for your Lettuce THIS Way! 3–4 weeks before field planting, sow in 128-cell. Baby Leaf: Harvest about 1" above the growing point when leaves reach desired harvestable length, about 3–4" long. You will then want to leave your lettuce in this pot until it is ready to transplant outside. Thinning them will give each healthy seedling space and airflow it needs to become a robust lettuce plant. Below, are some of the best ways to use lettuce: There are four types of seeds that can be used to grow lettuce; heirloom, organic, hybrid, and GMO. Whether you do not have the ability to start your seeds indoors or just want to start your seeds directly in a garden then I recommend following the below directions: You should always start your lettuce seeds after the last frost. The priming process in pelleted lettuce seeds broadens the temperature range in which the seeds will germinate, overcoming some of their thermal dormancy. The ideal time for transplanting your seedlings is about 3 weeks after they sprout or when you have 1-2 sets of true leaves. Not only this, but it tends to do better in cooler temperatures and may even get bitter if the weather turns too hot. Consider cutting alternating plants to extend harvest window, allowing remaining plants to continue to grow. *If you put your seeds closer than 4 inches they will burn and die. Iceberg lettuce is great in salads, wraps, and a variety of other recipes. Just remember you shouldn’t move your seedlings right from the Aerogarden to outside as there is a strong chance you could shock then and they may die. If you’re planting transplants, transplant seedlings at their recommended spacing as well. In this quick guide we outline which plants work best for transplanting and which don’t. Once your seeds have germinated and sprouted through the soil, you will want to continue to spray them twice a day for 4 more months until they are ready to transplant outside. If you will be keeping your lettuce plants in containers all year then you will want a well-draining potting mix that provides the correct amount of nutrients like Miracle-Gro Potting Mix. It grows best at 60–65°F (16–18°C) and germinates best below 70°F (21°C), so careful variety selection is key for success in hotter weather. Sign up for growing tips, exclusive offers, and new product info. The cotyledons are turning yellow and falling off This next step is what most beginner gardeners miss, but is critical to your success. Because of how difficult it can be to grow, it is also the most expensive type of lettuce sold in restaurants and you can expect the least amount of harvest if you grow it. Planting seeds in paper egg-carton cups is a great way to grow a batch of healthy seedlings until it's time to transplant. Begin planting fall lettuce in late summer so it reaches maturity when the fall air is cool. 6. Seeded lettuce may be planted 2 to 3 weeks earlier. The goal with hybrids is to produce a plant that contains the best features of both parent plants. Hybrid seeds were made from combining the genes of the same group of plants. Head Lettuce: Keep 14–20 days, less for delicate types like butterhead and oakleaf, and longer for lettuce grown slowly in cooler temperatures. Place the plants 10 inches apart from each other in 20-inch-wide rows. I positioned the trays in the bright test window in my house but the seedlings have gone all straggly, or "leggy". While this type of lettuce is much less heat tolerant than other lettuce, it does store and transport much better. When it comes to regrowing lettuce, most general potting soil or seed starter mixes work well. Better germination. Head Lettuce: Cut at base, keeping wrapper leaves for handling loss. To learn more about our use of cookies, as well as the categories of personal information we collect and your choices, please read our Privacy Policy. This is why hardening them beforehand is essential. After planting your seeds, provide at least 8 hours of sunlight by placing the pots by a window or a. Ultimate Composting Guide: What to Compost, Yimby Tumbler Composter: 5 Reasons to Buy Today, 10 Best Weed Killers For Your Yard & Garden (2019), How to Grow Crown of Thorns Indoors & Outdoors (3 PROVEN Tips), How to Grow Astrantia for Beginners (2 SIMPLE Steps), How to Grow Snowflakes for Beginners (2 QUICK Tips), How to Grow Snowdrops for Beginners (2 Simple Steps), You will first want to start by buying your, Next, spray your soil 5 to 8 times with a. Pack heads in layers facing cut ends away. You should also expose them to direct sunlight and natural weather before transplanting. For either seeded or transplanted lettuce, have 12 to 15 inches between each row. If you will be planting your lettuce into a garden then you will want to add a nutritious garden soil mix into the ground, such as Miracle-Gro Expand N Gro, Begin Planting Seed 6 weeks Before the Last Frost, Provide Your Seeds with At Least 8 Hours of Sunlight, Prune & Transplant your Lettuce Plant into a Larger Pot, Introduce your Lettuce to Outside Weather. Use a well-drained seed starting mix, and use small containers (such as a seed starting tray) to ensure the soil won’t stay wet too long. Each day thereafter, place the Lettuce outside for an additional hour until you build up to 6 straight hours. Depending on where you live, this type of lettuce can be harvested anywhere from 30 to 70 days. If you transplant your lettuce before the last frost it may die. Today we are transplanting some seedlings from their bulk trays, and into some flats. Whether you want to use larger containers or grow them directly on the garden soil, you may want to transplant them. I started lettuce seedlings about 14 or 15 days ago. The goal is for seeds to start germinating rapidly, and for seedlings to suffer as little transplant shock as possible, as they move from seedling trays to the field. Prepare the area where you will be transplanting your seedlings. You will only need to apply compost or Miracle-Gro Potting Mix. Leaf lettuce: Plant 4 inches apart. Two weeks after seeding a garden bed with lettuce you’ll have tons of little seedlings popping out of the ground. Below are several tips to remember when harvesting lettuce: Below, will give you several guidelines to store lettuce longer: There are numerous uses for lettuce in food. If using seedlings that you grew indoors, wait until a cool and cloudy day to transplant as the seedlings won’t fare well in hot, sunny weather. Once your lettuce grows for about 3-4 weeks you can either begin to thin it to allow only one plant to grow or keep all plants in the pots. Transplants should be planted near the last frost-free date for the growing area. The earliest you can transplant your seedlings is two weeks before the last spring frost date. It’s time to transplant those seedlings into rockwool cubes for the hydroponics system. Finally, water your lettuce once a day for about 30 seconds. The video below also gives a great tutorial on how to plant seeds. Do THIS if you will be keeping your Lettuce in its container all summer! I recommend using Heirloom or Hybrid seeds. Growing lettuce from seedlings for early spring transplant is a good way to get a head start on the growing season. Sow 4–6 seeds/inch in rows at least 2" apart. Once the last frost of the year has happened you can transplant your Lettuce outside. Immediately after you transplant your lettuce outside add. Transplant the Lettuce . Do THIS to Transplant your Lettuce into your Garden! The best type of fertilizer for lettuce is compost. You can do this by taking scissors and snipping the smaller of the plants right at the soil line. With that being said, you can even grow lettuce seeds in temperatures as low as 40 degrees Fahrenheit. As the plants grow you might need to separate them or transplant them into larger pots. Apply approximately 1/4 inch of potting mix to your planter, As soon as you apply your fertilizer make sure to water the Lettuce for approximately 15 to 30 seconds. Effectively Care for your Lettuce THIS Way! After your initial planting, you will need to spray the soil once to twice a day for approximately 10 days. Cover with a very thin layer of compost or vermiculite. I must be getting better at this hydroponics thing. Reserve a number of lettuce seedlings to fill empty spaces in the garden as the season progresses. If you put them further away than 4 inches there is a chance they won’t get enough sun to germinate.*. Johnny's Selected Seeds 955 Benton Ave. Winslow, Maine 04901 * 1-877-564-6697. These are the easiest types when trying to learn how to grow lettuce from seed. Immediately after you do this, spray the soil about 5 to 10 times. What Type of Soil Should I Use for My Lettuce Plants? Continue doing this until you harvest your lettuce mid-summer. How to plant romaine lettuce from seedlings: Planting romaine lettuce from seedlings is another possibility you can consider. You will also want to keep the room temperature between 50-65 degrees Fahrenheit. It should be noted that not all seeds will germinate and you can always thin your plants out after they grow. Once you harvest your lettuce it will store at room temperature for only 1-day maximum. The hole should be deep enough so the transplant is at the same depth in the ground as it was in the pot (except for tomatoes). For baby leaf: 1,000 seeds/16', 1 oz./400', 1 lb./6,400' at 60 seeds/ft. You will want to start your seeds inside approximately 6 weeks before you plan on moving your lettuce into your garden or moving your planter outside. Thin seedlings out when they’re big enough to handle and keep the compost moist. By clicking ALLOW or clicking on any other content, you agree that cookies can be placed. Tip #4: Starting Lettuce Seeds in a Garden. Many don't survive, and weeds can interfere with the growth of your plants. A Plant Heating Mat is the perfect way to keep your pots and seeds at a consistent temperature that we may not otherwise be able to. Keep holes approximately 2 feet apart to allow for the most lettuce grow. You’ll need a larger container following our above explanation. It’s better to get them in new containers before they start to show the signs of stress listed below. Seed germinates in 2 to 10 days at or near 70°F (21°C)—but sometimes seed can take up to 2 weeks to germinate if the soil is cold. Indoor growing time prior to transplanting: 5 to 6 weeks Germination time: 10-12 days Seed planting depth: 1/2 inch Temperature range for optimal germination: 70-80°F Optimal growing temperatures** day: 60-70°F night: 50-60°F; Outdoor plant spacing: 12-18 inch; Days to maturity: 60-110 Cool-Season or Warm-Season Crop: Cool-season Suited for plastic mulch and drip irrigation: No To help prevent this I recommend planting it in a raised garden bed. Instead, sprinkle 4-5 seeds per pot about 1/8 inch deep and then gently brush the soil over the seeds. What Type of Fertilizer Should I Use for My Lettuce? Next, you will want to make a hole approximately 3 inches deep (about the size of your lettuce plant at this point). It's planting season, and you're ready to start your garden, but it can be difficult to sow and sprout seeds directly in the soil. Make the hole twice as wide as the root ball. Romaine lettuce will take about 60-70 days to mature and you will know when to harvest Romaine lettuce when the center leaves grow together to form a lengthy head. However, if you’re just starting with cuttings, drinking cups work just fine. Please Note:  At this time orders may require 2 business days to process. TRANSPLANTING for HEAD LETTUCE: 3–4 weeks before field planting, sow in 128-cell trays barely covered with vermiculite or fine soil. Head lettuce is usually started indoors or in a cold frame and transplanted in the spring after the last frost date. Second, in the case that you had low germination rates and the plants are spaced too far apart, plant more lettuce seeds. Direct sowing Lettuce seeds When direct seeding heading types of Lettuce in rows, space the seeds 2 inches apart with rows 12 to 18 inches apart, depending on the variety. For example, you can start your first lettuce succession via transplants and then directly sow lettuce seeds every 2–3 weeks into your garden. It probably took a month to get my lettuce and spinach seeds to germinate . This site uses cookies to personalize your experience, measure site performance, and show you relevant offers and advertisements. Lightly sprinkle 4-5 lettuce seeds in each spot. It will take approximately 10 days for your seeds to germinate or “pop” through the soil. Sow seed on moist, well-prepared soil or compost in spring. In addition, expect the least amount of yield from this type of seed due to susception of disease and other elements. Stress listed below will germinate and then start the hardening off process once to twice a day for 10... Transplanting some seedlings from when to transplant lettuce seedlings seed tray and place it in a garden! It tends to do better in cooler temperatures and may even get bitter if weather. 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