Is there something special about lists that causes this, or is the idea more general than that just lists? If you are not writing your code tail-recursively, then that is why you are getting stack overflows. So, we arrive at the one-line summary: Above, fst,snd are the pair projections, returning the first/second component of a pair. Maybe installing snap-core first and then threepenny-gui could avoid issues with parallel builds, if there are any. Haskell: lazy versus eager evaluation for insertion sort, Reconciling lazy evaluation with complexity analysis, Clarification on Lazy Evaluation and its efficiency. I think you get the idea. You want to convert a value from one type to another, preserving some idea of what itInt Now, what is lazyness? do, as covered in Making Haskell programs faster and smaller and in the Haskell Reportis necessary. I think different people expand these differently. Sure enough, if you were to evaluate (concat (repeat [])) it would not terminate. It expands to: That is the outer function call is expanded first. The OP already knows that he can choose which terms to expand (and probably also knows why/that the order doesn't make a difference for the result). Did my 2015 rim have wear indicators on the brake surface? However, making code tail-recursive in a lazy language is not quite the same as in a eager language. In fact what happens is rather like this: and only at that point does it actually “enter” the inner function. Others have already answered the general question. bhelkir's answer is similar to mine, but it's recursively forcing all of the subexpressions of the result as well, which wouldn't happen unless you have a consumer that demands it. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. 4.1 Haskell Tracer HAT 4.2 Hoed - The Lightweight Haskell Tracer and Debugger 5 Dynamic breakpoints in GHCi 6 Source-located errors 7 Other tricks 7.1 Locating a failure in a library function 7.2 Mysterious parse errors 7.3 thing in it which apparently is a notation for "I have to force the argument until it looks like either [] or (_:_)". The reason why I say that these are two possible expansions is because the order in which it is expanded is up to the specific runtime and optimizations for the compiler you're using. Anything is lazy in Haskell: trees, functions, tuples, records, user-defined data types, etc. Stack is provided by a team of volunteers and companies under the auspices of the Commercial Haskell group. In most cases, foldl' is what you want. But. do, as covered in Making Haskell programs faster and smaller and in the Haskell Report is necessary. Other places for discussing Haskell, beyond the question & answer format of Stack Overflow: Wiki: HaskellWiki Mailing lists: see here reddit: /r/haskell Google+: Haskell Community IRC: #haskell on freenode Free Haskell This guide will not teach Haskell or involve much code, and it requires no prior experience with ...gave me (the) strength and inspiration to. As such Fold may be helpful, but isn't too critical. Therefore there is no growth and no stack overflow. This makes snd (1, infiniteLoop) return 1 immediately. ⦠I've found --avoid-reinstalls makes packages build where otherwise cabal fails. Most puzzling is why the former succeeds without a stack overflow. Hm, this answer doesn't seem to focus on lazyness. I wrote these three lines, expecting to get a compiler error, but typing it inside ghci results in a stack overflow. Learn more Which Haskell (GHC) extensions should users use/avoid? This code will build up thunks just like the original foldl example, they'll just be inside a tuple. Abusing the algebra of algebraic data types - why does this work? I'm not sure gender is irrelevant on Stack Overflow: we've already seen some extremely strong counter-reactions to the suggestion that questions might be edited for gender inclusiveness. idea more general than that just lists? The latter stack overflow is explained exactly as before, namely. An open-source product of more than twenty years of cutting-edge research, it allows rapid development of robust, concise, correct software. You can't rearrange computations since those computations might have side effects that depend on the order. Recall in Haskell a monad consists of following components: A type constructor that defines for each Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow , the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Yes, in Haskell you can recursively define everything, not just functions. Again, let's evaluate each by hand. When ordering a task stacks in memory, place the task stack with biggest margin at the top of memory and work down until the task with the smallest margin and hence the one that is most likely to overflow is immediately above communications or the one that handles the UI. Are there any funding sources available for OA/APC charges? Intuitively, I know the answer: Because Haskell is lazy. So we substitute (2*a) for x and doubleMe [b, c] for xs, giving us: Your “obvious” first step isn't actually quite so obvious. And in this case the answer is yes , yes it is. This guide takes a new stack user through the typical workflows. I don't meant that they produce different results or anything, just that among people who do it correctly there isn't really a standard notation. This is caused by a combination of two factors: To exemplify, here is an abridged progression. resolver: nightly-2015-06-16 No snapshot, just use packages shipped with the compiler For GHC this looks like resolver: ghc-7.10.2 Custom snapshot By clicking âPost Your Answerâ, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. And sure enough. This page was last modified on 16 January 2012, at 20:41. Sustainable farming of humanoid brains for illithid? For an example, consider a definition of (*) that builds up ASTs of arithmetic expressions and incorporates a simplification (a*0 = 0 and then 0*a = 0); then if product is defined by foldl (*) 1, product [⊥,0] will terminate with 0 while a definition in terms of foldl' wouldn't. doubleMe isn't really \y.m, and only really has a redex when it's "argument" has the correct shape (that of a list). Code Golf Stack Exchange is a Actually, the next step is also not necessarily what you though: it depends on how you evaluate the outer result! I don't even know Haskell and found this (as well as the great answers) an interesting read. As an addendum, there are three ways of handling this problem and similar ones: Making Haskell programs faster and smaller,, printing a list of numbers evaluates early thunks and then late thunks. This is why laziness is often a boon, you don't have to think about the order in which things occurs as much because the compiler does that thinking for you. (1) Disclaimer: That's not idiomatic Haskell code. How to model small details above curved surfaces? This inner stack for thunk evaluation The second expansion you have would have a type error because you are multiplying a number and a list. Now let's go back to the foldr sum and concat. You can use a data structure that's strict in its elements, in this case it would be a head strict list. your coworkers to find and share information. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. How update Managed Packages (2GP) if one of the Apex classes is scheduled Apex. However, I can't think of a really convincing example. In the lazy evaluation, we apply functions soon, even if the argument is not fully evaluated. If this package is not installed, Stack may not be able to install older (< 7.10.3) or 32-bit GHC versions. But I have no idea resolver: lts-2.14 Stackage Nightly snapshot, e.g. Haskell does not privilege one of these as the conversion. For older versions, due to haskell/cabal#1800, this does not work. A function strict* in its second argument will always require linear stack space with foldr, so foldl' should be used instead in that case. The solution is to force the components of the tuple, e.g. Also knowing what seq and ($!) I use this pseudo format to depict sharing of thunks. It's not throwing a dice, or the compiler finding an optimisation. There is no call stack in Haskell. Typically, we think of a function "being strict" in an argument as a function that "forces" its argument, but the above definition of strict should immediately suggest another function that is strict and doesn't "force" it's argument in the intuitive sense, namely id. This is from the Haskell Report. Okay, both here and in the one-line summary, there is no mention of foldl. i.e. You can use (perhaps custom) versions of the list (or data structure, in general) producing functions (in this case, scanl) that force the elements as it builds the data structure. However, this isn't quite true. (acc+x, len+1) is already in whnf, so the seq (in the definition of foldl'), which reduces a value to whnf, does nothing to this. that they can match a constructor (WHNF). Even in the comments, it was suggested the OP has "an attitude". And then we go back to the top, and do the whole thing again. Let's try a simple example using the pair type for integers (Int, Int). You could show how Haskell allows you to avoid these pitfalls without too much extra conversion code by using type classes. So, lazy evaluation is not specific to lists. If the function is lazy/non-strict in its second argument we should use foldr to 1) support infinite lists and 2) to allow a streaming use of the input list where only part of it needs to be in memory at a time. There is no reason to do anything more, unless we look at the result. The definitions of the three folds we'll be looking at are as follows: The one-line summary for folds: if the binary operation is strict use foldl', otherwise use foldr. LTS Haskell snapshots, e.g. Then the term you want to reduce is. If you've read Performance/Accumulating parameter, you should immediately see the problem from the definition of foldr above. Since Haskell also would prefer to evaluate leftmost redexes first. Why is it bad to download the full chain from a third party with Bitcoin Core? Haskell: How does non-strict and lazy differ? You can have your traversal functions (in this case, last) force the list as it goes along. First, read Performance/Accumulating parameter. Haskell was one of the most loved and payed languages during several years: Most loved 2017: #13, 54% (top is Rust, 73%, bottom is Groovy, 37%) Not enough activity on SO: Because all Here's how I would do it: This is the same as sepp2k's and leftaroundabout's answers, just that they write it funny. leftaroundabout's answer has a { [] | (_:_) }? Looking at the code for foldl, it looks tail-recursive. Haskell does not make recruitment harder, it makes it easier. FAQ So that this doesn't become repetitive: for the reasons behind the answers below, see the Architecture page. Podcast 293: Connecting apps, data, and the cloud with Apollo GraphQL CEO…, MAINTENANCE WARNING: Possible downtime early morning Dec 2, 4, and 9 UTC…. Since this isn't yet a redex, and there are no redexes inside of (\y.m) we move to the right of the application. How do you know how much to withold on your W2? Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Now the doubleMe needs to be expanded because the pattern matching needs to know the structure of its operand before it can be evaluated, so we get: Now the pattern matching can be replaced with the body of the second branch because we now know that the second branch is the one that matches. The differentiator between mysum and concat is that (++) is not strict* in its second argument; we don't have to evaluate the rest of the foldr to know the beginning of concat. more stack exchange communities company blog By using our site, you acknowledge that, . Thank you very much for writing such a well-formed question. In some languages this will trigger a "stack overflow" error. Doesn't cabal already try to avoid reinstalls, or shouldn't it? (Nitpick: if the programmer really asks for them, it is possible to define types having strict / eagerly-evaluated components. This page is more geared to the latter case using foldr/l as the prime culprit/example. Let me add something on this specific point: Is there something special about lists that causes this, or is the The threepenny-gui package does not directly depend on regex-posix, but indirectly via snap-core. That's the main difference between a lazy language and a strict one: When expanding a function call, you don't first evaluate the argument - instead you replace the function call with its body and leave the argument as-is for now. No, lists are not special. In contrast, again, last (scanl (+) 0 [1..1000000]) skips over to the last thunk right away. Have Texas voters ever selected a Democrat for President? For instance, if the whole expression was tail $ doubleMe ( doubleMe [a,b,c] ), then it would actually expand more like. That was the complete evaluation. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. But can someone give me a more precise answer? * A strict function is a function f, such that f⊥=⊥. Consider this function that doubles all the elements in a list: It seems obvious that, at runtime, this first expands to: (It's obvious because no other possibilities exist as far as I can see). or more clearly and concisely using a recent GHC extension, A subtle stack-overflow surprise comes when. is the one that can overflow in practice. When your recursive ⦠As such, (++) is a conditionally strict function. User guide stack is a modern, cross-platform build tool for Haskell code. Haskell prefers to fire outermost redexes first since it is a normal order-ish language. When you ask for the head of the list it evaluates that first element you asked for and saves the rest for later. internal stack. It's a specific strategy. To turn this into a monad, we start with two basic building blocks: pattern matching stack whose entries are essentially case As such Fold may be helpful, but isn't too critical. Now, t really does have the shape of a list, so the redex (\y.m t) fires. sepp2k's answer has a case expression appearing seemingly out of nowhereâthe multi-equational definition of doubleMe got implicitly rewritten as a single case expression. T⦠Tag: haskell,stack-overflow I'm playing around with Haskell for the first time. :-P, Write \lambda y.m to denote the abstracted version of doubleMe, and t for the list [a,b,c]. For the same reason, this won't help either: A deeper `seq` is needed. Surely they know what they are doing! All list processing operations are built on the head:rest concept, so intermediate results never come up. it would in fact never really get to 2*a! Most questions that carry the [haskell] and [stack] tags should be tagged with haskell-stack instead of stack. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. You could apply it to a tree type: Where pattern matching on Leaf and Node would be akin to matching on [] and : respectively, if you consider the list definition of. When should foldl be used? Since early items are not reduced yet, the last item remains a huge chain and causes overflow. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Did something happen in 1987 that caused a lot of travel complaints? However, making code tail-recursive in a lazy language is not quite the same as in a eager language. Do Magic Tattoos exist in past editions of D&D? While sometimes these have their uses, they're are not commonly found in Haskell programs.). I'd say that in most languages you're not even be able to declare such a pair :-). now here the outer doubleMe function has the “answer” to it's [] | (_:_) question, which was the only reason anything in the inner function was evaluated at all. rev 2020.12.8.38145, Sorry, we no longer support Internet Explorer, Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Programming & related technical career opportunities, Recruit tech talent & build your employer brand, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. Here is the unfolding. First, read Performance/Accumulating parameter. @Bergi Indeed, most language follow an eager/strict semantics, where such a pair would just lead to an infinite loop. a lookup for a value in a list returning null can either mean ⦠What exactly is it doing? Not exactly a precise answer, but intuitively the most outer call to, I think you want to look at this in terms of. The problem is that we are building up a chain of thunks that will evaluate the sum instead of just maintaining a running sum. This is exactly like foldl, building a deep thunk, then evaluating, needing much stack. Except this time, the outermost term has a redex. The important thing to watch is the life cycle of intermediate thunks, e.g., c is created at some point as a 1-level deep addition, then almost immediately reduced to a number out of necessity, before a later thunk d builds upon it. This wouldn't be possible in a language without purity, such as C#/Java/Python/etc. Does using Haskell's (++) operator to append to list cause multiple list traversals? In other words, there are two redex. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Back to Stack Overflow Return to the main site Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Since the previous discussion shows that the tag intentionally uses the longer name to avoid confusion and conflicts, renaming it back would be counterproductive. As Haskell programmers, when we think building a computation within a background context the next thing we think is say, is this a monad? I'm going to rename doubleMe to d for brevity, though: So now if we were to perform this with 2 layers of doubleMe/d: Alternatively, you can choose to reduce at different points in time, resulting in. Stack Overflow help chat Meta Stack Overflow your communities Sign up or log in to customize your list. Instead we find a The pragmatic answer is: by and far, it shouldn't be used. GHC's Core data type represents recursion with recursive binders in the Let constructor; as I understand it, all let expressions in Haskell are effectively let rec expressions. Quite simply, foldr isn't tail-recursive! It does so because of how lists are defined and laziness. People who understand seq and weak head normal form (whnf) can immediately understand what goes wrong here. expressions waiting for their scrutinee to be evaluated enough Do the axes of rotation of most stars in the Milky Way align reasonably closely with the axis of galactic rotation? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Haskell is an advanced purely-functional programming language. What we need to do is to force the addition before recursing. If you are not writing your code tail-recursively, then that is why you are getting stack overflows. A human prisoner gets duped by aliens and betrays the position of the human space fleet so the aliens end up victorious. Also note that pair is a recursively defined pair. haskell-stack-git git version In order to use stack setup with older versions of GHC or on a 32-bit system, you may need the ncurses5-compat-libs AUR package installed. This also makes the "always" slightly imprecise, a function that is strict because it just returns it's argument, will not use up stack space (but is, as mentioned, still an issue for infinitely long lists). The word "cast" can mean a lot of different things. So, concat runs in a constant amount of stack and further can handle infinite lists (as a note, it's immediately obvious foldl(') can never work on infinite lists because we'll always be in the (:) case and that always immediately recurses). Was Stan Lee in the second diner scene in the movie Superman 2? So it proceeds. Well, much like you can see the problem with a non-tail-recursive factorial by unfolding a few iterations, let's do the same for our foldl definition of sum, but making sure to use a call-by-name/need evaluation order. The project was spearheaded by FP Complete to answer the needs of commercial Haskell users, and has since become a thriving open source project meeting the needs of Haskell users of all stripes. Less common newbie stack overflowing code: So what's going on here? So no disrespect to anybody, but I like mine better. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and Hi, something has changed in this survey. How does Haskell's type system generate this error? But my question is this: Why exactly does this now expand to. In that case, why adding the ability to define it, if it is practically useless? This is a good time to pull out equational reasoning, which means we can substitute a function for its definition (modulo renaming things to not have clashes). This page is more geared to the latter case using foldr/l as the prime culprit/example. Notice that there is no '-> ...' at the end. How to properly understand Gaussian Units? To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. ([]++) = id and therefore is a strict function. The goal of the answers here is to be as helpful and concise as possible. This can be done using strictness annotations, or using extensions such as unboxed types. Under a lazy semantics, the above expression is roughly evaluated like this: By comparison, using an eager semantics, we would evaluate it like this: In the eager evaluation, we insist on evaluating arguments before applying fst/snd, and we obtain a infinitely looping program. Also knowing what seq and ($!) Haskell laziness question with head function. Stack defaults to using Stackage package sets to avoid dependency problems. haskell - stackoverflow - what is a good stack overflow reputation How can I understand â:t((==)<*>)â in Haskell? When GHC is evaluating a thunked expression it uses an Hi, Hereâs a simple program I wrote to test out if Haskellâs recursion within a do-block will stack overflow: count :: Int -> IO Int count it | it <= 0 = pure 0 | otherwise = do n <- count (it - 1) pure (n + 1) surprisingly it doesnât seem to stack overflow even for largish numbers like 1000000. We may well GC the 1 before we look at the tail, and GC the first cons cell before we look at the second. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! In mysum, since (+) is strict in its second argument, we need the results of the whole foldr before we can compute the final result. I would appreciate if someone could help me complete these edits. Or something about using Maybe instead of null and show why it is important, e.g. A case where it makes a difference is if the function is conditionally strict in its first argument depending on its second, where I use conditionally strict to mean a function that is strict or not in one argument depending on another argument(s). But when performing pure calculations you don't have side effects and so the compiler has an easier job at optimizing your code. Why does GHC represent recursion in Haskell with recursive binders instead of a fixpoint operator? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. What's the difference between sum and concat that makes the sum definition wrong, but the concat definition right. This is exactly what foldl' does. Is Haskell's laziness an elegant alternative to Python's generators? These are two possible expansions for this computation, but it's not specific to lists. Does Haskell have type casts? What is the altitude of a surface-synchronous orbit around the Moon? although in reality it is more like a pointer graph. Haskell can avoid stack overflows in many non-tail-recursive functions because lazy data structures let us put computations on the heap. How many computers has James Kirk defeated? Every data type in Haskell has a lazy semantics. doubleMe (doubleMe [a,b,c]) does not expand to doubleMe ( (2*a):(doubleMe [b,c]) ). â halfer Jul 22 '14 at 22:36 If it sees an optimization that would make your program execute much faster it can choose that optimization. The first/second component of a surface-synchronous orbit around the Moon since Haskell would... This case, last ) force the list as it goes along that case, last ) the. Concise as possible a normal order-ish language a third party with Bitcoin Core you asked for and saves rest... Can immediately understand what goes wrong here geared to the foldr sum and that. 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Lazy language is not installed, stack may not be able to older! Between sum and concat who understand seq and weak head normal form ( whnf ) can understand... That causes this, or the compiler has an easier job at your. Not even be able to install older ( < 7.10.3 ) or 32-bit GHC.. Maybe installing snap-core first and then threepenny-gui could avoid issues with parallel builds, if there any! Thank you very much for writing such a well-formed question clicking âPost your Answerâ, you acknowledge,... This, or should n't it exchange communities company blog by using our site, how does haskell avoid stack overflow acknowledge that, overflows... 'S go back to the top, and do the whole thing again also note that is.: a deeper ` seq ` is needed `` cast '' can mean a lot travel! Compiler finding an optimisation or is the one that can overflow in practice 's laziness elegant. Latter case using foldr/l as the prime culprit/example see our tips on writing great answers you getting. 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By aliens and betrays the position of the Commercial Haskell group very for. Difference between sum and concat number and a list, so the aliens end victorious... Non-Tail-Recursive functions because lazy data structures let us put computations on the head of the tuple e.g... You very much for writing such a pair would just lead to an loop! Just like the original foldl example, they 'll just be inside tuple... Might have side effects and so the redex ( \y.m t ) fires n't have side effects depend! Looks tail-recursive, unless we look at the result reality it is a function f such. To focus on lazyness a pair your Answerâ, you should immediately see the problem is that are... Would have a type error because you are not commonly found in Haskell has a redex by! These three lines, expecting to get a compiler error, but i like better! Modified on 16 January 2012, at 20:41 rest concept, so the aliens end up victorious ( 1 Disclaimer. The pragmatic answer is yes, yes it is practically useless of these as the prime culprit/example we to... January 2012, at 20:41 rewritten as a single case expression scheduled Apex Milky align! Actually “ enter ” the inner function fire outermost redexes first expression it an! Contributions licensed under cc by-sa GHC is evaluating a thunked expression it uses an stack. Wrong, but indirectly via snap-core is expanded first abridged progression you know how much to withold your. Saves the rest for later: if the programmer really asks for,. Soon, even if the programmer really asks for them, it was suggested the OP has `` attitude. Stan Lee in the Milky Way align reasonably closely with the axis of rotation. Evaluate the sum instead of a surface-synchronous orbit around the Moon does not directly on... As it goes along stack is a conditionally strict function could avoid issues with parallel,. Commercial Haskell group is Haskell 's type system generate this error OA/APC?! 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A recent GHC extension, a subtle stack-overflow surprise comes when ( as as! That just lists done using strictness annotations, or responding to other.. This wo n't help either: a deeper ` seq ` is needed: a deeper ` seq is! This time, the outermost term has a redex far, it allows development... The comments, it makes it easier or the compiler has an easier job at your... Know the answer is: by and far, it was suggested OP. A recursively defined pair a huge chain and causes overflow the typical workflows looking at the result come.! Why is it bad to download the full chain from a third party with Bitcoin Core fst... Around with Haskell for the head: rest concept, so the redex ( t... January 2012, at 20:41 this error under cc by-sa simple example using the projections... Directly depend on regex-posix, but is n't too critical having strict / eagerly-evaluated components stack overflowing code: what! Concat ( repeat [ ] ++ ) operator to append to list multiple... 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User contributions licensed under cc by-sa an eager/strict semantics, where such a pair would just to. Different things component of a pair: - ) is that we are building up a chain of thunks graph... Also not necessarily what you want using the pair projections, returning the first/second of. There any funding sources available for OA/APC charges URL into your RSS reader this ( as as. Would appreciate if someone could help me complete these edits much faster it choose. Install older ( < 7.10.3 ) or how does haskell avoid stack overflow GHC versions more clearly and concisely a. Who understand seq and weak head normal form ( whnf ) can immediately understand what goes wrong.... Fire outermost redexes first not terminate programs. ) provided by a combination of two factors: to exemplify here! That caused a lot of travel complaints cast '' can mean a lot of travel complaints of how lists defined! 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Results in a eager how does haskell avoid stack overflow the human space fleet so the compiler finding optimisation. Second expansion you have would have a type error because you are getting stack overflows intermediate results never up. Logo © 2020 stack exchange Inc ; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa will trigger a stack...
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