Medical Council of India, Kotla Road, New Delhi. It not only also helps teachers to evaluate students, but also students to evaluate themselves. Service Rounds: Postgraduate students should do ward rounds every day. 2. No.Items for observation during presentation Poor 0Below Average 1Average 2Good 3Very Good 4Periodic consultation with guide/co-guideRegular collection of case materialDepth of analysis / discussionDepartmental presentation of findings Quality of final outputOthersTotal Score LOG BOOK Table 1 : Academic activities attended Name: Admission Year: College: DateType of Activity Specify Seminar, Journal Club, Presentation, UG teachingParticulars LOG BOOK Table 2 : Academic presentations made by the student Name: Admission Year: College: DateTopicType of Presentation Specify Seminar, Journal Club, Presentation, UG teaching etc. (please see Chapter IV for model checklists and logbook specimen copy). Transformers, Ractifiers, Rectification, Timers, x-ray Production and other aspects of x-rays. Now the Syndicate at its meeting held on 22.11.2000 has approved Syllabus of Postgraduate Clinical Subjects and the same is notified. The examination for D.M and M.Ch courses shall be held at the end of three years. I need first year gnm model papers last 3 years pls September 6, 2019 at 4:46 AM Unknown said... Sir I want muhs BSC nursing 1st year question paper September 11, 2019 at 7:13 AM Umrao Staff Nursing Coaching said... Staff Nurse Coaching in … It is, therefore necessary to be prepared to deal with these problems. b Recent advances may be asked in any or all the papers. New Delhi, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 1989. Questions on recent advances may be asked in any or all the papers. viii) Records: Records, log books and marks obtained in tests will be maintained by the Head of the Department and will be made available to the University or MCI. Develop communication skills, in particular the skill to explain various options available in management and to obtain a true informed consent from the patient. Tables xi. Attempt Certificate issued by the Principal. Respiratory system Includes the following methods of investigations and interpretation of Chest films, Chest wall, Diaphragm, Pleural disease and air way disease, Pulmonary vasculature, pulmonary infections, pulmonary neoplasms, diffuse lung disease, Mediastinal disease, Chest Trauma, Post operative lung and intensive care. No.Items for observation during presentation Poor 0Below Average 1Average 2Good 3Very Good 4 Whether other relevant publications consulted Whether cross references have been consulted Completeness of Preparation Clarity of Presentation Understanding of subject Ability to answer questions Time scheduling Appropriate use of Audio-Visual aids Overall Performance Any other observation Total Score Check List - III MODEL CHECK LIST FOR EVALUATION OF CLINICAL WORK IN WARD / OPD (To be completed once a month by respective Unit Heads including posting in other departments) Name of the Student: Name of the Unit Head: Date: Sl. National Teacher Training Centre, JIPMER, Pondicherry Chapter IV Monitoring Learning Progress It is essential to monitor the learning progress of each candidate through continuous appraisal and regular assessment. Monitoring Progress of Studies: 8. CLICK HERE 10.Nursing Foundation. M.Ch (Master of Chirurgie) In the subjects recognised by Medical Council of India. With the advances in science and technology and the needs of patient, their families and the community, there is an increased concern with the health of society. However, participation & presentation of scientific paper should be encouraged. Details of distribution of topics for each paper will be as follows: Paper – I Basic Sciences as applied to Radio-Diagnosis – Radiological Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Radiography, Radiation Physics and Biology. Every student shall attend teaching and learning activities during each year as prescribed by the department and not absent himself/herself from work without valid reasons. Special mention may be made of the presentations by the candidate as well as details of clinical or laboratory procedures, if any conducted by the candidate. Spiral binding should be avoided. Recent trends and Advances Includes all information and imaging information that published in National and International Journals and references, vascular Ultrasound, PACS, digital x-ray, CT, MRI and Nuclear Medicine. Clinical meetings : Candidates should periodically present cases to his peers and faculty members. Format for the logbook for the different activities is given in Tables 1,2 and 3 of Chapter IV. RGUHS Question Papers MBBS BDS BPharm Exam Pattern First... Wbuhs Mbbs Question Papers e13components com. By order, Sd/ REGISTRAR To The Principals of all Medical Colleges affiliated to RGUHS The Members of the Syndicate/Senate/Academic Council. The tests may include written papers, practicals / clinicals and viva voce. Procedure for defaulters: Every department should have a committee to review such situations. The assessment should include the candidates’ sincerity and punctuality, analytical ability and communication skills (see Model Checklist III, Chapter IV). Teaching and Learning Activities A candidate pursuing the course should work in the institution as a full time student. here we uploaded a book of 328 pages in pdf format. CLICK HERE 6.Nutritio. Clinical skills Day to Day work : Skills in outpatient and ward work should be assessed periodically. Failed candidate may appear in any subsequent examination upon payment of fresh fee to the Registrar (Evaluation). The maximum marks for practical / Clinical shall be 150. Lectures: Lectures are to be kept to a minimum. The monitoring be done by the staff of the department based on participation of students in various teaching / learning activities. UA/ORD-06/1999-2000 01.01.2000 NOTIFICATION Sub: Revised Ordinances pertaining to Post Graduate Degree, Diploma and Super Speciality Courses in Medicine Ref: Minutes of the 16th syndicate meeting held on 16.11.1999. These objectives are to be achieved by the time the candidate completes the course. • Every candidate should take part in seminars, group discussions, grand rounds, case demonstration, clinics, journal review meetings, CPC and clinical meetings. To know the examination pattern, go through the RGUHS exam question papers. RGUHS MD Question Papers April-May 2015(RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES) M.D; Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences; Team May 12, 2017 6 2015, Anesthesiology, april, Biochemistry, Dermatology, May, Pediatrics, Pharmacology, Physiology, RGUHS, RGUHS MD, RGUHS MD Question Papers, RGUHS MD Question Papers April-May 2015. pharm d 1st year rguhs question bank. The total marks shall be 100 and the distribution of marks shall be as under: (i) For examination of all components of syllabus 80 Marks (ii) For Pedagogy 20 Marks 11.1.5 Examiners: There shall be at least four examiners in each subject. format. l aö ŠT $$If a$ P kd $$If T –l ”#Ö0 ”ÿİ BEd MC 06 07 (01)- Click here to download Question paper pdf. Each paper shall carry 100 marks. The tests may include written papers, practicals / clinicals and viva voce. Disease and disorders of spinal cord lesions including congenital lesions. P - 335. 11.2.1 (Theory) (Written Examination): The theory examination shall consist of four question papers, each of three hours duration. viii) Records: Records, log books and marks obtained in tests will be maintained by the Head of the Department and will be made available to the University or MCI. Philosophical background of fundamentals of Ayurveda. Approval of dissertation work is an essential precondition for a candidate to appear in the University examination. Teaching skills: Postgraduate students must teach Undergraduate students (e.g. In case of clinical examination, it should aim at examining clinical skills and competence of candidates for undertaking independent work as a specialist. It should be neatly typed in double line spacing on one side of paper (A4 size, 8.27" x 11.69") and bound properly. 9.3 Every candidate shall submit to the Registrar (Academic) of the University in the prescribed proforma, a synopsis containing particulars of proposed dissertation work within six months from the date of commencement of the course on or before the dates notified by the University. Organise and supervise the chosen/assigned health care services demonstrating adequate managerial skills in the clinic/hospital or the field situation. Indian National Science Academy, Guidelines for care and use of animals in Scientific Research, New Delhi, 1994. Each paper shall consist of two long essay questions each question carrying 20 marks and 6 short essay questions each carrying 10 marks. ), Otorhinolaryngology (D.L.O. Intake of Students The intake of students to each course shall be in accordance with the ordinance in this behalf. Demonstrate sufficient understanding of the basic sciences relevant to the concerned speciality. Write in detail classification of VIRACHANA and treatment of virachana VYAPTHS. Conferences: Attending conferences is optional. No. 2 SDA Exam- General Awareness- Paper III -Subject Code 369- Page No. Duration of Study M.D /M.S Degree Courses The course of study shall be for a period of 3 years consisting of 6 terms. 2. f 7& $ ‰= [) „ ß+ ® Ñ! ii. The performance is assessed by the guide by direct observation. Each candidate should examine at least one long case and two short cases. pharmd 4th year question papers kuhs. It includes discussion on dissertation also. Out of them two shall be external examiners and two shall be internal examiners. Be humble and accept the limitations in his knowledge and skill and to ask for help from colleagues when needed. Teach and guide his team, colleagues and other students. The tests may include written papers, practicals / clinicals and viva voce. Each candidate should examine atleast one long case and two short cases. Pedagogy Exercise: (20 marks) A topic be given to each candidate in the beginning of clinical examination. No change in the dissertation topic or guide shall be made without prior approval of the University. Few topics are suggested as examples: Bio-statistics. hÖu� CJ hÖu� 5�CJ hÖu� B*CJ \�ph hÖu� CJ H*\� hÖu� CJ \�j hÖu� UmH nH u hÖu� 5�CJ hÖu� 5�B*CJ ph Published by The Question Paper of SDA Examination Conducted on 16/06/2019 with Answers published on 16/06/2019. Questions on recent advances may be asked in any or all the papers. PANCHAKARMA. These topics may preferably taken up in the first few weeks of the 1st year. Ñ! Physics of Ultrasound CT, MRI. 11.3.4 Criteria for Pass: Criteria for declaring as pass in University Examination: A candidate shall secure not less than 50% marks in each head of passing which shall include (1) Theory, (2) Practical including clinical and viva voce examination.
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