This would help to increase guava production in future. Sindh Chamber of Agriculture (SCA) Larkana president Sirajul Oliya, confirming a drastic reduction in guava production this season, linked the damage to climate change paired with locust and mealybug attacks on the crop in the district. It is also popularly called as apple of the tropics and poor man’s apple. The forecasted production of guava is 502.14 thousand tonnes in the year 2029-30. Strategy should be adopted to bring more barren land under guava cultivation. However, it is susceptible to … Guava, the apple of tropics, is one of the most common fruits in Pakistan. PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY OF GUAVA (Psidium guajava L.) GUAVA is one of the most important fruit and it is considered as apple of the tropics . A study was conducted at Technology Transfer Institute (PARC), Tandojam, Pakistan during 2005-06. In India ,it’s position is forth after mango, banana, and citrus so far as area and production of major fruits are considered. In Pakistan, area under Guava cultivation is approximately 66.6 thousand ha and yield production is 49.52 thousand tons. ... Israeli technology increases guava yield. Saffron cultivation is very simple and accessible to anyone, it is a money maker plant, & people should have to grow it. Production Technology of Lucerne/Alfalfa. A multisectoral approach from government bodies, policymakers, farmers, processors and researchers should be set up to promote guava production and processing in the country to boost its economy and better domestic yield. Metric Ton. Obtain an overview of Pakistan's production of Guava. Fruit is highly perishable, therefore, it should be immediately marketed after harvest cultivation of guava is 58,500 hectares and the total production is 468,300 tonnes. Guava … University of Peshawar Tel. In Punjab, it occupies an area of 8022ha with annual production … However, when it comes to production, India tops the list of production followed by China & Thailand. Bactrocera correcta, commonly known as the Guava fruit fly largely affects Guava grown in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Nepal. Pakistan. Food Technology Centre PCSIR Labs Complex, Jamrud Road, P.O. Thailand. Khalid Ahmed Memon, a contractor, said that 90 per cent of guava crop over around 20,000 acres was affected but the SCA Larkana president estimates a 75 per cent decline in the production. Mexico. Benefits of Growing Guava Growing fruit trees is very beneficial for the Nepalese and their land. It is grown in many parts of the world. These fruit flies are one of the major causes of economic losses for Guava (Yahia, 2011, p. [Page 230]). Saffron is considered a sterile mutant plant, typically saffron Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Orissa, WB, AP and Tamilnadu are the major stated growing guava. Here is the complete guidance on starting a guava plantation in India with complete details on guava varieties in India, planting guava seeds, plantation management, harvesting and post harvest practices. With a rich history of fruit farming, Pakistan produces 1,784,300 metric tones of the guava fruit each year. One of the most gregarious of fruit trees, the guava, Psidium Even, when it comes to development or criticism, there was no media to address the issues. *Corresponding author’s email: [email protected] Common Name: Lucerne/Alfalfa Also it can be successfully grown throughout Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. Pakistan. Naveed Ahmad is a Software Engineer, a progressive farmer, a blogger, a social media expert, a writer, an anchor and the Chairman of R & D Board of RARI Bahawalpur. Each seedling is sold at Rs 10. Pakistan today stands as the second largest producer of Guava with India as the largest producer in the world. Naveed Ahmad. Primary data were collected from 120 guava producers from major guava producing areas of Sindh and Punjab to identify factors affecting guava production in Pakistan. The cultivation of guava in and around the city has seen a multifold increase with the introduction of an Israeli technique of orchard farming. 4. Guava, a tropical fruit, originated in Central and South America, it is South Asia now that dominates the production of Guava. Last 3 year-3.2%. Psidium guajava (common guava, lemon guava) is a small tree in the myrtle family (), native to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and northern South America. Indonesia. The guava production has tremendously been affected in Larkana district, where orchards are spread over 30,000 acres of land. Sindh is the second largest guava producer in the country with annual production at around 71,000 tons. It is the fourth most important fruit of India in respect of area and production. The stigma of Crocus sativus is called as saffron. The five fruits namely Mango, Banana, Citrus, Guava and Apple account for 75% of the total fruit production. The major constraints were broadly classified as economical, infrastructural, agro-climatic and technological aspects. PCSIR. A study was conducted at Technology Transfer Institute (PARC), Tandojam, Pakistan during 2005-06. Pakistan produces around 560,000 tons guava annually with 58,500 hectares of land under its cultivation. India ranks first in the production of mango, banana, sapota and acid limes in the world. Pakistan earned $451m from fisheries products’ export in 2017-18 Fish production exceeds 3,200 tons per annum in KP Destruction of fish habitat to affect 59m people: Experts Mature and freshly plucked fruit has a sweet and attractive flavour. 400,000 per Acre. You can learn about the current and historical production volume & price information.` Total Production Volume. It is also considered as the apple of tropics. Larkana district in Sindh is the leading contributor in guava production accounting for 45% of Sindh's produce annually. Guava production can be increased using improved guava cultivars, improved system of irrigation and adequate cultural practices. PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY . Saffron is an expensive spice than gold and it is locally called as kesar or zafran. (Production of Guava Nectar) Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. Muhammad Umair Yasin *1, Hina Ahmed Malik 2.. 1 Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.. 2 Soil Agriculture Research Center Lab D-138, Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. 1.61M. 19,000 tons in 1958 to 552,000 tons in the year 2008; an annual growth rate of 6.9%. It is also produced widely in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia, Philippines, Nigeria along with many other portions of the world. # 091-9216240-2 Fax # 091-9216232 It tolerates high temperatures and drought conditions prevalent in north India in summers.
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