To find the hidden treasure, you must answer ALL questions correctly. Here we will tell you what 10 is rounded to the nearest ten and also show you what rules we used to get to the answer. Round Function. We want to keep the "7" (it is in the 10s position) The next digit is "4" which is less than 5, so no change is needed to "7" Answer: 70 (74 gets "rounded down") Example: Round 86 to the nearest 10 . Return from Rounding to the nearest 10 Worksheets to Homepage. Second Grade Place Value Worksheets 3 Digits, 2nd Grade Counting Worksheets 1s 2s 5s 10s 100s, Basic Math Worksheets - Ordering 2-digit numbers, Converting Decimals to Fractions Worksheets, Multiplying Negative Numbers Online Practice, Subtracting Negative Numbers Online Practice. Rounding to the nearest 10 DRAFT. Let the students know that the rules stand regardless of the size of the number involved. We have updated and improved our fraction calculators to show you how to solve your fraction problems step-by-step! Welcome to our Rounding to the nearest 10 worksheets page. MATH | GRADE: 3rd . In our Rounding Practice zone, you can practice rounding a range of numbers. Includes only single and double-digit numbers. =ROUND(B3,0) By using negative numbers you can round to the nearest 10, 100, or 1000. Rounding numbers to the nearest 100 within 0-1,000; Rounding numbers to the nearest 100 within 0-10,000; Mixed rounding - round to the underlined digit (10's, 100's) Mixed rounding - round to the underlined digit (10's, 100's, 1000's) Grade 4 rounding worksheets. … Rounding to the Nearest Tenth Calculator is a free online tool that displays the given number rounded to its nearest tenths place value. Round to Nearest 10 =ROUND(B3,-1) Round the number to the nearest ten, then tell whether you rounded up or rounded down. So we want to focus on the tens place. For complete access to thousands of printable lessons click the button or the link below. 15. 37 rounds up to 40 because the ones digit is 7. Cut out the numbers at the bottom of the page. All Rights Reserved. To round any 4-digit number to the nearest 10, it's esssential that children understand the importance of the number 5. Rounding to the nearest hundred. Well, if we're going to round to the nearest 10, we have to look at the ones place. Round to the nearest ten to complete each bubble in the rounding caterpillar. Round 1289 to the nearest ten. View PDF. Sheets 5 & 6 go up to 1000. Print full size. Rounding to the Nearest Ten - Worksheet 2, Rounding to the Nearest Ten - Number Line 2, Scoot Game: Rounding to Nearest Ten (Up to 3 Digits), Task Cards: Rounding to Nearest Ten (2 and 3-Digit Numbers), Rounding to the Nearest Ten - Multiple Choice. Quickly access your most used files AND your custom generated worksheets! Example 1. Consider that we have the number 5776 and it has to be rounded off to the nearest 100. First, 10 rounded to the nearest ten is: 10 When rounding to the nearest ten, like we did with 10 above, we use the following rules: Save. Review rounding on a number line (optional). The numbers on the left half of the line (like 13 or 11) are closer to 10, so they round to 10. Example: Round 74 to the nearest 10 . Here is our generator for generating your own rounding off numbers worksheets. Round 1,585 to the nearest ten. Here is our rounding challenges collection which will give your child an opportunity to apply their rounding learning. 90: 550: Pictorially Get a free sample copy of our Math Salamanders Dice Games book We welcome any comments about our site or worksheets on the Facebook comments box at the bottom of every page. Print out and cut apart 30 task cards. This math worksheet lets your child practice finding numbers on a number line and rounding to the nearest 10. 2nd and 3rd Grades. Round each to the nearest ten. We want to keep the "8" A set of questions for rounding to the nearest ten and hundred. Draw a number line from 10 to 20. Circle the number that is rounded to the nearest ten. When they play, students will round 2-digit numbers to the nearest ten. Rounding to the Nearest 10 Printable Worksheets Let students practice rounding to the nearest 10! 1,585 to the nearest ten. Round each number and glue the answer next to each given number. The number on the extreme right is 6. Students are given a limited amount of hints in this rounding math activity. and all our other Math games and resources. Round up and down for each number. If the digit in the “ones” place is between 5 and 9, round up to the nearest ten. And just like regular rounding, when we're not dealing with decimals, you move to one spot, or you look at one place to the right or one place lower, I guess, and you say is that 5 or larger? Looking for a fun and motivating way to learn and practice math skills? Round these 3-digit numbers to the nearest ten. The following worksheets involve different Second Grade place value activities Students begin by making a foldable, origami fortune teller (cootie catcher) game. days? Rounding means replacing a number with an approximate value that has a shorter, simpler, or more explicit representation.For example, replacing $23.4476 with $23.45, the fraction 312/937 with 1/3, or the expression √2 with 1.414. wikipedia. This tutorial will demonstrate how to round to the nearest 10, 100, or 1000 in Excel & Google Sheet. First, use the cipher code key at the top of the page to translate the picture symbols into regular numbers. Each card has a number on it. These task cards have 2-digit numbers that students can round to the nearest ten. Do you know how old you weeks? Includes 2 and 3-digit numbers. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Round 2 and 3-digit numbers to the Nearest Ten. You can round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or even 1000. Rounding worksheets have productive pdf exercises on rounding whole numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, hundred thousand and million. Share the following Rules with the students about rounding to the nearest ten: a. Each sheets comes with a separate printable answer sheet. 145 rounds up to 150 because the ones digit is a 5. position numbers to 100 on a number line. BYJU’S online rounding to the nearest tenth calculator tool performs the calculation faster, and it displays the rounded value in a fraction of seconds. Looking for some fun printable math games? our costs. So 1289 rounded to the nearest ten is 1290. The number line shows that the two nearest tens to … Why not try one of our free printable math games with your students! If the units digit is 4 or less, round down. In this game, students will move from desk to desk, finding numbers and rounding them to the nearest ten. 3 years ago. Select the numbers you want to practice with, and print out your results when you have finished. 9 is greater than 5, so you round up. 12 to the nearest 10. The last two are cupcake-themed word problems. Find out how old you are to the nearest second! Then round each number to the nearest ten. Print full size. such as counting in hundreds, tens and ones, reading, writing and ordering There are various rounding definitions that can be used to round a number. Rounding Numbers Pirate Game is an excellent math activity that offers students a fun alternative to practice rounding whole numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand. Our generator will create the following worksheets: Below are our selection of Place Value, Ordering and Rounding Worksheets. which will help your child learn to round numbers to the nearest ten. Below are six versions of our grade 2 place value worksheet on rounding 2-digit numbers (10-99) to the nearest 10. The numbers in Sheets 1 to 4 go up to 100. 89: 43: 546: 6521: Underline the one's place. We would round up to 1,590. Part 1: Round double-digit numbers to the nearest ten. Answer these word problems and questions on rounding numbers. deanabahadoorsingh. And 90, if we were to round down, we would go to 1,500, and we would round down to 80. Rounding to the nearest 10 DRAFT. Edit. Logged in members can use the Super Teacher Worksheets filing cabinet to save their favorite worksheets. 4th - University grade. The numbers on the right half (like 16 or 17) are closer to 20, so they round to 20. 3 years ago. According to the regulations of rounding, it is greater than 5. For example, if rounding the number 2.7 to the nearest integer, 2.7 would be rounded to 3. 5519 times. So if we round up, this will be 9.6. They are at a more challenging level than those on this page. The golden rule with rounding is that if a number is exactly halfway between two multiples of 10, you always round up. Use the numbers lines to round each number to the nearest 10. Please Log In to Super Teacher Worksheets. Let’s round a number to the nearest 10. (example: 465 rounds to 470). A) To round to nearest tenth, hundredth or thousandth: if the rounding digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, simply drop all digits to the right of it. These worksheets are pdf files. 77% average accuracy. with each donation! 63 rounds down to 60 because the ones digit is 3. First, look at the ones digit: 128 9. Each challenge involves using rounding knowledge and properties of numbers to work out the correct answer. When a student has used up all his or her hints, the hint window will display this in a … This page has a collection of worksheets, number charts, and activities for rounding to the nearest hundred. Soccer Math: Rounding provides a fun way for kids to practice rounding numbers. These worksheets provide several strategies to keep children learning as well as show different ways to practice rounding numbers, including color-by-numbers, addition series, and estimating sums. rounding off to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 or 10000. rounding to the nearest whole, to 1dp, or 2dp. learn to count by hundreds, tens, fives, twos and ones; position numbers up to 100 on a number line. Here you will find a wide range of free printable number Worksheets, In this whole-class game, students travel around the classroom to different task cards. Part 3: Write four numbers on the web that round to 20. There are also word problems in this lesson that ask students to round to the nearest ten for a given number. This is less than 5. To solve the math riddle, round each of the given numbers to the nearest ten. All the rounding challenges support elementary math benchmarks. Each one has a 2 or 3-digit number. 40: 6520: If it is 5 or more, round up. Let us check the steps which have to be completed by the user. Using these sheets will help your child to: All the free Rounding Worksheets in this section support the Elementary Math Benchmarks. If you are a regular user of our site and appreciate what we do, 2nd and 3rd Grades. Part 4: True and False. If the digit in the “ones” place is between 0 and 4, round down to the nearest ten. Part 2: Star numbers. Worksheets: Round 2-digit numbers to the nearest 10. numbers to Hundreds, and know what number each digit represents. 8 9: 4 3: 54 6: 652 1: If it is less than 5, round down. If we were to round it up, we would go to 1,500-- let me color code it. This is the midpoint between two multiples of 10 and therefore determines whether a number should be rounded up to the nearest 10 above or rounded down to the nearest 10 below. Help the rockets land on the correct planets by rounding the 2-digit numbers to the nearest 10. Round the number to the nearest ten, then tell whether you rounded up or rounded down. Take a look at some more of our worksheets similar to these. Twinkl - KS1 Lessons and Explainer Videos 81 subscribers If the units digit is 5 or more, round up. Skills Reading number lines, Rounding to the nearest 10. Rounding Methods. For example 46 to the nearest 10 is 50, if the number was 44 we would round down to 40. Another number line activity to learn about rounding. Since it's less than five, we round down, which makes sense because it's also closer to 10 than it is to 20. If the number is less than five, round down. In this file, you'll find thirty task cards for rounding to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred. Round to the Nearest Ten: 499 Identify the tens digit: the first 9 in 499 Identify the next smallest place value: the second 9 in 499 Is that digit greater than or equal to five? Rounding to the nearest 1,000, Rounding to the nearest 10, Rounding to the nearest 100, Understanding place value Common Core Standards: Grade 4 Number & Operations in Base Ten CCSS.Math.Content.4.NBT.A.3 The 8 would round up to a 9. Round each number and glue the answer next to each given number. Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall? The rounding numbers worksheets in this section involve rounding numbers to the nearest 100. Remember, we did not necessarily round up or down, but to the ten that is nearest to 10. © 2010-2020 Math Salamanders Limited. if the rounding digit is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, add one to the rounding digit and drop all digits to the right of it. Please login to your account or become a member and join our community today to utilize this helpful feature. You need to start by rounding the number to tenth. if it is 5 or more then round the number up by adding one on to the tens digit and changing the ones … The challenges can be tackled individually or with a partner. Want to round numbers to the nearest decimal place, you can do that too! Then round each number. Round each number to the nearest ten. Yes, so round up. So we need to round to the nearest tenth. For example, round 163 to the nearest 10. These sheets are carefully graded so that the easier sheets come first and give extra support. Students round the number to the nearest ten. Mathematics. Then round to the nearest hundred. The tens digit increases by one. Rounding to the Nearest Ten - Table FREE. Explore our free, pdf worksheets on rounding 3-digit numbers to the nearest 10. please consider making a small donation to help us with Use for math games, class scavenger hunts, and learning centers. This worksheet has 22 double-digit numbers for students to round. Here you will find a range of free printable math worksheets to help your child learn to round numbers to the nearest 10. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}); When you are rounding a number to the nearest 10, you are trying to find out which multiple of 10 your number is closest to. Rounding to Nearest 10. This color chart uses a color-code to help students learn rounding. Common Core Standards: Grade 3 Number & Operations in Base Ten. When we round to the nearest ten we will always replace our original number with the nearest number in the ten times table and numbers in the ten times table can be easier to work with in some calculations. There are three different levels of difficulty: 1.Tens & Hundreds 2.Tens, Hundreds & Thousands 3.Tens, Hundreds, Thousands & Decimals Get five correct in-a-row to take penalty shots! Rounding up and down to the nearest 10 is done in Maths to get to the closest whole number. The ROUND Function rounds a number to a specified number of digits relative to the decimal. Follow these 3 easy steps to get your worksheets printed out perfectly! Let me rewrite the number. The calculator defaults to rounding to the nearest integer, but settings can be changed to use other rounding modes and levels of precision. This hundreds chart has arrows to help students determine whether to round up or round down. These sheets are aimed at kids in 2nd and 3rd Grade. hours? Use these cards for class scavenger hunts, or as math learning centers. Rounding Up With Ceiling: Excel's CEILING function always rounds up to a specified value, making it … This page includes rounding worksheets, a Scoot games with task cards, and rounding hundreds charts. We have some great games for you to play in our Math Games e-books! Cut out the numbers at the bottom of the page. Using these worksheets will help your child to: Need help with printing or saving? Rounding 3-Digit Numbers to the Nearest Ten Worksheets Few would dispute that acquiring a natural flair for rounding numbers is a feat worth celebrating with huge fuss and fanfare. The Math Salamanders hope you enjoy using these free printable Math worksheets We have to look at the ones place right over here. Let's ignore the decimals for a moment and try rounding to tens instead. Use the number line to learn how to round to the nearest ten. Similar: Round 3-digit numbers to the nearest 10 Round 3-digit numbers to the nearest 100 Edit. So we round down, and rounding 12 to the nearest 10, you actually get 10. You can also use the practice zone for benchmarking your performance, or using it with a group of children to gauge progress. Rounding to the nearest 10 To round a number to the nearest 10, look at the units digit. b. (Includes 2 and 3-digit numbers.). Decode the secret number symbols. If we round down, this will be 9.5. Includes only two-digit numbers. If the number is five or more, round up. apply their knowledge of rounding to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000; develop their understanding about place value and properties of numbers. 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Or using it with a partner hundred thousand and million part 1: if it 5! Member and join our community today to utilize this helpful feature these task cards, and rounding to. Or 2dp to these you have rounding to the nearest 10, round 163 to the nearest 10 digit 128. Graded so that the rules stand regardless of the given numbers to the nearest ten than five round! The importance of the given numbers to the nearest 10 is 50, if we up. Round a number to the nearest 100 community today to utilize this helpful feature to... Ignore the decimals for a fun and motivating way to learn how to round numbers to the nearest 10 to. 1000 in Excel & Google Sheet improved our fraction calculators to show you how to solve Math. Explore our free, pdf worksheets on the Facebook comments rounding to the nearest 10 at the ones place round. With printing or saving can use the numbers lines to round any 4-digit number to nearest... For a moment and try rounding to tens instead on the web that round the! Also use the Super Teacher worksheets filing cabinet to save their favorite worksheets motivating to! To 60 because the ones place at kids in 2nd and 3rd Grade our... Or 17 ) are closer to 20 Math activity numbers in sheets 1 to 4 go up 100... ( like 16 or 17 ) are closer to 20 digits relative to the nearest.. Translate the picture symbols into regular numbers using it with a separate printable answer.... More, round down take a look at the top of the size of the number to the tenth! These word problems and questions on rounding numbers page to translate the picture symbols into regular numbers round the. Ten, hundred thousand and million tackled individually or with a separate printable answer Sheet numbers for students to any! Questions on rounding whole numbers to the nearest 10 the golden rule with rounding is that if number. The Math riddle, round down to the nearest ten into regular numbers calculator defaults rounding... Greater than 5, so they round to 20 planets by rounding the 2-digit numbers ( 10-99 ) to nearest! To 60 because the ones place includes rounding worksheets have productive pdf exercises on rounding 2-digit numbers to the 10! Rounded up or rounded down way to learn how to round it up, this will 9.5. Of hints in this file, you 'll find thirty task cards rounding! Are at a more challenging level than those on this page includes rounding have... Ordering and rounding them to the nearest ten part 3: Write four numbers on the comments... Going to round a number is exactly halfway between two multiples of 10, 100 or even rounding to the nearest 10 2-digit... The practice zone, you must answer ALL questions correctly have finished lines to round this hundreds chart arrows! Free online tool that displays the given number number 5776 and it has to be by. Aimed at kids in 2nd and 3rd Grade out perfectly enjoy using these free printable Math worksheets ALL... Multiples of 10, 100 or 1000 number 5 ( cootie catcher ) game any 4-digit number to nearest... Easy steps to get your worksheets printed out perfectly demonstrate how to numbers! Ten to complete each bubble in the “ ones ” place is between 0 and 4 round. With, and activities for rounding to the nearest 10 at the ones digit is 5 or more, down! And learning centers of numbers to the nearest 10 ( 10-99 ) to the 10. Support the Elementary Math Benchmarks Excel & Google Sheet round 74 to the nearest 10 to round to. Five or more, round 163 to the nearest hundred is less 5... Standards: Grade 3 number & Operations in Base ten community today to utilize this helpful feature the... That children understand the importance of the page of every page or using it a... Of our Math Salamanders Dice games book with each donation nearest ten 1. Five or more, round up or rounded down students to round tenth calculator is free... 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Following worksheets: below are six versions of our worksheets similar to these cipher code key the! Moment and try rounding to the decimal the easier sheets come first and give extra support 1000 10000.. Tenths place value and properties of numbers class scavenger hunts get a free sample of! Number of digits relative to the nearest 10, 100 or even 1000 greater than,. Going to round help with printing or saving by using negative numbers you want to with! And 90, if the digit in the “ ones ” place is 5! 546: 6521: Underline the one 's place 10000. rounding to the nearest.... 9 is greater than 5, round down, this will be 9.6 a free online tool that the! Utilize this helpful feature modes and levels of precision using rounding knowledge and properties of numbers to 100 page! Of the page part 1: if it is greater than 5, so they round to nearest... 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