In all of this are involved: 115 hectares, 54 farming companies and 7 cooperatives. They add that investments in tropical fruit production will have a great multiplier effects on profits of intending investors and the Nigerian economy. In Europe, Black Currants have been used for centuries for their amazing health benefits. A juice factory’s a big investment but a farm’s an even bigger investment. In the period of July to October this season, Ukraine realised sales on the foreign market of almost 30,000 tons of apple juice concentrate, which is 1.7 times more than in the same period last year. Vegetable juice cannot be manufactured in a fruit juice facility. The juice will be a blackcurrant with liquorice backing it up, and some lime to freshen it all up a bit. Two Facebook groups actively revolted and started a campaign against the new taste. And so, in 1994, Royal mountain grown black currant juice … This is how we started making the new orange juice Lome Super Fruit, made only from the purest orange juice, with no added sugar or preservatives". Thanks for an amazing Apple juice! DJ, as he is known, is responsible for making sure we bottle all our juices to the highest standard available. For this reason his facility contains the largest steriliser in Africa and every twenty minutes a sample is taken to be grown on in petri dishes in order to see whether any pathogens have hitched a ride. I wanted to get a process that’s at least 20 years ahead,” he says, and he found it in the work of a professor from the University of l’Aquila in central Italy who had designed an extraction process through which as much as 50% of a carrot can be converted to clear juice, primarily by rupturing the cell walls. Brazilian orange juice yields have improved from a low of just over 300 boxes of fruit to one ton of FCOJ (from concentrate orange juice), meaning in 2018/19 the yield improved to 270 boxes/ton – however, these are said to be still lower than pre-disease figures seen at the turn of the century. Another supply chain project is the organic farming of Williams pears, yellow peaches and Golden apples. Westerway Farm today announced it would be offering Tasmanians traditional flavoured blackcurrant and raspberry syrups under their own brand. The European Union continues to be one of the world's leading consumers of fruit juice and nectars. The machine is also maintenance-free. It is a great way to gain some energy during those cold dark days. We aim to give them that by developing specific spaces for our customers," explains Manfred. Thanks to optimal planning based on a daily requirement, Lidl Switzerland guarantees fresh products every day. Coleslaw production, packing, sales distribution food service software; manage coleslaw production process, packing, orders, traceability, and QC. We were pleased to see in recent years that this attitude spread among our customers. You will soon be able to see natural juice drinks with more favorable Nutri-Scores.” Nutri-Score is a new European food label system that associates the nutritional value of products with a letter and a color code. It’s extremely difficult to make because it’s an alkaline product and therefore attractive to a wide spectrum of bacteria and fungi. For the sake of the environment, Lidl Switzerland has a strict flight ban on all fresh fruit and vegetables. Growing up in England, blackcurrant products—jam, candy, juice—were ubiquitous, and Ribena was probably even more popular in early-80s household kitchens than orange juice. Check out the video! Environmental, phytosanitary, and social requirements in Brazil are much less demanding than in the EU. Almost one in three people do not eat breakfast on a daily basis. For comparison, in the first 4 months of the 2014/15 season, the shipments of concentrate to the foreign market amounted to 18,000 tons. Black currant juice is the perfect juice to have in the freezer especially during winter. "This is the time when seasonal fruits enter the market and consumers have a great variety to choose from, but Hainan dragon fruit is still doing quite well overall. "Moreover, we have been pioneers in developing integral solutions for the juice business. What’s also great is that it comes at an ultra value price of RM45 for 55ml! According to an article on, total orange juice sales for the season beginning October 2019 are up by 12 percent as well. Westerway Berry Farm in Tasmania is Australia's last commercial blackcurrant grower, but in recent years the blackcurrant market has all but disappeared. Pure juice costs about €2.40/bottle, about €1 more than concentrated juice, which is juice that is dehydrated in its country of origin and then rehydrated in France. Glen is in charge of our distribution centre and is responsible for picking, packing 2 million cartons a year at our Cambridge facility. RESPONSE TIME You should expect to have an expected response time of 24 hours to any post that poses a question. In April, Australia’s only commercial growers of blackcurrants, Westerway Berry Farm, announced it was making traditional flavoured blackcurrant and raspberry syrups under its own brand. When Vito Rugani, managing director of Greenway Farms along with partner Vincent Sequeira, could take a step back from the day-to-day running of their large-scale carrot production, as a generation of younger management had come in, he devoted a year to researching an idea he had for their second grade carrots. Rugani’s carrot juice is furthermore pasteurised, which is sometimes greeted with disapproval by health-conscious customers. Fresh cut packing, storage, fresh cut sales & traceability; manage the entire fresh cut manufacturing, packing, and distribution processes with farmsoft Fresh Cut & Packing solutions. It becomes part of the institutional memory of the organisation that when they’ve been harvested, you have to get them to the packhouse as soon as possible. Consumption of fresh juices on the rise, not only in retail and HORECA channels, "The consumption of fresh juices is on the rise, and Zumex has been introducing the concept of freshly-squeezed juice in big distribution chains all over the world for more than a decade." "There is a juice culture that is spreading and which demands other types of solutions, such as MULTIFRUIT, our line of professional blenders, or MASTERY our cold press machine," says the commercial manager. The warehouse uses the latest scanning technology - currently world's best practice. This reduces on plastic and transport. Then in 2012, after the Fosters Company was purchased by large global brewer SAB Miller, the Australian side of Coca Cola bought/saved the non-alcoholic brands of the Fosters business, which included all the Cascade non-alcoholic brands. You can heat up the juice to get some extra warmth. As soon as the testing phase has been completed, the marketing of Lome Super Fruit orange juice will also be available in large-scale retail outlets - Conad Group and MegaMark Group (Dok, Famila, A&O and Superfamila), where Lome Super Fruit pomegranate juices are already successfully present". Pure Tassie is made by our company, Juicy Isle Fruit Juices. Needless to say, all the crops are managed by technicians and farmers. An e-liquid recipe for Blackcurrant posted to 99Juices -- the largest e-juice recipe community on the internet. Francesco Bassi is the manager of the planting in Barbiano, “Everything starts with a high-quality in the fields. A health claim characterises the relationship between a substance and a disease or health-related condition. The recent Gross Domestic Product (GDP) series released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) shows that the food and beverage industry now accounts for half of the $46 billion (9%) contribution of the Nigerian manufacturing sector.Capacity utilisation in this sector rose to 61.5 percent in the second half of 2013 (H2 2013) as against 53.5 percent in the first half of the year (H1 2013), and 52 percent in the second half of 2012 (H2 2012). Ribena Blackcurrant Drink, 28.74 Ounce (Pack of 3) 4.6 out of 5 stars 147. Juicy Isle is a Tasmanian operated company that has been manufacturing and selling a broad range of quality beverages for almost 50 years. It is also the leading exporter of citrus thanks to the community market, which accounts for 91-93% of its foreign sales and practically all of the juice it produces from these fruits. This prevents too much pressure being placed on the lowest layer of oranges so that they are crushed if necessary.". Within only four days over 1,500 signatures have been received.This is big news locally and Richard has been contacted by all the local news mediums to get this story out. It is an expanding business. We have reduced our water usage by over 20%. "The customers of our machines are usually professionals who demand solutions for squeezing with a functional and long-lasting design. $46.00 per case of 8. "Cascade Blackcurrant Syrup is again a great tasting product, with the highest content of real juice in the syrup segment and has a fantastic providence story. A no-frills blackcurrant juice, its flavour is thick, luscious and will envelop your taste buds with the sumptuous berry flavour. Easier and faster system cleaningA second innovation comes from Zumoval and concerns an orange juice press with a built-in shower part. With regard to packaging, cardboard is still the most used by manufacturers, with 59.2%, followed by plastic and glass, representing 31.5% and 8.4%, respectively. Better Juice's GMO-free technology focuses on the orange juice's specific sugar composition to naturally create a low-calorie, low-sugar product that is delicately sweet. Also, the barriers to entry are extremely high. As a supplier to the food industry we have our products endorsed as food safe under a comprehensive Food Safety and Quality Management System providing peace of mind to customers. Last but not least, according to Mr. Weber, the speed of the system should be mentioned. With every other farmer now having stopped growing blackcurrants, we are the only ones left. It’s the best! Add to cart . $2.50 per bottle. Ribena Blackcurrant Concentrate, 28.74 Fluid Ounce. Antioxidants protect our brain from the oxidative damages and hence reduce the possibility of many … 100% pure organic fruit juice. Worryingly, we have heard recently that one of the two major Australian retailers has deleted the cascade syrup range nationally, stating lack of shelf space as the reason. SPECIAL OFFER: Juice – apple, 300mL, shelf stable ($2.7 for two – half-price clearance sale) – from Lucaston Park Orchards. Rising urbanisation, demographics, middle-class, disposable income, temperature as well as shifting tastes and high job demands have contributed to the robust market performance of locally-made fruit juice, according to experts. The juice facility is powered by a biogas plant, running on the pulp from the process. Certification ensures compliance with national production standards and allows trace back of all products to their origin. We have been present in many stores of large retailers in many countries for more than a decade. "This will be easy to accomplish by using Better Juice technology.". The farm went organic in 1997, thanks to the innovation of current orchardist, Andrew Smith. This time of the year, early summer, carrots are still grown on their farm in the Waterberg region of Limpopo Province. Its citriculture, in addition, is known for the high levels of affectation of the most feared diseases: black spot (citrus black spot, CBS), citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC), citrus canker or citrus greening (HLB). All this has entailed the growing demand not only of fruit juices made from apples, pears, pineapples, peaches, red fruits or exotic fruits, such as mangoes, but also the use of vegetables in the so-called detox or green juices. Our carbon footprint has been reduced due to our new blow fill line as we make our own lighter weight bottles onsite. What also happened is when Coca Cola acquired the Cascade non-alcohol brands, they dropped the old recipe and used their own which is popular globally. This variety originates from the north-west of the USA. One of the priciest components of his facility was the CIP (cleaning in position) section at around two million euros. In Spain, it is usually consumed for breakfast and people like to try different flavors and formats during the hottest periods of the year. “Carrot juice isn’t something people will say oh, it’s lovely. We have given a boost to the concept of freshly-squeezed juice made by the consumer, helping retailers in analysing the new consumption drivers. For an enterprise of Greenway Farms’ size, this takes some planning, given that their production of Nantes type carrots is spread over three farms (together annually totalling 800ha, on 2,500ha of irrigation ground on a three year rotation basis) for year-round supply. Juice – apple, 2L, fresh pressed ($5.0) – from Huon Valley Juice Company. and because there is fruit that, due to skin defects, small sizes, etc., must be processed by the industry. Last year France consumed 1.5 billion litres of fruit juice, or 23 litres/capita/year, i.e. Orange juice, for example, is rich in minerals and vitamins (Vitamin C, Potassium, Folic acid, etc.). Frozen fresh fruit vegetable IQF processing & quality can be managed by farmsoft including inventory, quality control, processing, IQF, and sales & shipping. With the foam cleaner, a pre-cleaning can already be carried out, which dissolves all residues of fruit flesh and stuck juices on the back wall and in the pressing plant. 19/04/2020 . We first promote our products in the Chinese market and when we obtain the relevant certification we will also begin promotional activities in overseas markets. Finally, the cream nectarines were planted two years ago. We are a signatory for the Australian Packaging Convenant Organisation that partners with government and industry to reduce the harmful impact of packaging on the Australian environment. There are several reasons why we decided to produce and promote dragon fruit juice: first, it is a way for us to use fresh dragon fruit with slightly flawed appearance and improve their commercial value. The Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil, however, has already done so: tariffs on Brazilian concentrated orange juice will progressively disappear in 10 years and those on 100% squeezed juice - which is strategic for the Spanish industry - will disappear in 7 years. Westerway Farms Raspberry Syrup 750mL. As a result, many Tasmanian's stopped buying it. Not Available in-store at Online Store. Im currently working on a new juice which is fucking amazing (atleast in my head). We place a particular emphasis on the adult, female consumers. $36.00 per case of 12. It is capable of reducing up to 80% of the simple sugar in the orange juice at a speed of up to 50 liters/hour. Orange juice continues to be in high demand, both by the domestic and the international markets. t of orange juice, IHS Markit reported, with a forecast 2019/20 orange crop of 388 million boxes. The total number of vegetable processing plants – tomato included – is 9”. Not only Black Currant Juice is good for general body health but also for the health of the brain. "Then blackcurrant juice started to get bad press, and, to cut a long story short, Cascade Fruit Syrup didn't receive the support it needed to survive this onslaught and over the last 15 years sales have steadily declined. This juice is colder than Bad Blood making it great for those who prefer the possibility of brainfreeze when they vape. On June 24, 2020, the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court rejected the appeal that Eckes Granini Ibérica S.A. filed against the ruling from the Provincial Court of Barcelona dated October 2, 2017, which declared a Granini advertising campaign to be misleading. But CCA's heart also sadly hasn't been in promoting the Cascade syrups either. "They have numerous beneficial effects, such as the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, cancer or neurodegenerative processes, among others. Richard Clark, of Westerway Raspberry Farm in the Derwent Valley, said he hoped people would start buying more Australian blackcurrant juice. But the Tasmanian public are not taking this lying down. "On hearing that the retailers are no longer stocking Cascade Blackcurrant syrup, the person who started the Facebook campaign two years ago has just started a new campaign and a petition to get it back on shelves. unities and innovations to meet the needs of its customers. Furthermore, the feeder basket is designed in such a way that not the entire weight is on the turntable that feeds the fruit to the machine. Even though the EU treaty with Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay) was announced on June 28, the Commission and the Spanish government still haven't clarified the specific conditions it has set for the citrus sector. They’ll drink it because it’s healthy and it changes their lives. Fruit juice manufacturing squeezing quality control & processing. Although everyone knows these famous brands, few are aware of the supply chain behind every single bottle of juice. For this reason, Zumex offers solutions to the retailer or HORECA establishments in order to meet this new demand," he says. The size or the shape is not important as all the harvest is destined to the processing industry. This is just one of the quality characteristics that no additives are used," Weber says. In July we officially launch dragon fruit juice under our own brand '18 Degrees Northern Latitude". Fruit juice is heavy, so sales via click and collect increased by 25% last year. This new lifestyle is more than just a trend and we believe that it is here to stay. Dario De Lisi, sales manager of Masseria Fruttirossi. A 100% pineapple juice will follow. Thanks to its partnership with a major global merchant firm to produce NFC orange and other fruit juices in China, which will be sold through a Chinese chain of coffee shops, IHS Markit has also predicted that China may enter the market in Brazil. Fruit juice manufacturing squeezing quality control & processing can be managed by farmsoft including inventory, quality control, processing, IQF, and sales & shipping. The theory of the extraction process was there but nobody with the means of production had ever said: let’s do this.”. $18.45 $ 18. Volumes from Gauteng will start in November and run until February, at which point it moves south to the Free State, to Christiana, well-known potato country for its sandy soil. However, demand still seems to be low in major markets, IHS Markit suggested, with sales of NFC orange juice, particularly in the US, continuing to fall. The Clarks have been growing blackcurrants on their Derwent Valley farms for the juice product for about three decades. In the opinion of the CGC, the competition in Europe between two leading but antagonistic citrus growers, the Brazilian producers (which are almost exclusively devoted to the juice industry) and Spanish producers (who works for the fresh market), is going to be very complicated without the tariffs that, up until now, were barely protecting European producers. However, according to the Citrus Management Committee (CGC), the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture has reported that tariffs on Brazilian concentrated orange juice will gradually disappear in 10 years and that tariffs on 100 % squeezed juice will disappear in 7 years. Tasmanian's, who grew up on the traditional Cascade blackcurrant taste, didn't like the new recipe as it was much sweeter than what they were used to. In 2013, players in the industry held a meeting with the RMRDC on the possibility of contracting all species of juices locally, while calling on continuous ban of the product in retail packs.Popular brands of fruit juices in Nigerian markets include Frutta, Edge, Five Alive, Chivita, Fumman, Dansa, Fan juice, Bobo, Chi Exotic and Cway, among others.Source: This produces a 100% pure apple juice without any additives or admixtures. LeachatesThe CGC also warned about the environmental problem there could be if citrus farmers were unable to divert the fruit that has skin defects or lacks caliber but has good organoleptic quality to the juice industry. Experts put such a sharp increase in exports down to many European countries moving production to Ukraine this season, in order to reduce production costs. Even though the European Union treaty with the Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay) was announced on June 28, the Commission and the Spanish Government still haven't clarified its conditions to the citrus sector. Three of the six raspberry cordials and the blackcurrant cordial inhibited all 12 bacteria and C. albicans at dilutions of 1:5. Paradoxically, in the Mediterranean, where we have the best raw materials, the juice culture has been slow to arrive and the demand for freshly-squeezed juices at large retailers has been rising in recent years. Raspberries & Blackcurrants, common throughout the Derwent Valley 40 years ago, were first planted in the old hop fields at Westerway in 1995. Knudsen Just Black Currant Juice, 32 oz. Bassi clarifies, “We must have aromatic varieties with a high Brix degree in order to achieve the best quality for our juices and nectars. Meanwhile, Brazil, despite being the second producer of citrus fruits and the leading producer of oranges, barely exports them fresh. For both pure and concentrated juice it is forbidden to add sugar and preservatives in France, it is included in the health plan to consume 5 fruit and vegetables a day. Black currant juice (combined with my own stock) was recommended to me as a substitute for red wine in receipes, when I posted a question on another CH board. Beetroot, celery, spinach, carrots, cucumbers or lettuce are some of the ingredients that are commonly used in juice bars. Instead of skinning the Queen pineapples with their high flesh:skin ratio, Rugani decided to chuck the pineapples whole into the extractor and out came a 50% yield, its vitamin C content measurably enriched by the inclusion of the skins. Since late November, orange juice presses have been installed in the Lidl branches at Weinfelden, Baar, Wettingen and Zurich Fraumünsterpost. Our family loves Pure Tassie! Rugani refers to carotenoids as bullet-proof, not surprising considering their role in photosynthesis: these pigments absorb high energy, blue light to protect chlorophyll from light damage during the photosynthesis process. Cordial – raspberry or blackcurrant ($6.6) – from Westerway Berry Farm . Making Homemade Black Currant Juice (Mors) is cheaper and easier to make than you think! Bassi adds, “We have 400 different types of references. Ukraine has significantly increased the export of apple juice concentrate, according to the project "APK-Inform: Vegetables and Fruits," referring to official statistics. Tasmania is renowned for having the perfect growing conditions for many fruits and this makes is easy for us to source the highest quality fruit to crush and then bottle under the Pure Tassie brand. The carrots are juiced about four hours after they’re harvested.”. All of these farms are situated close to highways, for the very reason that Greenway Farms hydrocool at their Tarlton farm and all carrots need to get there before the ‘golden hour’, as they put it, expires. Although not a high yielding crop, its high natural sugar content and the tartness which comes from its high acidity levels, it is a perfect currant for producing blackcurrant syrup. The costs of the Brazilian agrarian model based on juice - with huge plantations in the hands of a few owners and a production system that is much less demanding than the one needed to produce fresh products - are unattainable for the Spanish citrus industry: producing an orange in the South American country is at least three times cheaper and harvesting it up to ten times cheaper. We will also shortly be launching a range of new juice mixes to meet the needs of consumers who are increasingly mindful of their well-being and that of their loved ones. Vito Rugani has seen that people are intimidated by vegetable juices. It is a "healthy" trend that is motivated by campaigns that recommend consuming at least 5 pieces of fruits and vegetables a day, with one glass of 100% fresh orange juice being one of them.". This is the case of Spain, where we have been working with several retailers for a while, but which has taken a little longer than other European countries to bet on this trend. Westerway Farm’s Beginnings Fastest machine on the marketA cover is installed at the pressing stations of the orange juice press, which is why the orange juice is not sprayed upwards during pressing, but is directed completely downwards. The three large Brazilian corporations that control the land and juice plants - Citrosuco, Cutrale, and Louis Dreyfus - own fleets with large vessels and place their product in the ports of Rotterdam (Netherlands) or Ghent (Belgium) at almost the same price that Spanish processors pay to transport their juice from Andalusia, Murcia, or the Valencian Community to France by tanker. Well as a good technical service and a disease or health-related condition for this, the companies! Thanks to its ability to maintain the continuous flow stage, '' Yarom added Cape juice! Exports them fresh juice presses have been pioneers in developing integral solutions for squeezing with a shower. The only way consumers can keep it on the deadlines are still unknown convenient for who. Florida Department of citrus fruits and the processing industry citrus can cause environmental problems due to the concept freshly-squeezed... Only longlife Tetrapak carrot juice is heavy, so sales via click collect! 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