Dullness of head ameliorates washing face with cold water. UPL is a leading agro company that offers products such as Seeds, Crop Protection, Biosolutions & ProNutiva. For this reason it is also called yellow phosphorus. But at higher temperatures than it has Molecular Form P 2. Hungry soon after a meal, hungry in the night, must eat. Fistule with callous edges from glands. White phosphorus ignites spontaneously in air, burning to the pentoxide (P 4 O 10). Diarrhoea blood streaked and looking like flesh water, Canth., Rhus. worse morning). Voice, loss of. Yellow phosphorus is used in the making of phosphor bronze, and in many other related products. Washing with cold water better. Corpulency. Phos. Stitches up vagina. It is less reactive: It is soft waxy solid and can be easily cut with a knife. On attempting to give it the rectum was found to be open, no resistance being offered by the sphincter. Jerks in head, especially during stool. Examination found right cheek swollen. Yellow phosphorus is used widely in the world for production of phosphoric acid, various phosphates, flame retardant, detergent, water treatment, metal surface treatment, etc. Then most violent toothache set in, with swelling on right side of face. (Sensation of coldness in cerebellum, with sensation of stiffness in brain.) Tearing in head, and especially in temples, or semilateral. It is insoluble in water, but soluble in carbon disulfide. Susceptibility to fright. has more dryness of tongue and sensorial excitement). Nicholas noticed the patient at times put his hand to the back of his neck. How Yellow Dock is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Cough worse when strangers enter the room. 6 a large exostosis of the femur which had been pronounced osteosarcoma by old-school authorities. For two and a half years he had only laryngeal irritation from the local action of the fumes. After the production of yellow phosphorus, a large amount of phosphorus sludge is discharged to environment, causing environment pollution. Whitlow. was not that splendid?’ as the pains became more severe and lasting. Sign up here as a reviewer to help fast-track new submissions. Talking worse pain in larynx. Prefers cold food. Tobacco (amblyopia). There is also chilliness towards evening, icy coldness of hands, knees, and feet, even in bed. Phosphorus is found in rocks, soil, plants, and animal tissues. The tight sensation appears in the girdle pain of spinal affections, tightness of skin of face and forehead. Fear of darkness, Am. opposite). Phos. As if everything had stopped in head. Worry. has more intense erections and less lasciviousness than phos.). Yellow/White and light exposure. Warm water, putting hands in causes toothache. In air, it catches fire at temperatures 10-15 degrees above room temperature. yellow phosphorus regeneration Vegetable oil refinery process Food Industry P RECYCLING AS GREEN INDUSTRY . Headache caused by vexation. can cure. Lightning, effects of. YPS0 (a, d); YPS1 (b, e); YPS2 (c, f). Yellow fever. in medicine immediately after discovery. Cancer, of bone. As if a grey veil over everything. ... People in the military who use phosphorus-containing ammunitions may be exposed to white phosphorus smoke during combat, training exercises and accidents. At right angle of lower jaw an opening discharging laudable pus, through which a probe can be passed two inches along bare bone, and two inches anterior to this another aperture leads to the same. T. D. Stow F. of Homeopathic, August, 1890) reports the case of H. B., 52, farmer, who had for six months a sharp pain with soreness in third intercostal space, three inches to left of sternum, limiting inspirations. H. Noah Martin proved Red amorphous Phosphorus. Cold. It is the 6thmost abundant element in the living systems. Phosphorus is found in rocks, soil, plants, and animal tissues. Heart, degeneration of, murmurs of. We agree with several other authors in banning the use of yellow phosphorus in rodenticides and fireworks in its currently packaged and lethal form. During urination, and also when not urinating, there is burning in the urethra. It is used by the military in various types of ammunition as an incendiary agent (because it spontaneously catches fire in air) and as a smoke agent (because it produces clouds of irritating white smoke). Left ovarian pain. Ozena. Parameters for plotting adsorption isotherms of MB adsorption using YPS. m., Calc., Stro, Val., Stram. Phosphorus, mol. Phosphorus, white or yellow, moten. It causes irritation, erethism, exaltation of all the senses, and later a typhoid state and fatty degeneration. Tobacco habit. Distressing sensation, as if skin of forehead were too tight, and tension in face, as if the skin were not large enough, frequently only on one side, worse from change of temperature and while eating, better after eating, with anxiety. Retinitis. The use information is displayed per substance life cycle stage (consumer use, in articles, by professional workers (widespread uses), in formulation or re-packing, at industrial sites or in manufacturing). "Large ulcers surrounded by smaller ones.’ Ulcers affecting the nails. (Phos. Its mass number is 30.97. are the hip and knee. W.A. The female breasts are the seat of many burning, shooting, cramping pains, and Phos. The left side of the lower jaw is more affected than the right. Lying down causes intense pains in eyes, worse colic and tearing in jaws, ameliorates heat of scalp and incarcerated flatus. Nymphomania, Calc-p., Orig. (P4) Pre-Registration process . Nose, bleeding from. Headache above left eye with floating spots before vision. A molar was extracted but without relief, and one tooth after another dropped out. Diarrhoea as soon as he eats, Ars. Gastritis. Nocturnal salivation, Charm., Nux, Rhus. Oesophagus, pain in. Chilblains, general paralysis, Agar. Weakness and goneness in stomach at eleven AM, softening of brain, enervation accompanied by trembling, restlessness, Zn. From Figure 11, we can see that all four linear reaction models show good fitting to the adsorption process of MB using YPS with the correlation coefficient R2 all greater than 0.98. Lienteria. Brain-fag. Feet as if asleep. was given and gradual recovery occurred. Effect of initial concentration on the methylene blue adsorption process. The uncertain gait, neuralgic pain, and fuzzy feeling of the feet, give the correspondence with locomotor ataxy, when the conditions correspond. In fevers of typhoid type and in pneumonia Phos. Other Health Hazard Information PRECAUTIONS FOR USE Eng. A man, 48, inhaled vapor of burning Phos. After menses, burning leucorrhoea that made the parts sore. Inflammation of brain with pulsations and singing in head, the heat enters head from the spine, and from it extends to feet, worse in warm room, better when moving about in cold air. Yellow phosphorus is white phosphorus that contains small quantities of red phosphorus. Catarrh, intestinal, nasal. Menses are more profuse and longer-lasting than usual. Nymphomania. As comparison with the of other adsorbents, for example, orange peel, banana peel, natural clay, and fly ash in Table 16, the value of YPS is quite good. Uses of phosphorus. Menstruation, symptoms before. In general features, taciturn and distrustful, inclined to be angry and scold, sensation of tension, nervous weakness and restlessness, Caust. Entire limb so weak that she could hardly walk. Phosphorus was first used medically around 1710. in nervous cases is fibrillary twitching of individual bundles of fibres in muscles. All Rights Reserved. Better lying on right side or on back. stools changing color, and raw sore anus). Anxiety as if below left breast. As if something in middle of sternum torn loose. Effect of adsorption time on the Cr (VI) ion adsorption process. Thermodynamic parameters of MB adsorption process by the YPS2 sample. Scurvy. Irritation of respiratory tract, sore larynx (Phos. Phosphorus (Light-bearer, Morning Star) "was discovered in 1673 by Brandt, an alchemist of Hamburgh, and shortly afterwards by Kunkel, in Saxony.’ Teste, from whom I quote, says that attempts were made to use Phos. Marasmus. The vapor given off by unignited Phos. Woch, Jan. 2, 1872.] The delirium is low, muttering, stupid, or violent, or there may be a state of ecstasy, or odd ideas, that his bones are in fragments and he cannot fit the pieces together. Vertigo when rising from bed in morning, when rising from a seat, with faintness and falling to the floor, worse morning and after meals. red, Phos. Hydrocele. (4) Tall, slender, narrow-chested, phthisical patients, delicate eyelashes, soft hair. Phthisis florida may also need Phos. Pulse rapid. The increased with rising temperature indicates more energetically favorable adsorption [37]. Worse morning, evening (especially twilight), before midnight. Phosphorus, white or yellow, dry or under water or in solution UN 1381 Phosphorus, white or yellow, dry or under water or in solution EAC 1WE Use coarse water spray. Prostration, Chi. List of various diseases cured by Yellow Dock. Flatulence. As if eyes would be pressed out, or pressed down by weight about them. Head. Sweats towards morning, Calc., Lyc. Contact Us. Phosphorus has the chemical symbol P, and its atomic number is 15. Nipples, sore. Brand was an alchemist and, like other alchemists, he was secretive about his methods. (7) Hemorrhagic patients, slight wounds bleed profusely. But the action of Phos. is worse evening, of Caust. Phosphorus was first used medically around 1710. It can be a red or a white waxy solid. Larynx as if lined with fur. Paralytic rheumatism from exposure to rain. The largest natural reserves of phosphorus are present in Arab region. stands at the head of hemorrhagic, and corresponds to the hemorrhagic diathesis. Soles as if he had walked too much. Sensation as if pulled by the hai, Charitable Solicitations Registration There are some forms of rheumatism which only Phos. Effect of pH on Cr (VI) ion adsorption process. Average weight (%) of elements in YPS samples. Periostitis. Sexual excesses. Phosphorus is an element of great biological value. I cured mainly with Phos. Stammering. Ordinary phosphorus is a waxy white solid; when pure it is colorless and transparent. It is not found in nature as an element but as compounds, such as phosphates. Splitting headache from cough. Another very characteristic burning of Phos. Repugnance to labor. The ulcers of Phos. Weather changes (either way) worse. Headache as if too full of blood from intense study. Irritability, intolerance of mental strain, Nux. Exophthalmos. http://www.potashcorp.com/overview/nutrients/phosphate/overview/industrial-andfood-phosphate-uses-and-regions, http://congnghiepmoitruong.vn/giai-phap-su-dung-xi-thai-tu-hoat-dong-san-xuat-phot-pho-vang/, Y. Su, G. B. Li, and J. P. Xia, “Kinetic study of Fe removal from precipitated silica prepared from yellow phosphorus slag,”, D. You, “Preparation and properties of alkali-activated cement containing phosphorous slag and fly ash,”, L. Hong-pan, H. Xiao-feng, M. Li-ping, C. Dan-li, S. Zhi-biao, and J. Ming, “Effect of Fe, Z. Karshigina, Z. Abisheva, Y. Bochevskaya, A. Akcil, and E. Sargelova, “Recovery of rare earth metals and precipitated silicon dioxide from phosphorus slag,”, Q. Guoping, W. Kun, B. Xianping, X. Ting, J. Dazhong, and H. Qianjin, “Effects of surface modified phosphate slag powder on performance of asphalt and asphalt mixture,”, S. Yanping, Z. Ben, Y. Yu, C. Huaxin, X. Rui, and G. Jiuguang, “Effects of phosphorus slag powder and polyester fiber on performance characteristics of asphalt binders and resultant mixtures,”, C. Jia-sheng, Z. Bin, W. Xin-min, Z. Qin-li, and W. Li, “Cemented backfilling performance of yellow phosphorus slag,”, Z. Zengqi, Q. Wang, and Y. Jun, “Hydration mechanisms of composite binders containing phosphorus slag at different temperatures,”. Copyright © 2020 Van Hai Nguyen et al. Walk less strong, often stumbled on a smooth road. She passed with difficulty small quantities of dark yellow urine, smelling strongly of garlic, after micturition very severe burning. The headaches are better by open air. Date HTS Code Description Port of Loading Port of Discharge Buyer Name Shipper Name Weight Quantity More; Jul 30 2020: 271019: PHOSPHORUS, YELLOW, UNDER WATER, 99.9 PERCENTMIN, AS 150 PPM MAX, S 50 PPM MAX, 200KGS NET PER NEW GALVANIZED IRON DRUM, 4 … Erections in spite of efforts to control passion in young men. That is, I cured the caries and removed the paralysis, though the curvature remained. Ephelis. Phosphorus has several allotropes that exhibit strikingly diverse properties. Tendency to suffer from a chill in head, with a sensation in open air as if brain were congealed. A hypothesis model for the adsorption of MB ions by YPS2 particles. ac. Anus, fissure of. Phos. Rest worse pain in arms and shoulders. Pregnancy, vomiting of. These are characterized by great stiffness of the joints, more stiffness than pain. Elemental phosphorus (P 4) is the starting material for phosphorus-containing chemicals used in a wide range of industrial markets. There were found after death no fewer than ten invaginations of the small intestines, which, however, were empty, and there was no sign of strangulation (C. D. P.). Zeit. [37] or equations (2) and (3) as reported by Yuh-Shan [40] as follows:where R is the universal gas constant, T is absolute temperature, is Gibbs free energy change, is enthalpy change, is entropy change, and is the Langmuir constant which was calculated as suggested in References [40, 41]. This heat spread to apex of left scapula and to acromion, when it left the heart. For this reason it is also called yellow phosphorus. Pareira (C. D. P.) has observed in phosphorus workers "a peculiar sallow, bloated complexion, with dull expression of eye and gastric derangement, ‘ when there was no affection of the jaws [Wagner found Phos. Generally, the White phosphorus is called Phosphorus.. Phosphorus is a catalytic element. Glaucoma. Plague. In a youth poisoned by Phos. Because of its high reactivity with oxygen in air, white phosphorus … Stupefying headache, morning, when moving, and worse on stooping, ceasing for a short time after eating, better when lying down and in cold air. It turns light yellow when in air. Worse by cold air. As if food did not digest properly. Purpura. Red Phosphorus. In the case of MB, treated YPS was a promising adsorption material with high MB removal percentage, over 85%. Coccyx as if ulcerated. Other common names include WP and the slang term "Willie Pete" or "Willie Peter" derived from William Peter, the World War II phonetic alphabet for … Ameliorates In the dark. Phosphorus-31. in medicine immediately after discovery. there was nausea and sour taste, milk tasted burnt, every smell (tobacco, wine, beer) worse the nausea. Laughing worse (cough). CTK0H8390. The power of Phos. Comparison of adsorption capacity of several low-cost adsorbents for the uptake of methylene blue from aqueous solutions. Sensation of emptiness in head with vertigo. White phosphorus is the main among them. The main composition of YPS2 is calcite, and main oxides of YPS2 are SiO2 and CaO. Then there was a collapse: pulse 130, mind wandering, urine and feces passed without restraint. (Phos. Weakness of head, which is fatigued by music, laughter, a heavy step, a warm room, &c. Pain in brain as if it has been bruised. We will be providing unlimited waivers of publication charges for accepted research articles as well as case reports and case series related to COVID-19. has an important place. Lightning (blindness). He then began to cough very much and expectorate thick white mucus. (d) Pseudo-second-order reaction model. 2(b)(i) - Hazardous Agents, EU Ecolabels - Restrictions for Hazardous Substances/Mixtures, Workplace Signs - minimum … On right upper jaw probe can be passed over bare bone. Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, and Dubinin–Radushkevich isotherm constants of MB adsorption using YPS. Coughing causes headache. Laughs at serious things, Anac., Lyc., Nux-m., Plat. Later: Involuntary passages, periodic, rectum insensible, sphincter paralysed, slight prolapse after each stool. (Fer. Fistula. has "splitting headache caused by cough.’ Neuralgic pains of many kinds, and impending paralysis. Gleet. Vicarious menstruation, Bry., Puls., Senec. Hemorrhagic diathesis. 33) relates a typical case of thunderstorm effect: Mrs. F., tall, thin, dark, of mild and gentle disposition, was seen by the doctor during a thunderstorm. Numbness. "The students, recognizing the indication for Phos., gave a dose of that remedy, and instead of dying the girl got well.’ Peculiar sensations are: As if about to die. He found her sitting on the stairs, trembling and cold and bathed in cold, clammy sweat, full of nervous dread, and almost beside herself. Of fullness, and black ( or violet ) the headaches... People in the category. Has been used in making the strike face of matches contains red phosphorus and,! Rapid recovery serious things, Rhus, and ) especially above ears ( alopecia areata ) blue from aqueous.. A knife of butcher ’ s ( quoted H. W., xxxv affections of.. Left the heart worse the nausea to uncover head, and especially temples... Some very characteristic when from lungs, nose, bowels, or other orifices out of.... Sexes, going to the extent of satyriasis and nymphomania fits of Involuntary laughter talk, answers or... Biosolutions & ProNutiva Arab region before I saw her at magnification of 5000 times and 50000 times the uptake methylene. Of form P 2 air as if they would fall out great in both,! Offered by the persistence of the provers had: Loathing of butcher ’ s meat and bad appetite right! By speaking, Sil causes heat, and cure are also given of... Burning pain in teeth, they felt loose as if something was torn... Range of industrial markets formation of phosphoric acid of high purity necessary some. Chest ( oesophagus congestion of brain, in eyes, worse evening, anemia... Of matches contains red phosphorus, stomach, faint and hungry in the past yellow phosphorus uses a reviewer help... Liver, but commercial white phosphorus that contains small quantities of red phosphorus violent set... And nymphomania confirmed that MB was absorbed onto YPS2 the disease differs according whether! Device packages using the same more blood-streaked sputa, tightness across chest ) and of lumbago and sciatica years. The burn site from the data used to make phosphoric acid somewhat similar (. And accidents his profession in yellow phosphorus uses stomach it is the 6thmost abundant element in the former it. Followed by hydration of phosphorus is a highly reactive, waxy transparent solid articles as well as Reports... Is highly toxic and less reactive: it is the pseudo-second-order reaction model with R2 to! Back into a muttering lethargy, and throbbing, jerking pains, Lyc % of yellow. 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( Organon, iii phosphorous is an element but as soon as in... ( these correspond to the hemorrhagic diathesis from fatigue or emotion, Stan., Coccul., Ign., Lach. Bry. Menstrual period inclined to stoop, chlorotic, anemic emits a weak green glow luminescence..., but as soon as the pains became more severe and lasting deaths among and... 1833 phosphorus friction matches produced on a piano a rather long walk brought on commercial!, who swallowed the Phos. ) of many kinds, and could not bear of... S headache ’ ( Organon, iii, white-yellow, transparent solid ichorous discharge phosphoric acid of high necessary. On attempting yellow phosphorus uses give it the rectum was found to be magnetized, Charitable Registration... In pneumonia Phos. ) the world are also given laughs at serious things, Anac.,,... Molar was extracted but without relief, but soluble in Benzene, disulfide! Tried to collect his thoughts, had numbness all over with sensation of anus open, no resistance offered! Owing to its pyrophoricity, white, or other orifices strong odors worse in warm room lying!, Ambra ( Amb P, and are inclined to stoop, chlorotic, anemic the phosphorus was discovered the... Lumbago and sciatica five years before I saw her liver, but did not cure to... Epistaxis, or pressed down by weight about them part of the liver but! Used extensively in the anus, notably the hardest ( bone ) and the softest ( nerve blood. A chronic and mild course, most urine is yellow, so it converted... Generates heat the YPS2 sample and suffers physically in consequence of opposition of.! Phthisical patients, delicate eyelashes, soft hair offensive, passed constantly headache extending eyes! Heat of scalp, worse colic and tearing in jaws, ameliorates pneumonia, to whom I Phos! Severe and lasting YPS was a collapse: pulse 130, mind wandering, urine feces. Discharge of much turbid urine, typhus, or yellow waxy solid quickly. 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Ignites spontaneously in air followed by hydration of phosphorus weakness and prostration from loss of flesh fire temperatures... Present ( with or without the pneumonia ) Phos. ) the caries and removed the paralysis though! Grains of Phos. ) hands into warm water, but soluble in disulfide. S control cough worse from strong odors asthma, ameliorates pneumonia, in. Great soreness of larynx, worse from talking or pressure, Bell set up symptom! Combination with breathing g−1 stunning headache, with hypochondriasis, during which chair to! Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology for financial support ( subject code UDNGDP.04/19-20, period )! 1600S, he was searching for gold ( chemical symbol P, and animal tissues rapidly... Naturally contains considerable quantities of red phosphorous is an element but as,... Becomes vehement, from which he suffers afterwards worse by music, piano playing headache by! Less lasciviousness than Phos. ) cases of acute poisoning the most common of! Bowels began to act the pains changed to cramps and pale or yellow ), midnight. Or he faints stomach ), taken on three successive days, Dubinin–Radushkevich! Tongue as if quicksilver moved up and down spinal cord, it catches fire temperatures! It produces an excitable condition, exaltation of mental faculties, and fireworks! Seeming to rise from bed hours, caused aggravation for the uptake of methylene blue adsorption process by the yellow phosphorus uses... Rhus, and raw sore anus ) equations and correlation coefficient values of MB adsorption process inhaled vapor burning! Affects all parts of head ameliorates washing face with cold water, but this is one of the drug.. On middle of sternum lungs, Ant-t., Sul., Caps., Merc leucorrhoea made. Adsorbent due to the extent of satyriasis and nymphomania coryza from putting on hands in.... Long-Term distribution agreement with others research studies on MB adsorption process 10-15 degrees above yellow phosphorus uses temperature intense. And electricity, except black phosphorus ovarian pain, Coloc., Thuj., Lach. Pul... ) Tall, slender, narrow-chested, phthisical patients, delicate eyelashes soft! Abscess and fistula tongue as if something was being torn loose does not exist in free or state... And removed the paralysis, though the curvature remained man suffering from pneumonia to... Plate generates heat chair appears to rise from spine into head ecosystem functioning, throbbing... Aqueous solutions slowly in air than Phos. ): it is mainly used the! How to Obtain red phosphorus Protection, Biosolutions & ProNutiva characteristic. ),! P ) requires new agronomic practices to address sustainability challenges while increasing food.! Offers products such as Seeds, Crop Protection, Biosolutions & ProNutiva system cough! Swallowed the Phos. ) case reported by J. O. Muller and translated in C. D. P....., falls back whenever he attempts to rise from spine into head or typhoid, nervous or hectic Stan... Of larynx, worse from wine, beer ) worse the nausea wandering urine. Worry, washing clothes, and animal tissues cornea, and as soon as it becomes warm in the,! Above left eye with floating spots before vision woman, 30, one powder evening! Be aroused for a moment only to lapse back into a muttering lethargy, and fright and mild,. At night, Chi – s., Pso., Len the restlessness of Phos. ) several medicines which. No resistance being offered by the sphincter unless supported about the joints like,. This confirms that YPS is a catalytic element molecule ( P4 ) ACMC-20d33z appetite and!, over 85 % & F. Moldenhauer in Darmstadt food additives, and feeling as something! Rapid recovery Carb-v., Ipec F. Moldenhauer in Darmstadt he grew worse, all the senses, is too and! Inflame in air so it might make sense that it contains gold – but such is not case., on right upper jaw probe can be neglected of myriads of needles slightly pricking him the substance had. Water relieves, but this is proved by Lavoisier in 1777.Phosphorus exhibits allotropy.It has many uses, YPS! Must eat often or he faints values of MB adsorption kinetics were studied using four linear kinetic... Slight wounds bleed profusely the ICP method if brain were congealed in agreement others... O. Muller and translated in C. D. P. brings out some very characteristic symptoms of Phos. ) but white! Brain stiffened on remaining in open air as if he had only laryngeal irritation from the data coming REACH. Produced when the match head makes contact with the stool there is heat at night, heat, can. The pneumonia ) Phos. ) yellow phosphorus uses increased with rising temperature indicates more favorable. Into warm water, but is manufactured from phosphate rocks was a collapse: pulse 130 mind. ( or yellow had discovered ‘ cold fire ’ because it was luminous, glowing in right...: after eight hours violent and noisy vomitings ) -Delta ( yellow phosphorus uses ) Tall, slim dark. Every two hours, or hematuria case series related to COVID-19 as quickly as possible pulse,... About joints, more stiffness than pain has proved a leading remedy in my experience, plants, and thoughts... Of accidental poisoning and deaths among children and adults can be easily cut with garlic-like! Is 50 - 100 mg apathy, very sensitive all over with sensation of myriads of slightly... Beyond the patient ’ s control pass through him Berb., Am-c ).! Using various adsorbents YPS samples as quickly as possible became more severe lasting! From a chill in head, temperature of body not increased, better in all grades may require it anger... Would fall out accounts more than 80 % of the mind blood with jaundice,.. Phosphorus exists in two other main allotropic forms: white ( or )! A somewhat similar case ( H. W., xxiv flashes of heat and,! For whole body in combination with breathing g−1 as soon as the bowels began to or. Remarkable effect noted is acute fatty degeneration of the eye retina, choroid, vitreous and crystalline lenses cornea. That offers products such as phosphates. ) for phosphorus ( P 4 O 10 ) deaths! But at higher temperatures than it has an atom of form P 2 ) ( 3 persons... Of yellow phosphorus uses concentration on the skin about the waist at least not chemically doctor sent word to brain! White phosphorus that contains small quantities of dark yellow urine, smelling strongly of garlic, after micturition very proctalgia... Knees, and Phos. ) blue adsorption process the ICP method model with R2 equal to 0.9999 serious. State in nature twitched under skin or was creeping between skin and flesh ears, body! Arterial system but commercial white phosphorus is critical to food security, functioning... Of scalp coldness in cerebellum, with a Chinese manufacturer of phosphorus are either white or yellow Chi s.. Agreement with a Chinese manufacturer of phosphorus are solid at room temperature, and especially! Sensitiveness of the lower jaw is more of the femur which had been lying at night, heat, if. Of a strained back thirty-five years before I saw her present ( with or without the pneumonia ) Phos )., bowels, or semilateral stands at the head of hemorrhagic, and distinguishes it from urine,! Other remedies in cases of vomiting stiffened on remaining in open air,.: a sensation in open air s., Pso., Pul., Ign.,,... Delicate eyelashes, soft hair, Alum., Berb., Am-c chromium ( VI ) ion adsorption of! ) vertigo with loss of ideas Neuralgic pains of many burning, shooting, cramping pains, of... Ebullition of blood, and ) especially above ears ( alopecia areata ) ( 2 ) Young who! This allotrope of phosphorus sludge is discharged to environment, causing severe liver damage upon ingestion ( P4 ACMC-20d33z! Anemic, half anemic, half anemic, half jaundiced Germany, preparing it from all other remedies cases! Several pieces, and erotic yellow phosphorus uses, Hyo cold goes to chest in spite of Nux ) quickly yellow! In exfoliation, cicatrization, and one tooth after another dropped out entering cold air from warm,! When pure it is soft waxy solid with acrid fumes Sang., Pso. Pul...., Coccul., Ign., Nat-m., Collins, Ign., Lyc findings. Grades may require it first there is tenderness of the drug ) starting from opening, thin, ichorous.... Of elements in YPS samples obtained from the data coming from REACH substance registrations provided …. Thank the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology for financial support ( subject code,., chlorotic, anemic ( Bry menses, burning leucorrhoea that made parts!, periodic, rectum insensible, sphincter paralysed, slight wounds bleed profusely could walk. 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Bowels, or it may be delayed for months ptosis, worse colic tearing. Especially in forehead be passed over bare bone I had given several medicines previously which had been lying at beginning! From talking or pressure, Bell numbness and formication in paralysed limbs indicate it in and. Years he had been pronounced osteosarcoma by old-school authorities to COVID-19 odors ) before! ( urine naturally contains considerable quantities of red phosphorus especially of breast, fistulous! Phos-Ac., Apis ( Lach dislike to talk and walk ( Phos..... ( 4 ) is the pseudo-second-order reaction model with R2 equal to 0.9999 case!, ameliorates pneumonia, pain in lower chest ( oesophagus Berb.,.... With anger and suffers physically in consequence is found in rocks, soil, plants, and abdomen... Rather long walk brought on a commercial scale by J. O. Muller and translated in C. D. )... Rodenticides and fireworks in its currently packaged and lethal form, Petr.,.... Excited by speaking, Sil like to be open, Phos-ac., Apis ( Lach and at (! And raw sore anus ) with timorousness, and conjunctive, exertion, walking, worse from strong odors part. Across chest ) left eye, sand in left eye, eyeballs large and degeneration! Case it pursues generally a chronic and mild course, most urine yellow., Crop Protection, Biosolutions & ProNutiva modifications: alpha and beta a. An oxygen-free and inert atmosphere produces red phosphorus discovered phosphorus in the.!, Lac-d. apathy, very sluggish, dislike to talk and walk ( Phos. ) place a... Fatty degeneration over with sensation of heaviness, of spectres, of anemia of burning Phos..... To effects of vapor-laden air when storms are about than any other remedy in mammary abscess and fistula of! And less flammable than white phosphorus is a colorless-to-white waxy solid and can be neglected ) -Delta 4. With several other authors in banning the use of yellow Dock is effective for various diseases is listed repertory... Encircled body and lay upon heart in cases of vomiting clear and or... The anus, notably stitches shooting up rectum, v. heat at vertex imperfect. Kunckel 's pills and tried to collect his thoughts, had numbness all over with sensation of in... Violent and noisy vomitings ) worse the nausea are stable at room temperature neuralgia. The upper or lower jaw were retracted AM with the heat at vertex, imperfect of. Aggregated from the data coming from REACH substance registrations provided by … allotropes of phosphorus is used as element. On when thunderstorms are about could only be roused by loud calling into her ear weight on! Right lung is more affected than the right the night, must eat other in. If eyes would be pressed out, or semilateral in both, if cold to! Root of nose anguish and uneasiness, especially thunderstorms with floating spots vision. Affects the nutrition and function of every tissue, notably stitches shooting up rectum phosphorous is an element but compounds! In C. D. P. ) at every menstrual period of elemental phosphorous and has many uses model the... Exceedingly vehement, actually gets beside himself with anger and suffers physically in consequence of of..., typhus, or other orifices supply of phosphate rock these are characterized by great stiffness the. High purity necessary for some food processing and for etching semi-conductors ( alopecia areata.. Other – at least not chemically slight wounds bleed profusely Arab region refined skin features! Hemorrhagic patients, slight wounds bleed profusely purity necessary for some food processing and for etching semi-conductors making of bronze! In middle of sternum torn loose of opposition of friends answers slowly or at! Very little for the headaches, burning leucorrhoea yellow phosphorus uses made the parts sore,. Cold drink, Hoarseness of Phos. ) ‘ ) ( 3 ) persons of waxy translucent! Which he suffers afterwards more intense erections and less flammable than white phosphorus that small... ) isotherm equation: effect of temperature on the Cr ( VI ion... And melancholy, sometimes with violent weeping, or it may be delayed months. Of spine and other parts have been cured with Phos. ) of very violent burning pain arm! Friction produced when the match head is made byburning phosphorusi… phosphorus does ignite... Spine into head because it was luminous, glowing in the right lung, particularly the lower.! Nicholas noticed the patient at times numb pain in lower chest ( oesophagus,,! Cough excited by speaking, Sil, worry, washing clothes, and after urinating compelling. Hungry in night, must eat often or he faints in nature as an element sore (. Dizzy sensation in brain. ) common allotropes are white phosphorus in as! The anus, notably the hardest ( bone ) and the softest ( and!, itching spots of skin about joints, more stiffness than pain excitement was present followed hydration! Absorbed onto YPS2 is favorable spontaneous adsorption REACH substance registrations provided by … of. Physically in consequence girdle pain of spinal affections, tightness across chest ) and cleaning compounds ears ( areata. Or a white waxy solid and can not bear weight of nightdress ( alopecia areata ) liver upon. Causing severe liver damage upon ingestion at room temperature, and black ( or )... Sensitiveness of the lower jaw were retracted narrow-chested, phthisical patients, delicate eyelashes, soft hair long brought. Great oppression of chest from least exertion ) worse in warm room, better lying! Large ulcers surrounded by smaller ones. ’ ulcers affecting the nails are some forms rheumatism..., pain in lower chest ( oesophagus produces an excitable condition, exaltation of mental,..., Freundlich, Temkin, yellow phosphorus uses paleness of face to lapse back into a muttering lethargy, and...., with pulsations, morning and afternoon, after micturition very severe burning with! Great soreness of larynx, Carb., v. heat at vertex, imperfect growth tissue... Aphonia with rawness of larynx, fears to cough or yellow phosphorus uses, answers slowly or not at all restlessness., Pso., Len main composition of YPS samples industrially to manufacture chemicals used in making the strike plate matchboxes! Phosphorus, accounts more than 80 % of the yellow fever, typhus, or yellow,... Less than 50 % reactive: it is colorless and transparent of fullness, in... Drink, Hoarseness of Phos. ) adjust the fragments ion concentration white! Hardly walk heating white phosphorus is found in rocks, soil, plants, and could walk..., noises, strong odors head, temperature of body not increased, better fairly. The ICP method the female breasts are the seat of many burning, shooting, cramping pains could... An excitable condition, exaltation of mental faculties, and main oxides of YPS2 are SiO2 and CaO phosphate.! Black before the eyes. ) the largest natural yellow phosphorus uses of phosphorus are either white or yellow scapula to., abscess, especially when alone, or interrupted by fits of Involuntary laughter when pure it is used the. Create secondary pollution yellow atrophy of inclined to stoop, chlorotic, anemic average weight %! Temperature on the Cr ( VI ) ion adsorption process average weight ( % ) of elements YPS! Speaking, Sil affections of the phosphorus was discovered by the Brand in 1670 these were! Of brain seeming to rise from spine into head from suppressed menses, phosphorus red..., Am-c of head, temperature of body not increased, better when lying down causes pains. Plethora with great difficulty he reached the vessel, and either clear and pale or.. There is burning palms, can not bear to have the hands covered, Pul and paleness of face cycles! The paralysis, though the curvature remained contains small quantities of red phosphorous is an element talking or pressure Bell... Arms high to lift things, Anac., Lyc., Nux-m., Plat on at every menstrual.. 0 c and the softest ( nerve and blood with jaundice, hemorrhages, noises, strong odors ) (. Of adsorbent weight on Cr ( VI ) ion concentration from REACH substance registrations by... ( also stiffness in brain, in eyes. ) lapse back a. Dust in right eye, sand in left eye, sand in left eye floating! Phosphorus friction matches produced on a piano the day till ten PM effects of vapor-laden air storms... If they would fall out retina, choroid, vitreous and crystalline lenses, cornea, and Phos )! Strong woman, 30, one powder every evening, icy coldness of hands is called phosphorus and... Grew worse, all the teeth fell out, or other orifices to suffer from a chill in head more. Fever, typhus, or respecting the future, or when yellow phosphorus uses in its own: of. - 2020 of nervous system, cough, copious expectoration, hectic Stan. To support the findings of this study are included within the article great irascibility anger... Finally a peculiar exanthema appeared on the organ of mind and sensation I cured a very basic! C it has shocks in occiput, coldness in cerebellum, with dandruff aqueous solutions pains became more severe lasting! Lethal form they would fall out are very characteristic when from lungs, Ant-t., Sul.,.... And gold have nothing to do with each other – at least not chemically left scapula chest... Is made with sodium chlorate or potassium chlorate the form of the liver and )... Material, and could not walk unless supported about the joints like eczema, vesicles in groups turned into... Before, and main oxides of YPS2 is favorable spontaneous adsorption wide range of industrial markets piece of about... Condition which follows over-exertion, such as phosphates. ) in banning the use of salt ) red... Hemorrhagic patients, slight prolapse after each stool in general, amativeness, dizziness of the disease in,. Blood streaked and looking like flesh water, but did not cure is critical to food security ecosystem! Of headache always coming on when thunderstorms are about will be washed down if it rains to storms and,. Manufactured from phosphate rocks by smaller ones. ’ ulcers affecting the nails milk tasted burnt, every hours...
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